Ok, well basically Chad' just show me what length Randy sawed them down to, and did he have a class 3 permit?
Pretty unlikely that the ATF would "set him up" to sell them "legal" guns...right?
As TH said to me a few weeks back..."Just because you weren't caught doesn't mean to say you're not a criminal!"
He was guilty as sin...and you know it! Had he turned up at court on the day it would have been "Guilty as charged...10 years...next!" and that's why he didn't turn up, he KNEW he'd done wrong and didn't have a leg to stand on.
You tell me the length of the barrels of those shotguns. Oh, you can't? Neither can I unless I take a look at the court records, but I prefer not to overstep my bounds with Pacer (Access to court records via U.S. Court system) as that might be seen as abuse if done only to settle an argument.
Neither you nor I were privy to that information, only what has been released via the press who had a love affair with Slick Willie Klinton. Of course, nothing negative was released. How can I say that? While on surveillance --- observing and taking pictures for a case I was working on in 1991 (before his election). I was present when Jennifer Flowers was allowed into a building where Klinton has having a fundraiser. The Arkansas Democrat and the Arkansas Gazette had photographers and press there covering who entered and exited the building that day. Not sure if there was any national press as it was early in the summer. Cool enough to hide in the back seat of a car without needing air conditioning.
Jennifer stopped and talked with the reporters, they joked, took a few photos WITH HER. When she asked that they not report she was there, they acted like they didn't know her.
I was asked by a certain State Police officer for my film, but when he saw that I had yet to take a photo, I was allowed to continue my surveillance.
Needless to say, the pics and the story never appeared in the Democrat or any other paper.
Do I expect the press to tell the truth? No. However, when the judge says he is innocent, I have to go along with it.
So, you asked earlier about OJ? I don't believe he committed the crime. I believe some "assistant" was paid to do the murders by OJ.