Spring Prospecting Outing for all

Clay Diggins

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Nov 14, 2010
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The Great Southwest
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This time of year is the prime desert prospecting season. The weather is beautiful the gold nuggies are growing fat and the normally cranky prospectors are often almost pleasant to be around.

Bill Southern normally puts on two "outings" each year. This Spring's outing is going to be at Jackass Flats in the famous Little San Domingo mining district. Good gold, good grub and good weather are a virtual guarantee. And the really cool part is the outing is FREE and open to everyone.

The outing is scheduled for the Weekend of March 17 - 19. That's next week. There will be a potluck on Saturday night and Bill usually smokes a good brisket or two for those lucky enough to be in line when it's served.

The outing is FREE but you need to do a few things to be a good visitor.

1. The outing site at Jackass Flats is on Arizona State trust lands. It's cool to be there but if you plan on spending the night camping there or recreating you will need to get yourself a State recreation pass. You can camp on the nearby BLM lands with no permit for free but then you would miss out on the evening fires and BS sessions. Believe me you want to be at the fire and BS sessions. Some of the best and most successful prospectors in the U.S. are going to be there and their BS is the best you will find anywhere. If you have never experienced premium B.S. this is your chance.

2. You need to come prepared to provide your own food, water and toilet facilities. Bill will be providing some meat but if you don't bring a good sized dish to share you would be freeloading. You really don't want to be a freeloader with this crew. Nuff said? While you are at it try to bring some wood for the fire. This is the desert and it's not like you can just wander around picking up wood. Without a fire the BS dies down pretty quick. Nice fires = nice BS. The freeloader thing applies here too.

There will be drinking and such in the evenings to go with the B.S. Bring your own or do without. There may be some carousing too but I saw some once and it's a sight I'm still trying to erase from my memory. If you plan on carousing same thing - bring your own and for my sake keep it to yourself.

Although the outing site is primitive a lot of folks bring their own housing and civilization. Access is easy and a two wheel drive car is sufficient. The road in is County maintained gravel except the last short bit to Jackass. It's a great area for ATVs. Stores, gas, and lodging are nearby in Wickenburg and Surprise and some folks choose to stay in town when they are not prospecting or enjoying the prime BS. There are club claims nearby the outing site including GPAA. Typically during the day folks prospect and there is some expected competition for the biggest/most gold found each day. Evenings are for food and relaxing with ample quantities of B.S. and whatever else makes the evening go easy.

The Little San Domingo is literally in Bill's backyard. I know a lot of you know Bill. He often speaks at the GPAA shows and writes for several of the mining publications. Bill does have a prospecting store in Morristown but these outings aren't about selling you anything. I've never seen anyone trying to make a buck at one of these except the occasional sun stroked prospector who thinks his BS is worth something.

So if you can come on out, and find out what a real prospector smells like. :thumbsup: Get some sun and some good food and soak up some quality BS. As you would expect I've made a map or two to help you get there:

Small 3D map of Jackass Flats

BIG 3D map of Jackass Flats - don't try to load this one unless you have some major bandwidth and processing power.

The location is near the intersection of U.S. Hwy 60 and State Hwy 74 just off Castle Hot Springs Road. Just Northwest of Phoenix AZ

This is a family friendly outing. There will be children and dogs, you can bring your own if you like. Watch out for Max - nice dog but he will steal your meal. :laughing7:

Heavy Pans

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Wish we could make it but with my Dads passing things have been pretty messed up around here. Maybe sometime in the future we could set something like this up in my area. Lots of open ground in these parts with good camping available.

Gotta be there. BS is for those who stoke fires and share food. Bring a dish and some wood and soak up all the BS you can. :thumbsup:

Brisket is being smoked and there are hints of nuggets already being found. Join in if you can.

Heavy Pans

Believe me, wish I could be. One week wasn't enough notice to head out there. Have to limit my BSing to treasurenet ;)

I sure appreciate that offer Barry. I'm going to try and do just that, prospect the desert. It would be great to get some locale wisdom.

You having lived in this area, probably agree there's no greater contrast in environments as where I'm at here in Northwestern California and your neck of the woods now. Here it's green everywhere and flowing streams year round. We've had a more typical winter than the recent past seasons. Where I work, just south of the Oregon border, we've had 113.4 inches of rain this season. We will usually get a fair amount more in April and May.

I worked Smith River for a season back in the early 70's Mike. I still don't miss the mud even though it's so dry here flies fall out of the air from dehydration.

Heavy Pans

Could anybody give me an estimate of how many folks usually show up to the potluck? I'm just trying to gauge the size of dish I should make.

Also where can you pick up a state recreation pass in the area?



Could anybody give me an estimate of how many folks usually show up to the potluck? I'm just trying to gauge the size of dish I should make.

Also where can you pick up a state recreation pass in the area?



Ah geez Mike that's the $64 question isn't it? Getting prospectors organized is like herding cats with a leaf blower. :laughing7:

Figure it this way - 30 to 60 people isn't unusual. Figure a lot of those guys can only growl and chew on some old beef jerky after too much sun and heat. That leaves anywhere from 20 - 40 folks eating. But if every one of those people brought enough food to feed 20 people a dish then each prospector would have to eat 20 dishes or so. That wouldn't leave any time for BS or fire.

Figure if your dish could provide a good size spoon for 15 people you are good to go. If your cooking suks you could probably get away with 8 spoons. If it's good or you bring steaks figure 60 cause some folks are going to fill up and take some home.

I like to bring tuna salad because nobody in their right mind will eat that stuff in this heat. Take what's left home, pop it in the freezer and you are good to go for the next few outings. Wood same thing. Bring a railroad tie and take it home when you go. That stuff don't burn for squat. You will cross the rail line to get there - just don't let them catch you pulling ties. :laughing7:

Hope to see you there Mike. Don't mention you know me or you will get tied to the whipping cactus. Just a friendly prospector thing. :thumbsup:

Heavy Pans

Also where can you pick up a state recreation pass in the area?



Hi Mike, I missed this before.

There is no place you can "pick up a permit". Arizona doesn't make this easy for visitors. That's gotten better this year because you can now order a permit online and get the goodies right away.

You will need an email account and a printer. I know you have email and if you need a printer just go to the Wickenburg Library. They have internet access and printers.

Heavy Pans.

I truly hope you all have a fantastic time. It sounds like a great idea, and it also sounds like some fine people are attending. Wish I could join you, but it's not to be . . .

All the best,


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