My only hope is that you and others won't be too disadvantaged because of your inevitable uncertainty in the target location. If you would at least consider for a moment that the location could actually be true, you may get to witness and learn about something truly astonishing.

I have purposely not commented on whether or not there is a cache buried in your house because no information has been presented to inform an opinion one way or another. If you believe there is a cache there, then I say dig. I have only commented on what you have posted here in pictures and words. And based on the pictures, I have not seen anything that looks other than naturally occurring rocks. That's why I have suggested getting them examined by geologists, researching the geology of your area to find out if they could have been deposited naturally, and getting an anthropologist to look at them and tell you if they have been worked by humans.

We make boulders into pebbles. It's cheap enough and works great.

Can I ask again at what depth you would consider stopping? If it is a false path do you feel confident that you will be able to identify where the man made part ends and natural ground begins? Its an interesting project.


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