When,is the 5th gen. When would be first gen.
First generation = 1776, the recognized birth of the nation.
Fifth Generation = using dictionaries from the time period, a generation was generally defined as being between 33- 35 years. If you multiply these amounts by 5 and add that number to 1776 you'll arrive at the mid 1940's, or the "exact" period when the Laffite Memoirs were revealed/released.
As a side note, both Adams and Jefferson died on July 4th, 1826. It was during this same period that Jean and his brother met and decided to give up "the cause".
And, as ironic as it might appear to be, if you look at the dates of the Beale deposits and then compare those dates to the signing and ratification dates of the Adams Onis Treaty you'll notice that both deposits fall "exactly" 9 & 10 months in advance of the signing and ratification dates. You'll also notice that the dates of Beale's visits to Morriss fall "exactly" 11 months from these same singing and ratification dates. The big key here is this, the singing and ratification of the Adam's Onis Treaty not only ended the Laffites stay in the disputed territory and their smuggling empire, but the treaty also ended their cause and was seen by them as being a huge trampling over of the principles within that, "most sacred of all documents". In 1823 Monroe signed the Monroe doctrine,
and with a very intended purposeand direct message aimed at the floundering French cause. And that cause? It was to establish a new France within the boundaries of the United states, and that cause had been pursued since 1776. The last hope for the French was Florida...(read the Monroe Doctrine.)
Added just for the heck of it:
“I recommended to Mr. Hall, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Sherman, and those of Bolivar to distribute the gold to the indicated places. My last secret words to Mr. Hall were to say that my mission would be to the south, to the east, then to the north. The majority of my personal valuables and my documents had been sent to Charleston, Baltimore, and Philadelphia.” (Bolivar was located on the opposite side of Galveston Bay to the east). Laffite was fully aware of the pending signing and ratification of the Adams OnisTreaty and he had plenty of time to prepare and he also had the means to pull it off.
”I have described my past; the missions that I accomplished, my true convictions. The greatest part of my wealth has been sacrificed so that others can do good work, all of it without a trace, without leaving my name.
I do not hesitate from the beginning to be positive in my writings and my journal. I fervently believe all future events can be guided with precision and certainty.
If God wishes to love the fifth generation to come, he will unveil the intentions and the spirit of the dead. And with my entire help!”
The Beale Papers are all about the abuse and trampling over of the principles in the DOI. “Unveiling the intentions and spirit of the dead” is in reference to the signers of the DOI and the principles that are contained in the DOI. “Guiding all future events with precision and certainty” is in reference to what has been left behind for future generations. The treaties with Great Britain & Spain were seen as being acts that traded in the principles of the DOI in the name of greed at the highest level. If you think not, then simply examine who our two biggest allies are today…..”Great Britain & Spain”.
"And with my entire help!" = If you want proof of all of this corruption then simply find those “vaults” containing that proof.