i mean copied from my website.....
I read a little more about the "King's 5th" by going on your website, and I find it fascinating. I hope you'll be sharing more. Was there any clue as to who buried it there?
Also just to clarify, I'm not interested in knowing how much there was, or where exactly it was buried. I know better than to ask for that.
deducer....that story had been kept pretty quiet until the first rendezvous when i told greg davis, joe ribaudo and a few others about it...carroll related the story to me about 30 years ago...in 1968 carroll and a few partners located a treasure in the goldfield area by following symbols carved in cactus and rocks...they located it on top of a hill that had many cryptic symbols on it...they spent years following the symbols and trying to interpret what they meant ..they finally triangulated in on it and found the spot....they all agreed to go home and get some sleep and meet back at the spot very early in the morning to dig it up...carroll did just that but when he got back to the hill the next morning he saw a freshly dug hole at the spot they were going to dig...he examined the hole and he could see the imprints of where the bars had been..at first he thought someone had been spying on them the day before and had dug the bars up after carroll and his partners left the night before...but then he realized his partners had not showed up at the site yet....he was there alone and then he figured out that his partners had never left the site and dug the hole after carroll left....he scoured the country looking for them but they were never heard from again....it didnt take long for word to get out that something was recovered on that hill and soon everyone in the area was digging on that hill hoping to find more treasure...they had heavy equipment and dynamite and pretty soon it looked like a war zone on that hill....carroll has the names of the pukes that robbed him in his notes but i only recognized one...apparently he made a habit of robbing his partners because i heard he did the same thing to his partners on another dig 10 years earlier
As I recall, I asked you if you would tell that story, as it was yours to tell. I had read or heard it from you before the 1st. Rendezvous. Seems, as I recall, that the hill was located just off the Second Water Rd., close to the trailhead. Memory changes after a few years and a number of near death episodes in life.
Take care,
..joe..my memory is about shot too but maybe between the two of us we can get a few facts straight...lol....and yes..the hill isn't far from the trailhead
you must have heard the story from someone because it has never been in a book until glover put it in his latest book
I told Thomas that the story was yours, and he asked me to get your permission to put it in his book. You kindly agreed and made some minor factual changes.
Take care,
deducer....that story had been kept pretty quiet until the first rendezvous when i told greg davis, joe ribaudo and a few others about it...carroll related the story to me about 30 years ago...in 1968 carroll and a few partners located a treasure in the goldfield area by following symbols carved in cactus and rocks...they located it on top of a hill that had many cryptic symbols on it...they spent years following the symbols and trying to interpret what they meant ..they finally triangulated in on it and found the spot....they all agreed to go home and get some sleep and meet back at the spot very early in the morning to dig it up...carroll did just that but when he got back to the hill the next morning he saw a freshly dug hole at the spot they were going to dig...he examined the hole and he could see the imprints of where the bars had been..at first he thought someone had been spying on them the day before and had dug the bars up after carroll and his partners left the night before...but then he realized his partners had not showed up at the site yet....he was there alone and then he figured out that his partners had never left the site and dug the hole after carroll left....he scoured the country looking for them but they were never heard from again....it didnt take long for word to get out that something was recovered on that hill and soon everyone in the area was digging on that hill hoping to find more treasure...they had heavy equipment and dynamite and pretty soon it looked like a war zone on that hill....carroll has the names of the pukes that robbed him in his notes but i only recognized one...apparently he made a habit of robbing his partners because i heard he did the same thing to his partners on another dig 10 years earlier
AZDave, you mentioned that after this "King's Fifth" was recovered/stolen the area became a Park. As in "cause/effect" or are you just stating that as matter of fact ?
Had to be silver if it was the King's %. All gold belonged to the King except for personal jewelry (if gold). That is why there are so many gold chains found at the ship wreck sites.silver
View attachment 1467731
Carl Boderick with silver bar from just north of Government Well.
Silver bar weighed between 8 - 10 lbs.
Steve Barrik told Carl the silver bars were stolen from a shipment of silver from the Silver King mine and hidden/buried north of Government Well.
According to Carl the silver bar was the only one he found. There may have been others found earlier and this one was overlooked or buried nearby.
I have heard three different versions of silver bars found at Government Well over the years.
Would like to hear someone else's story the way it was told to them.
Matthew - on another forum Gollum posted about the "silver bar" find at Govt. Well. He saw a copy of the rubbing that Carl did on the bar he found and Gollum's research indicated that the bar was actually not silver, but rather Nickel.
This is what Gollum posted...
"I know this is an old thread, but I had been going through a bunch of old stories, seeing what interested me enough to maybe spend some time on. This was one of those stories. The casting had that old "Style" look to it. The rubbing is great...exceeeept for one thing (actually two):
When Mr Broderick did the rubbing, he left off two words (one at each end of the ingot). That word is "NICKEL". The bar he is holding is a Nickel Babbit Ingot:
The Great Western Smelting & Refining Co. didn't produce precious metal ingots. They made Nickel Babbit Ingots for bearings. Each end should read; XXXX and NICKEL. They are currently going for around $20 for a 48 ounce (Broderick's weighed between 4-5 pounds on a bathroom scale) ingot on ebay."
Good evening Cubfan64: I interviewed Carl Boderick several years before he passed away. He let me photograph his photo album plus him holding the bar and a close up of the so called Silver Bar. The four X's are there at each end of the bar however, after careful examining the bar under a loop, I find that there is no word, "Nickle" at ether end of the bar. Now, I only photographed the front of the bar. I did not photograph any of the sides or back. I do not know if his bar is Silver or Nickle. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis