Gold Member
How about fixing the problem of the system locking up when hitting the Insert image button ! There is no way out except to hit the back button at the top and you loose all that typing. This problem can be quite annoying ! Frankn
Well, I just signed in for the second time. I tried to insert an image and it frooze up. I have now gotten into the habbit of posting and then editing in the image, but that doesn't work all the time. I am sure the members are getting annoyed at reposting, resigning in, and the freeze ups. Also Treasure Is Not Responding is becoming a frequent display. Frankn
Well, I just signed in for the second time. I tried to insert an image and it frooze up. I have now gotten into the habbit of posting and then editing in the image, but that doesn't work all the time. I am sure the members are getting annoyed at reposting, resigning in, and the freeze ups. Also Treasure Is Not Responding is becoming a frequent display. Frankn
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