Still here

Another day millin.
finished runnin the midlins we made the last week. When runnin, i only have so many buckets. So as we empty on one end the tails fill on the other. This means after 4 runs in the mill we start havin to many midlins buckets built up.

Then theres not enough for pulp. So gota stop the pulp run readjust table for runnin the heavier midlins.

Finished midle run early today. so we loaded and milled off another cull ore run and got our buckets of pulp loaded for tomorrows table run.
Also loaded the arrastra with next grind
Looks like we got 3 more cull regrind runs left. Then we start back at fabrication of the primary crusher n stand.

Still throwin samples into that one pan. its gettin a little better, looks like i may gets a bit more than i thought off my regrind.

Shot of what the stuff looks like before the regrind.
And a line of pulp buckets ready for process in morn.

Hope enjoy the show as much as i do makin it happen. Thanks for lookin at my ramblins.

Dropped my dadgum phone in the pond 3rd time. Was tryin to get pic and it slipped out of my hand. Never worked again.

Finished the old cull stuff finally. Got the crusher done and starting to crush this week.
Looks like maybe a week of crushing our pile is done and ready to grind.

Wont know for sure how long the final mill grind run will take just guessin a month.

Hot days prospecting much bees.
Small take no highgrade.

Stuff im gettin at least adds to my pile.
Still have my trench project to hit. Just got side tracked with a smaller dig i found.

Had murph show up on my way out this week. Started smellin diesel and pulled the ole turtle truck over.
Jumped out looked under the dirtyside. Fuel was pouring out!
Popped the hood. dadgum fuel return line blew. Fixed with a piece of vacum hose as bandaid.
Deciided to continue out to my dig. Got another 5 miles in and started smellin fuel again.
Pulled over it was another piece of retern line blew. Rather than risk it again after fixin i turned tail home and live to mine another day.

No pics till i gets a new phone or computer service again.
So getting closer to the end of our gold mining adventure still enough time to pull off a pocket .
just gotta find one.

Millin tip for the day.
Always run some bull quarzt through your machine after repairs.
Cleans the tramp metal out.
Dont want to end up with a bunch of magnetic heavies going across your finishing equip.(table)

And thanks MM,
For the weldin tip.
The folks showin me how to weld never just used the wordin like you did.

Tie the ends together the middle will take care of itself.

Got through my thick skull, heck i can finaly run a bead.
Thanks again. If your ever in my neck of the woods feel welcome to stop in at claudette mill.

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Update claudette mill.
Been a long hot week feedin the buissnes end of a 4x6 burford jaw. 1920s model modified.

Started at 530 or so in morn ran er till it just got to dadgum hot. Guess around 12 or so.
I can actually hang in the heat long time as im used to it. Dont have any shade on the mill area unless you count the palmtrees they give about 2 hours shade mid day on the crusher.
And a shady standin rest at the base all day.

Thankyou Jesus.

Most times im to busy cullin the country rock that gets past me at the dig, keepin the crushed material unloaded and the jaw clear n flowin to pay much attention to the sun.

Night millin is out as my eyes are really bad a cant afford a oops i didnt see blunder.
Rock, steel, moving parts have no respect for human flesh n bone trust me i know first hand.

Anyways my umbrilla took a dump awhile back in a monster whirlwind.

Im to dadgum cheep to buy another. Besides its only like 3 hours of heat over 100 degrees i got a hat n sunglasses i can hang.

Once it hits 110 in shade im headed for the outside shower. Clear cool well water rinse makes the 110 not so bad, then parkit in front of the swampcooler n take my oldguy napp.

Anyways im about 2/3 thru the ore pile. Kinda slow going my machine is old so i try to take it easy on the old dude and feed it fist size on down. The bigger stuff i have in my pile i whack with the 5lber take down to size.
It makes up for the slowness buy being a quiet runner. Just the rythmatic crunch,crunch of rocks at a speed of about 75 rpm.

Heres a couple pics .
Look into the crusher hopper. And 5 days of crushins ready for the arrastra mill.

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Happy fathers day all.

Spent some time this morn cleanin up that sample pan from this run, its kinda a pain the stuffs so fine.
i goter down till the gold wouldnt stop creepin up the edge of the pan..
So its as clean as i have patience for.

normal id just throw a bead of Hg in the pan.
Figured i show what i was gettin its the last run so last showins.

i will keep addin my sample pans from the tablins. I have also added a few test pans off the crusher to this pan so its lookin good for the final take, course we still gots a couple weeks of millin yet.

When crushin i likes to grab a sample every few buckets just to see how the runs going. This is a pan assay i screen using my # 45 sieve..
It kinda lets me know what im gettin value wise, and i can see how heavy my pyrites is runnin, at times if its heavy you can smell it in the crush like gunnpowder.

Anyways played around got some gold to float, hope you enjoy the show

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Shade and water GT...shade and water..

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Shade and water GT...shade and water..

Imagine if you were on foot out here with your wife n kids lookin for that shade n water
Or maybe your lost cat or dog.

2oclock in the sun.

Let's keep politics out of this thread. Thanks

Was rollin along with no problems, then ole murphy shows up.
Wife breaks ankle,
On the way back from findin out she will most likley require surgery.

I pulls into my dirt rd to home and i see this bad boy freshly planted,

[See attached thumbnail

So my only transportation to the mine fields is my 4x4 off road vehicle,
I run on a series of legal marked OHV trails, gets me to the district across the basin.

just spent a fair bit of gold i didnt have to fix my ole turtle truck for one more season, worse was it wasnt easy to find this yellow stuff.

After the sign issue wore off enough to see clearly i fired up the crusher, finish the bottom of the ore pile.
This is where i picked up a hitchhiker, either on my boots or gloves dont know ?
One thing i do know is what its like get bit by a recluse spider, day 6 much pain still !
Slightly black spot no oozing seems to be dry i may have dodged a bullet and it wont rott.

This slowed me down was only able to run 3 arrastra loads and 2 table runs. Every time i get in the sun my wound is fairly harsh pain wise.
So little bit at a time i geter finished.

3rd run in the pan, nice even precrush 1/4 giver take.

Not so sure about the final take the first grind tablins is lookin a bit skinny hope it gets better,
thats hardrock somtimes it starts off good.
you dig it. think its all really good stuff only to get to the final recovery.
End up sayin what happened , stuff looked good when i was diggin?
anyways its a gold thing.
Even in millin its touch n go at times,

Then theres the times riden high on the yeller.

Wish i had more of these type days.


Havin no wheels means no more prospectin, less i wanna walk, its to dang hot to make it back alive.
So this truly is the last mill run, better drag it out as long as i can, maybe i gets 1 more month of millin then the show is finally over.

Old prospector needs work, can help groom your property, find mineralizations.
Have miners lens n pan will travel!!!

Added couple more pics this time they stay.

Float gold, and that pan of tablin samples. I keep workin at it till the run is done, stuff is pretty small. I know i could of used a snuffer got that pan cleaner, sad to say i dont own one. plastic dont last out here and im just to dadgum cheap to get another.


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Gosh getting a like on here is like swingin my old gold bug bleeper
after the minelab swingin nugget shooters have been through the area.

I dont get nothing there either.

Good thing im persistant.
Be back tonight witth pics, last cooler day before the real heat.
Days of much labor ahead.

Still dealing with a spider bite, cant get in the direct sun at all the area where i got bit still very sore.
Kinda half riidin the pine other half whinin !
Just the same ole day in day out millin.

I think 5 more arrastra runs we are done grindin. Have many days tablin its takin 3 days to table a run now. Evil spider venom invaded my body.

Table work is slow anyways this is where you wash the goods clean From all the clay n the lighter blonde sands that dont really carry values.

So payin close attention to your feed, keep it even n steady. This way you aint runnin things twice.
Come this far no sense to rush, the end of the gold game is gettin here soon enough,

Its kinda sad.
Gotta go backs to work, will still dabble in the hardrock trade but im ready to go back to makin cash the easy way

Some differant pics
Thanks for readin my miner Geeberish,

Shot of the dirty side of my little table.
Con plume the goods are here.
Random table shots before water fouls and cant see. These are at start up so table hasnt loaded yet.

Drain vortex i pour my soap in here helps settle the slime in the recycled water (tailins pond). And keep gold from a floatin away.



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Have a grand independence day all.

Wish i could run a live gold show as we are arrastra millin n table finishin today.
If i had my computer online id do a show, by the time i get hooked up again we will have finished the last mill run..

See if i can get a couple different pics. table n mud pics are probably not real intresting to most.
I just have a love for prospecting, and like to show things others dont.


Youall only have to put up with me 3 more weeks the storys over, i will be headin out.
No new pics, just the same thing grindin, washin, not real interesting, no gold trophy pics,
Its hot.

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Have a grand independence day all.
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Wish i could run a live gold show as we are arrastra millin n table finishin today.
If i had my computer online id do a show, by the time i get hooked up again we will have finished the last mill run..

See if i can get a couple different pics. table n mud pics are probably not real intresting to most.
I just have a love for prospecting, and like to show things others dont.


Youall only have to put up with me 3 more weeks the storys over, i will be headin out.
No new pics, just the same thing grindin, washin, not real interesting, no gold trophy pics,
Its hot.

Mud and mining go together hand in hand. Show pics or it didn't happen. :laughing7:

Be careful in the heat brother. Drink lots of water and find shade or AC when you can.

Mud and mining go together hand in hand. Show pics or it didn't happen. :laughing7:

Be careful in the heat brother. Drink lots of water and find shade or AC when you can.

Imagine if i had no pics, the educated big money guys would of laughed me off the channel.
They would be sayin no one uses an arrastra these days.

Glad i got pics of the holes i dug, i been told how the cow ett that cabbage about diggin holes also.

So i guess show it or it doesnt happen sounds good, saved my story!

At least im still in the mining game. not gettin rich but findin some yellow, and i didnt have to spend a bunch of money for nothing.


Stone tools rock.
Red hot Pasting, yesterday's run very red good stuff ?
Notice run color differance today it smells of sulfur, heavy sulfide ore.


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Looks good herb and keep at it! It's out there waiting for ya buddy! I know how those car probs go and I'm still dealing with some, money pits!

Looks good herb and keep at it! It's out there waiting for ya buddy! I know how those car probs go and I'm still dealing with some, money pits!

That off road thing kinda caught me off guard, i dont get out to the city much. Live out in the weeds.
Prospectin is rough.

You dredgin? some cool water shots would be nice.

Startin late today, palm spring 120 maybe. so we will be most likely 115.
Pics tonight.

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Update Claudette mill.

Hope Aufisher is doing better today.
Been hot here the spider bite is still messin me up.

We had to shut down clean the n drain the pond.
Got to that point with the buckets to many middlin not enough for the pulp.
This give a chance get the slime out of the system that way when i start back tablin the mids its a clear water run, as the mids have been washed once so its real clean sand (ore).

Anyways it took half a day to clean n drain, by time we goter done it was to bloody hot to start the run.
Yesterday we did our midlins run it takes forever very slow as its very heavy ore, the super fine stuff likes to hide in this ore.
I dont run the midlins 3rd time as this is my leach pile im buildin. Also by the 3rd run its gettin real fine classified material i dont want to gett any finer as it may hinder the leach workins to hard to move the finer material.
It likes to just kinda cake and is hard to keep fluid.

Just my thinkin it may have no efffect in the tank.

So all the mids are done and we are back grindin, still slow going, 4 runs left, on the last run at Claudette mill.
Still 3 weeks to geter all done, would you believe i have to order crucibles hope they make it in the mail in one piece..

From the looks of my samples the run is lookin real skinny! Not good as i was hopin my last couple pockets were better.
Thats the way it goes unless its highgrade yeller you just have to wait till its tabled see the outcome.

Sad i still gotta smelt the stuff probably loose a 3rd of my wgt in the fire, lets just hope my gold was not carryin to much silver, always like to see butter yellow button.
Hope enjoy the show

Stay cool and godbless all the fire fighters.

Clean table


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Nothin left to talk about,
its hot,
same thing here today washin mud that used to be solid rock.
Theres not much else, amalgamation thats a dull story, smelting not much to that either.

No mining or prospecting, got no wheels, to hot to walk anywhere.

Cant make a video cant afford camera or online service.

Gold mining sucks !!!
No im not a greenie disguised as a miner, just a prospector tellin a true life story this is how it is in my gold minin world.

Imagine if you guys had to get the gold in hand everyday just to buy grocerys, water, fuel, and tools, could you do it ?


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Bad thing about gold mining. Its always feast or famine. Ive been there. Its one of the main reasons I moved to Arizona and took the job I have now. Damn hard to support a wife and three kids on next to nothing a month.

Keep plugging away brother you'll hit the big one.

Seems golwasher or whatever it is, thinks my story is a bunch of poor me bull.
If youall dont want to read my story i could take it elsewhere.

Amsbandit dont even know what throwin shade even means(american flag pic)
I dont even know why gold washer even has to mention you in his weird PM.

Goldwasher you ask me to pray for your friend then you attack me . is this the way the world is?
Your on my ignore list.

Let me know if youall want to move on ?
At least i got a real prospector story.
I could probably get it in the ca minin journal ?


I apologize if i offended folks with my prayer comment its not christian like.
Aufisher your my friend,
Prayers buddy.

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Food for thought.
Makin fun of folks that have mental or physical handicap is no jokin matter.
My wife is a hardcore christian, her job in life is to take care of my aging father who lost his wife to brain cancer it took her in 3 months. Hes an Air Force vet, now crippled from arthritis.

My wifes other job is global product sales they make medal n ribbons for the armed forces.
Shes handles and puts together the storys of a soldiers life, many have purple hearts, she doesnt know for what they recived this medal.
Only that they were hurt.

When i say we milled today im talkin bout me n my 35 year old handicapped daughter.
Shes been tablin ore with me for i think 15 years.
Makes her a professional miller..

Im sure theres others whos story is far worse than mine in fact i know this,
These folks know the pain of caring for some one they love thats really in bad shape some mental some physical some both, its really hard thing to do.

Those that havnt had to give up there life to care for their person, thank god you dont have to, its harder thing to stick with than gold minin for a livin.


Hug a nurse or care giver tell em thanks, they. Rock!

Good lord. A huge mischaracterization of what was being conveyed in private messages.

And totally unrelated to this thread


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