Although it has too much damage to the bit, this is one of my faves. It's a true miniature at 1 1/2 inches. I think it's serpentine and I love the color. Now for the weird part. When I found it, it had a single very dark green stripe on the side shown. So dark green it was almost black. The thickest stripe shown, but much darker with no other green areas. I put it in a frame this side down. A few weeks later, I took it out, flipped it over and the whole side was full of bright green! This side was face up in the sun when found. Apparently, out of light, all the color showed up that was not there when I found it!? Huh? Well, it was so suddenly pretty, I left it in the frame this side up. but, after a few days in light, the celt turned black again and the stripe went back to darkest evergreen! So now I display it pretty side down! As seen in last photo. My haunted celt!