... nothing is outside the family, as has been explained. Let me say this to you again...."Beale is an extension, existing on a branch, within the Buford family, as is Sherman." And yes, it has been touched on many times before which is why I'm still not understanding why you're not getting it? "Beale, Buford, Sherman, Risque, Ward.....all in the family tree."
"All rooted in Virginia, then divided into Kentucky and West Virginia due to lingering political differences." The same differences that were being played out in Texas.
And yes, it is all tied to the Adams Onis Treaty, absolutely tied to it. I gave you undeniable evidence of this fact with the date comparisons already presented. What I have not given you yet is the absolute proof as to the source of the first deposit which can easily be found without question if only you will look for it....