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How about fixing the problem of the system locking up when hitting the Insert image button ! There is no way out except to hit the back button at the top and you loose all that typing. This problem can be quite annoying ! Frankn
Well, I just signed in for the second time. I tried to insert an image and it frooze up. I have now gotten into the habbit of posting and then editing in the image, but that doesn't work all the time. I am sure the members are getting annoyed at reposting, resigning in, and the freeze ups. Also Treasure Is Not Responding is becoming a frequent display. Frankn

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John, please read your mail. I tried to post. a message said I didn't have permission to and to refresh and sign in. It showed me already signed in. Looks hand print-2_edited-3.webp like the coding is turning into Morse coding!

Fraken, what OS are you using? I personally don't have any of the issues your describing, not saying your not experiencing it, just saying I haven't seen or experienced it.

We need more info. I will forward your problem to admins, it sounds like an OS issue.

PC, 7, Internet Explorer on several Mo. old Asus laptop. Thru 4G MIFI & Verizon. It worked great untill about a mo. ago. The main problem is the signin dropout . The insert image is also a problem. I think this problem triggers the signin dropout. If I click insert image and the block that pops up has has OK or Cancel blocks at the bottom I know it won't post and sometimes it freezes up and I have to hit the back button to unlock it. Sometimes I loose the whole post,aaaaaaaaaaaaa lol By the way, it's frankn

I have posted it on the moderators board, they should see it by tomorrow morning at latest....

What's going on with my two posts, The Offer & The Old Cache? They are marked moved and the two right columns are blank but they are still there and postable. Frankhand print-2_edited-3.webp

hand print_edited-2.webpTreasure Hunter, I was surprised you buckeled under. I kind of pictured you as the Stone Wall Jackson type. Looks like the new reject from another forum has taken over, sad to say. You can deleate those two threads, they are dead now. Frank

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You guys really have to fix that insert image!!!!!!!! Sometimes it works instantly and other times it doesn't work at all. It'hand print-2_edited-3.webps a real pain to use. Sometimes I post and have to leave the thread and return to edit in an image.

Anybody listening??????
The insert image still has problems. It just hung up in dreamland today and I have full 4G running. I post images from my computer. jpeg, under 700dpi across. I just got a message that I have to many images in this post??????

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Why do you keep moving my posts? The Offer was info on cache offers and was put in the General section which plainly states in its description that cache hunting is included. If it is felt that it was needed in the cache hunting section why not just duplicate it there. All this moving is just a big shuffle that deters posting. No one wants to go to all the trouble of researching something if few are going to see it.

hand print-2_edited-6.webp

Cache hunting use to be included in general before it was given its own forum just like garage sailing. We have a request in with admins to remove cache and garage selling from sub-header of general forum.

Treasure Hunter, Lets get this Paradox nailed down so I know where to post! If I have ahand print-2_edited-5.webp thread about cache hunting in Maryland using Metal detecting methods, where do I "properly" post it so the moving van doesn't grab it and hall it to timbuckto?

As you previously stated you don't go by the instructions in the heading, so what do I go by?

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Frankn as I said in my other post, cache hunting use to be under general forum years ago so it USE to go there as there was no dedicated cache forum, now there is a main forum dedicated just to cache hunting so posts about cache hunting goes in the main cache hunting forum. We have a request to remove cache and yard selling from the sub heading of general. When the admins have time it will be removed....

None of your threads have been moved to Timbuktu, if you title a thread about hunting old ghost towns of Maryland, it goes in the Maryland forum. Your threads on cache hunting were moved to the cache forum, your thread on Louisiana Platation Hunting was moved to the Louisiana forum, yes it was about cache hunting but it was cache hunting specific to hunting Louisiana......

Don't see as it matters much either way now since you deleted the thread, sorry if you don't like the threads being moved, but we catalog the forums based on the primary topic of the thread and to try to keep it easier to find threads on the topics..... Threads will get moved sometimes if moderators feel they fit better in another forum.... Just like book stores and libraries do........We are not picking on your posts, we are doing our job........

TreasureNet Rules..."We reserve the right to delete or modify any post, avatar or image, at any time, and for any reason." this includes moving threads that moderators or admins feel fit better in another forum....

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Slow Go-1_edited-1.webpTreasurer Hunter, Good info, but you didn't answer the question! Where would you post it? I will use your answer as a guide to future posting.
To me the posting here appears to be a paradox,

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Sorry. I wrote the reply in MS word and copied it to the forum, I must have missed the first sentence when I copied it to the thread.

A thread for cache hunting specifically for Maryland would go in Maryland forum, a thread on cache hunting not specific to any one state or location would go in cache hunting. Hope that helps.....

Whats the problem with the servers? Mabe more is better! I have been getting " The server is busy try again later" messages and at the bottom sometimes T Net is not responding. I really hate to see this after I have typed in a long post. What's up? Frank

Whats the problem with the servers? Mabe more is better! I have been getting " The server is busy try again later" messages and at the bottom sometimes T Net is not responding. I really hate to see this after I have typed in a long post. What's up? Frank

Already reported to admin
I got it 3 times this afternoon so far


This forum is limping along! I am grtting messages at the bottom of the screen " is not responding". also the insert image is getting darn near impossible. It takes several trys to insert an image. Sometimes you have to leave the thread and return and edit it in. I don't know if it is in T Net or IE but it should be taken care of. Look at it this way, you are missing out on a lot of my good looking images that attract posters. lol Frank


I have had a few problems like that with Firefox.

This morning it wouldn't let be Quote a post, so I changed my mind on even responding to a question.
there are also times I try to open Tnet & Get a white page.

I Don't remember having problems with insert image

other then one GIF Image it wont let me use

for unknown reasons.

But I Do know IE magnifies the problems here

I was getting server busy messages yesterday, but admins have addressed that issue. I have no problem at all with insert images in posts nor with slow response lately, what version of IE are you using?

You can work around the image problem by using photo bucket. It isn't a site problem or all would have the issue so it is a IE issue.

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