Spliting finds & or Telling what you found ?


Full Member
Feb 17, 2005
Lexington, Texas
Detector(s) used
Fisher CZ70, Garrett 500
Spliting finds & or Telling what you found ?

Ok. I know we have all heard this before, but I missed it.

I differ with another person on the forum about what to do and would like to know what you would do.

When asking to hunt a new place, do you start off by telling the owner you will split your finds with them 50-50 if allowed to hunt their place? ???

I don't, and I avoid the subject as much as possible. ::)

But if the owner seriously asks for a split, I am fine with it and will do so when, and if, I ever find enough at one time enough worth splitting.

I have shown property owners that asked for a split what I have found and they have said, "You keep it all."

I have had them take tokens and once a gold ring with a ruby in it :'(

That one hurt. It was the real thing but they wanted it because they thought it could have been their mother's, and the woman wanting it was like 80yr old. I was more than happy to give it up.

Do you tell everything when asked what you found? :-X

I have when asked, but don't go to them with my finds if tey don't ask.

And if you find a few silvers and one real nice GOLD coin, say 1860'S ;D, WOULD you be willing to show it to them?

Remember even though they did not ask for a split, they still have the legal right to take it from you and I bet you might hear, "I didn't know that was there and I'll have to take the gold coin, but you can keep the change."

Please understand I'm not putting down what anyone would do or how they go about it.

We all swing our detectors differently. The only wrong way is not wanting to learn something more.

HH, have a great hunt.


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Re: Spliting finds & or Telling what you found ?

U.K. Brian said:
I would always split a hoard with the landowner. The publicity means you are set up for land for a year or two afterwards when the news goes round. Instead of begging for permission you get approached to come and search. The cache I found last year led directly to another invite that led to a bigger find.
i agree here with this point well made UK

Re: Spliting finds & or Telling what you found ?

COII Roadrunner said:
It seems to me if you find a gold bar or other extremely valued item splitting means splitting... If they want it and it is a large value then something is due you for finding it...That is just my thoughts. But if you offered to make any deals you are and should make good on them... That thing called carma...It all comes back on you

Your right if you do offer to split the yes do. :)
But also know who you are splitting with. :-\
A property owner can take it all :'( when you show them your find even though you agreed to split be for hunting.
If they see you bring out that elusive bar of gold or a tobacco can of gold coins :o then greed could set in real fast.
Gold has that power over people .
I hunt some places that I trust the owner to hold to the split agreement and I also hunt some places that I would bet money if they seen me find 1 gold corn or even a bucket full they would want it all maybe giving me 1 out of the bucket. ???
So know who your dealing with and maybe don't show them but half and if they split like they said they would then go back hunting and find the other half to split with them also, That way you know you will get what you agreed on.
The law in Texas is not finders keepers and the old posesion is 99% dose not work eather when your standing on someone elses property holding something you found on there property.
I think my best opinion is hold half back and know who your dealing with.
It looks like we are all honest hunters we just have different ways of going about it. and it's all good as long as you keep your word And since I have never found that gold filed bucket yet I know there is a few of us on the form that thats all we have.
You and God will know if you cheat someone and do you really want to let eather one down? :)
Y'all have a great hunt and may we all find that bucket someday.

Re: Spliting finds & or Telling what you found ?

We agree.

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