Sterling Whats it


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Feb 3, 2005
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Sterling What's it

I found this today. It's 2 1/2 inches long closed and 3 1/2 inches long opened. Is stamped 'sterling'. Has a hinge and what looks like a pin on the back side. Also on the narrow end, it is sharp and has a small upward bend. As I dug it out of the hole, I thought I had found the end of a spoon. :P :D

Here's the what's it uncleaned....


And cleaned....



THANK YOU!!! :) Nana

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Re: Sterling What's it

:D :D :D Noodle! :D :D :D But don't say the retirement thing too loud! :D

I don't think so, Cy. ???

Thanks!! Nana :)

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Re: Sterling What's it

Nana40 said:
I don't think so, Cy. ???
Gypsy Heart said:
...perhaps a stiletto and that the pointed part wasnt always bent back...but straight out from the end.....
Nana, are you saying it doesnt look as if the point was ever bent out straight?

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Re: Sterling What's it

I still think the thing is a tie clip.

And that pointy thing is the tine of a fork that is positioned to hold the tie in the clip.
I really think this thing was made just the way you found it.


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Re: Sterling What's it

Does it lock when you extend it?? It might be a small portable fork that folded, and the sharp edge is where the spikeswould be but are broken off??Just my opinion.

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Re: Sterling What's it

Cy..looks like it was made that way...

OD & doesn't lock into place. When I first dug it out of the hole, I thought it was a spoon and that I had broken it, because it was bending back and forth. I dunno...but thank for all the replies!!! :)

Nana :wink:

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Re: Sterling What's it

Nana40 said:
Cy..looks like it was made that way...

OD & doesn't lock into place. When I first dug it out of the hole, I thought it was a spoon and that I had broken it, because it was bending back and forth. I dunno...but thank for all the replies!!! :)

Nana :wink:

It may not lock now...
But at one time it may have.
If the locking part of the hinge, a small spring for example broke,
that may be the reason it got lost.

Even broken, I really can't see a piece of silver that size being just thrown away.


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Re: Sterling What's it

bigcypresshunter said:
This is a tough nut to crack. :icon_study: Maybe its to break acorn nuts and the point to dig it out. :wink:

yeah, Brass Acorns. :wink:

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Re: Sterling What's it

Nana, does it have a brand name on it? It would be on the underside of the design somewhere.

The fact that the design is on the "outside" of that fold puzzles me. You'd think if it was to be seen, it would have the "inner" bit also decorated and ornate. So it would seem as if only the outside of the thing was going to be visible when in use.

Basically, I'm thinking how the Victorians would decorate anything in sight, y'know? If it was going to be visible, they'd spiffy it up.

Shoot, I dunno!

good luck,

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Re: Sterling What's it

Very nice lemon juicer Nana. M :wink: nty

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Re: Sterling What's it

Wow, that's really a neat find. I have no idea what it is but do wonder if the purpose of the pin part is to act as a friction latch to keep it in the closed position. Looking at it closely I believe that it would do just that. I'm looking forward to hearing what the device really is. Good hunting, 2 dgs.

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Re: Sterling What's it

trikikiwi said:
I just happened across this

on this link;

and it reminded me of this Whatsit?

Possibly the origin of the parts used?

I can see where it might remind you of this what's it, Kiwi.

Hey Ros, I can't find any other writing on it, other than the sterling mark. ??? But it is spiffy, isn't it! ;D

Lemon juicer, huh, Monty? :icon_scratch: :D

I'd love to know what it is too, 2 dgs. :-\

Thanks for adding to the post, ya'll! :)


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Re: Sterling What's it

maybe an old hair clip ???

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Re: Sterling What's it

One more time...
Tie back for a curtain? It would not necessarily be mounted in any way. Just served to hold material back for a bed or window. It's a Southern thing.

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