
cuddles17981 said:
This is prolly going a little off topic but I had to ask,Anyone ever wake up in the middle of the night scared stiff,almost literally.. you try to scream or yell for help and nothing comes out. You try to get up and can't.. Happened to me a few times.. eeeerrrrriiiieeeee... Usually the next day that feeling is still with me..

Yep that's them Pesky Aliens.
when Their not quite done yet. ;)

Oh ya cuddles,had that very same experience but it was about 30 years ago,one of the creepiest things ever happened to me. ??? :)

Definitely Cuddles I have had them. Especially after I had my motorcycle accident and the pain meds I were on gave me some extreme dreams, some good, some bad but remember trying to wake myself up numerous times and couldnt speak or move. Very weird indeed.


How strange to find this topic today, since I just experienced something like that yesterday. Two things, really. Went out MD'ing by myself yesterday, in an area I had never been in before. Drove up in the mountains, found an area of "State Trust Land", past a bunch of ATV trails, and just kept going to see where the road went. Found a stream that looked like a good spot to try panning for gold and pulled over. Don't usually do it, but this time a left my rig unlocked. Down by the creek, found a mound of rocks with a forked stick planted at one end, with a small box stuck on the stick, like some kind of marker. Walking over to investigate, I found a doll with half of its face ripped off. Then I noticed a young girls' jacket carefully folded and laying on top of the mound of rocks. By this time my imagination was running wild - (I'm a big fan of Perry Mason, CSI, etc..) but looking around the area, I noticed a bunch more trash laying around, like someone had dumped a couple bags of old clothes and some more kids toys, old cd cases, and bottles & beer cans laying around, also 2 empty ammo boxes. Seemed like it was a place some guys went out to party and shoot off their guns. Still not creeped out. Reasoning everything away. Picked the jacket off the mound,( been there awhile, faded & mildewed), and scanned the mound with my MD. Got signals in two different places, but there was no way I was going to dig or even move any of the rocks! Didn't really think there was any 'foul play' involved, so thought I'd hunt the area anyway. Found a bunch of shell casings, a few nails, some bottlecaps.. nothing good. So decided to try my luck at panning, which I know about as much as MD'ing!(very new at both). Working away, no eerie feelings, my boyfriend called me on my cell and I jokingly told him I found a grave. It was a beautiful sunny day, the mountains were gorgeous, no problems. About an hour later(?)(actually, I lost track of time) but I looked up from the stream, and I don't know if it was the change in light or what, I didn't really see anything that bothered me, but I got the feeling I had to get out of there. Something felt very threatening. I grabbed up my stuff and ran to my rig and jumped in and started it up and got out of there. A little while later, I discovered I was on a road that was a back way into a tiny town called Index, Wa. and it was only when I was rolling into town that I realized I hadn't even stopped long enough to wash the dirt off my hands!
So, I'm in Index, which has about 2 streets, and maybe 80 people in the whole town, and I pull up in front of the only hotel in town. It's called The Bush House, and I was excited to see it was for sale. I had spent my wedding night there 25+ years ago, and hadn't been back since. It obviously hadn't been open for several years, and as they say, had 'fallen into disrepair'. No big deal to me, I'm a remodeling fool. So I get out to take a look. As I said, it was a gorgeous sunny day, but when I approached the hotel, it seemed like everything got darker. I looked up, and the sun was still shining, with no clouds around, so I couldn't really explain what happened, but I pretty much decided I wasn't interested and didn't even look in the windows, which is usually irresistable to me, especially a cool old place like that, that's for sale. When I got home that night and told my boyfriend about my adventures, he agreed to go back up there with me today.
We went back today, and Jerry agreed that the mound by the creek was probably set up by some guys for target practice. And we went by the hotel. Last night I did a Google search for "Bush House" + "Index, WA" and found quite a few stories of the place being haunted and some 'investigations' that were done there. Also found some old photos in the UW archives of the Bush House hotel in 1898, or thereabouts. Would really love to go MD'ing around the hotel, but wouldn't care to spend the night. I really thought I was OK with all this, but just writing about it here makes me feel like crying.
Any thoughts??? Sorry such a long post. Also, if anyone knows if "State Trust Land" is OK for MD'ing, I'd appreciate the info. (It's not a State Park)

Thanks for any feedback-


I was involved with ghost investigations for a number of years. You may have heard our group on late night radio, with Art Bell. Filmed, and recorded many interesting things. Never had anything try and hurt me. I agree with an earlier post. Worry more about the living, then the dead.

the saddest and most painful "thing" that has happen to me was one day while head out to the union hall looking for work .I stopped at a local gas station about a block from home ,it was early in the morning, everthing seemed fine,then as I pumping gas into my car WHAM a MASSIVELY PAINFUL SHARP SHOOTING PAIN HIT ME IN THE LOWER BACK -SPINE AREA it was easily the worse pain I have ever felt hands down--(felt like someone hit me with an ice pick in the back)-- it flattened me--dropped me to the ground in wiggling around in agony.
luckily for me a kind man saw it happen and assisted me to get back up off the ground and into my car ,then he put the hose up and got my reciept from the gas pump and gave it to me. I thanked him , he asked if I was going to be o.k. to drive, I said yeh I'll just go home, its only a block away.
I drove home in great pain blew the horn till the wife came out and assisted me into the house and took some "powerful" pain meds and went to bed.
about 2 hours later the phone rang---it was my family calling from ohio --(i live in fla)--- my younger brother (the baby of the family of which I was very tight with) had died in a car wreck--- he was driving home after pulling a double shift (night /early morning) at the car factory in ohio---he was on icy roads and slid into a rig---the rather tiny POS car---- (his wife had just recently gotten him to "give up" his pick up said it used too much gas)--- he was driving got hit by a semi rig which basically put used his cars hood for an on ramp ---it went up and over and crushed him to a pulp ---killing him---he had been having bad "back" trouble and it was thought that either he had taken some strong meds and that he may have fell asleep and drifted over the line or that he slid on the ice --it was a small 2 lane country type road--- oddly the gas "reciept" time stamp matched the time of death listed on the police accident report.(perfectly) ----Ivan

gypsyheart said:
My Grandma June was about 14 when her family moved to a very large farmhouse near Elkhart Indiana. They had a family of 11 kids and the house provided them the room they needed. My g-grandfather considered it fortunate that they were able to rent this place cheap. He worked on the road and would only come home about every 6 weeks. Once he had the family settled he was off.G-Grandma put began to make the place a home and her and the kids put in a large garden and fixed up the old barn for cows and chickens.
All of the children slept upstairs ,except the baby who stayed with Ggrandma and Ggrandfather in the downstairs parlor. It had a large fireplace as well as one in the kitchen and dining room.
One night when it was a little cool,grandma made a fire in the parlor,put the baby in the crib and went to bed. In the middle of the night ,she heard rocking noises and sat up in bed. Sitting in the rocker in front of the fireplace was a woman holding a baby in her arms. At first Ggrandma thought that the baby had awaken and one of the older girls had gotten up and was rocking it. GGrandma got out of bed and started to walk toward the rocker. Instantly the lady and baby faded away. GGrandma quickly looked in the crib and there was her own little girl sleeping soundly. She snatched the baby up and ran upstairs to her oldest sons room. David was 17 and he came downstairs and searched the house but found nothing.
GGrandma then had my Grandma June come down to the parlor to sleep with her. Several times over the next few weeks they both would see the lady in the chair rocking the baby.
When Ggrandfather returned, they told him what they had seen. He thought they were making it up, but that same night he saw the same thing. Determined to get to the bottom of it, he took Ggrandmother into town and they asked the local store owner what he knew of their farm. The store owner told them that several years earlier a young couple had lived there when the husband had been killed in an accident .The young mother grieved deeply only to have her own little baby die of influenza a few weeks later. The mother had rocked her baby night after night and when the neighbors came to check on her they found her in the rocking chair rocking her dead baby. She had lost her mind and was sent to the State Hospital only to die with in the year. Several families had moved into the farm but moved out in a hurry.
GGrandma and Grandfather decided that they could live with the rocking ghost and lived there another two years before buying a farm in Michigan. My Grandma June took us to see the farm when I was about 16 but the house had burned down.
I love these kind of stories !

The inability to move or scream, etc has a psychological term. Sleep paralysis. Most people have it and it is a protective mechanism in the brain that keeps you from getting injured by physically acting out your dreams. However sometimes the mechanism doesn't kick in fully, like when you have been drinking heavily or doing drugs or maybe you are just not entirely asleep. Then you are apt to physically move around to some degree. People who have a weakness in that area are sleep walkers. Children often sleep walk because the brain isn't fully developed. How do I know? Just happened to study it in college, one of the few things I remember. And of course like most psychology it is mostly theory but it seems to work. Monty

TB you need to hunt at this site for sure ! But do take a partner with you. What you are feeling is an energy field. Maybe spooks , but oviously alot os activity at this site along time ago> and still hanging around. It may render your best find ever. Yes I believe in spirits of some kind ? My daughter lives in a Pre Civil War home , the whole family have seen spirits > from a woman in a yellow flowing dress, a civil war officer , as well as 2 small boys dressed in church cloths.
Enjoyed reading your post ;D

Kilika said:
How strange to find this topic today, since I just experienced something like that yesterday. Two things, really. Went out MD'ing by myself yesterday, in an area I had never been in before. Drove up in the mountains, found an area of "State Trust Land", past a bunch of ATV trails, and just kept going to see where the road went. Found a stream that looked like a good spot to try panning for gold and pulled over. Don't usually do it, but this time a left my rig unlocked. Down by the creek, found a mound of rocks with a forked stick planted at one end, with a small box stuck on the stick, like some kind of marker. Walking over to investigate, I found a doll with half of its face ripped off. Then I noticed a young girls' jacket carefully folded and laying on top of the mound of rocks. By this time my imagination was running wild - (I'm a big fan of Perry Mason, CSI, etc..) but looking around the area, I noticed a bunch more trash laying around, like someone had dumped a couple bags of old clothes and some more kids toys, old cd cases, and bottles & beer cans laying around, also 2 empty ammo boxes. Seemed like it was a place some guys went out to party and shoot off their guns. Still not creeped out. Reasoning everything away. Picked the jacket off the mound,( been there awhile, faded & mildewed), and scanned the mound with my MD. Got signals in two different places, but there was no way I was going to dig or even move any of the rocks! Didn't really think there was any 'foul play' involved, so thought I'd hunt the area anyway. Found a bunch of shell casings, a few nails, some bottlecaps.. nothing good. So decided to try my luck at panning, which I know about as much as MD'ing!(very new at both). Working away, no eerie feelings, my boyfriend called me on my cell and I jokingly told him I found a grave. It was a beautiful sunny day, the mountains were gorgeous, no problems. About an hour later(?)(actually, I lost track of time) but I looked up from the stream, and I don't know if it was the change in light or what, I didn't really see anything that bothered me, but I got the feeling I had to get out of there. Something felt very threatening. I grabbed up my stuff and ran to my rig and jumped in and started it up and got out of there. A little while later, I discovered I was on a road that was a back way into a tiny town called Index, Wa. and it was only when I was rolling into town that I realized I hadn't even stopped long enough to wash the dirt off my hands!
So, I'm in Index, which has about 2 streets, and maybe 80 people in the whole town, and I pull up in front of the only hotel in town. It's called The Bush House, and I was excited to see it was for sale. I had spent my wedding night there 25+ years ago, and hadn't been back since. It obviously hadn't been open for several years, and as they say, had 'fallen into disrepair'. No big deal to me, I'm a remodeling fool. So I get out to take a look. As I said, it was a gorgeous sunny day, but when I approached the hotel, it seemed like everything got darker. I looked up, and the sun was still shining, with no clouds around, so I couldn't really explain what happened, but I pretty much decided I wasn't interested and didn't even look in the windows, which is usually irresistable to me, especially a cool old place like that, that's for sale. When I got home that night and told my boyfriend about my adventures, he agreed to go back up there with me today.
We went back today, and Jerry agreed that the mound by the creek was probably set up by some guys for target practice. And we went by the hotel. Last night I did a Google search for "Bush House" + "Index, WA" and found quite a few stories of the place being haunted and some 'investigations' that were done there. Also found some old photos in the UW archives of the Bush House hotel in 1898, or thereabouts. Would really love to go MD'ing around the hotel, but wouldn't care to spend the night. I really thought I was OK with all this, but just writing about it here makes me feel like crying.
Any thoughts??? Sorry such a long post. Also, if anyone knows if "State Trust Land" is OK for MD'ing, I'd appreciate the info. (It's not a State Park)

Thanks for any feedback-

Kilika first of all you did right to get out of there. Women more so than men, have God given instincts. Always pay attention and trust your instincts. Never go back there along , it is most likely a hang out spot for local cut ups !!

Hey aa here you want a story fine ill give you one.My hands are shaking just thinking about it.First you have to go to Google video and type Andleberry Estate.You will see a three part video of Wolfe Manor/Andleberry Estate.After a day or so i will tell you my story but this house has alot of problems. I was invited to md it but couldnt get pass the gate.I know i am going to get some people who dont believe but thats ok.See you in a day or so,oh and leave comments about videos please.

Re: Index, Wa.

If you're interested in Index, I can give you more info. You see, I was on one of those paranormal investigations at the sight. Strange tales, indeed. I also may have some info on the spot at the creek.
PM me if you'd like to hear my story.

aa battery said:
Hey aa here you want a story fine ill give you one.My hands are shaking just thinking about it.First you have to go to Google video and type Andleberry Estate.You will see a three part video of Wolfe Manor/Andleberry Estate.After a day or so i will tell you my story but this house has alot of problems. I was invited to md it but couldnt get pass the gate.I know i am going to get some people who dont believe but thats ok.See you in a day or so,oh and leave comments about videos please.
saw the video aa and really found it creepy !! Making for a great horror film. Don't leave us hanging > tell us your story !

aa battery said:
I cant believe iam telling you this but i hear if there is a presence of spirits you will feel severe depression until you leave.Any thoughts.
as a rule aa your senses become more intact > the sense of smell, hearing, and observance, totally become more aware of your surroundings. Depression is not present unless something sad or horrible has happen at the site , then yes you will feel overwhelming depression > IF you are a believer.

aa battery said:
Hey aa here you want a story fine ill give you one.My hands are shaking just thinking about it.First you have to go to Google video and type Andleberry Estate.You will see a three part video of Wolfe Manor/Andleberry Estate.After a day or so i will tell you my story but this house has alot of problems. I was invited to md it but couldnt get pass the gate.I know i am going to get some people who dont believe but thats ok.See you in a day or so,oh and leave comments about videos please.

aa - intriguing.

count boris i used to lesson to art bell all the time , and when your driving a truck for a living .the radio becomes your best friend ,i did,NT always believe everything i heard on there but ,it was always entertaining. also i like the show ghost hunters . i like the fact that there trying to disprove it first .before thy try to prove it . also when i was younger i used to go in to abandoned mines , (i know know how stupid this is but when your young you don,t think of such things.)very dangerous places to be . but i would usually go there after dark , and not with the best flash light , a lot of time there was water seeping out of the walls and ide be walking ankle deep in water .of coarse after your in the mine 30ft the darkness sourounds you ,it kind of feels like your wearing a blanket of darkness. Ive got to tell you that while i never saw anything out there i sure felt the Hebe gebes, i thank i went in these old mine because it was my way of facing my fears. i never have likes tight places.

Monty said:
Come on now some of you have a very vivid imagination. But I know for a fact the ghost of my old dearly departed pu$$y cat still scurries about my house. Every now and then one of us will catch just a movement out ot the corner of our eyes and just barely get a glimpse of her scurrying around a corner or through a doorway. We had her for 18 years and she wasn't a people kitty and just liked me mostly. At night at bedtime or when I took an afternoon nap she would jump up on my bed and get up close to me and either lay on my feet or in the crook of my back if I was on my side. Many times I have just got into bed and can feel her jump up onto the bed. It is so real I usually raise up and look to see if it's her but she's never there that I can see. A couple of times, not that many, when I felt her jump onto my bed and didn't look I could feel the heat from her body against my back. It's so real I actually reach back and feel, fully expecting to feel her there with my hand. I thought it was just my imagination until my wife and daughter both at seperate times asked me if I saw her or felt her jump up onto the bed, etc. Now we just take it for granted when one of us gets a glimpse of her or feel her jump up onto the bed. Many times one of us will comment, "There goes Schmitty"! (her nicname). Even further proof is that we recently got a little house dog. Schmitty never liked other pets in "her" house and had a special spot behind the magazine rack by the fireplace that she would go to hide and pout if another animal invaded her space. Several times when we are playing "fetch" with our new little dog the ball will accidentally go behind the magazine rack. If it does the dog won't go back there and get it. She will stand back and look at it and even make an attentive try to stretch way out and reach it but she always pulls back in alarm as if something is scaring her. If you give the dog a command to go and get the ball she will look at it and whine but won't go back there ever. That old cat use to hiss and growl if another animal got near her hidey hole and I think that new pup is "seeing" and hearing her and is afraid to go back there. They say animals have a special talent for sensing extraordinary things and this is obviously an example of that. We've never felt that old Schmitty was a threat or anything but she just wasn't ready to leave the security of her home when she shuffled off. Now that is a true animal ghost story and not a pigment of my imagination! M :o nty

Very true Monty . Dogs will often bark and carry on if they are in the presence of spirits. I went for a visit not long ago at the Mansion where the Ya Ya Sisterhood was filmed > near Faison NC. The owners of this home live there and have restored this to as much of original as possible. I ask them if they had any ghost ? They both said to their knowledge , no. I noticed that they had two terriors. I asked them if ever the dogs would stand and bark wildly at nothing ? They seemed alittle taken back that I had ask that. It turns out their dogs do this all the time > especially in one of the guest bedrooms. They said they could not figure why they kept going in that room always barking at nothing ?

cuddles17981 said:
This is prolly going a little off topic but I had to ask,Anyone ever wake up in the middle of the night scared stiff,almost literally.. you try to scream or yell for help and nothing comes out. You try to get up and can't.. Happened to me a few times.. eeeerrrrriiiieeeee... Usually the next day that feeling is still with me..
Cuddles this has happened to me before also, not for years now. You are right, the feeling stays with you.


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