The horse is north of the " RIO " . The RIO is a temporary rain stream which runs from the horse's legs to his ears . The word RIO in the horse map is in the same place with the words " DESILIENS AQUA AURUM " from the Latin heart . So , the cross in the canyon shows the direction which runs the torrent .
The 18 places are biger rocks with marks . The trail is danderous because the DON trail is on a very steep side of a mountain .
The start is the end because to go to the start point of the trail , have go to from the same way which the trail ends ( only in the Don map ) . Don't exist another way to approach the start point .
Have a nice day
Marius, So your reading the Latin Heart with the Horse Priest Map?
I never thought of it that way!
My experience with the dangerous trial has been the magnificent outcrop monuments that are obviously booby trapped and dangerous once you climb them for reading.
The 18 Places I've never quite understood unless it means one of eight places which kind of makes more sense with the numeral 8's I've found at the final Gold Mines site down here.
Of course '8' is also the sign for Infinity the system they utilized for creating the monuments and markers so it could be saying;
'I am one with Infinity in these places of God' or it may be a reference to the astronomical sky.
At the site I work the ground based cross laid out on the mountain with monuments tip too tip are exactly 360 Castilian Feet. The master keys map shows the numeral "75" and behind it is a white horses head rough hewn with the letters 'FIN' carved in the outcrop behind it.
I believe the 360 represents the compass and the letters 'FIN' the final measurement of '75'.
This site has two old prospects near the monuments that look to be not very deep and possibly lost leaders for those that may make it that far with the map.
Those that may make it that far do not know about the 'Key Map' a couple thousand yards away from those shallow prospects giving the final measurements to the hidden rabbit hole entrance near by and always follow the cross which leads to a massive death trap that would bring down a quarter of a mountain on top of any would be interloper's of his Majesty's Royal Treasures.
We all have our own opinions and interpretations of the Stone Maps and it's with great pleasure I read yours as it always makes me think with an open mind about what I work that I found down here.
They did hide their entrances in small wash basin's and redirect the stream while working the underground vein of rich gold so the small torrent of a dry wash would be very plausible.
Thanks for the info!
And a good day it is!