HIO: Just a few words on Capt Bill. Some are calling him on his phrasing of the words "sure" , "known ". positive" as wondering if the treasure, or whatever, fits any of the above words, why hasn't he found it etc. Some even have it in their minds that he may be a fraud or worse.
For them I suggest that they revise his past posts and see just what he would gain personally by being in this category, ego?? money?? Nah, he is just ethusiatically sharing basic data on his project., even generously offering to let others share the fruits of his investigations for nothing, just go along.
For someone that may not be acquainted with cache, lost mines, missions, treasures, etc, just knowing the above words does not give you a key to proverbilly turn it and open the door. There are countless lost mines, treasures etc who's locations that are known to within a few hundred meters, that are still lost.
Bill is perfectly correct in saying proven locations, etc, perhaps a little less flamboyancy might be in order, hehheh, but he is correct.
For the record, if I were not tied up with my personal projects, etc., I would love to go with him on some of his projects, even if all turned out to be afailure. It would not be Bill that failed, just the circumstances and we, as a team, that failed. In any event, it would be a venture that would be filed in the memory banks to relive some time in the future when you are no longer able to do so any more. I already am close to capacity, but would love to add more.
I have known Capt bill for a no. of years, not personally, but through the net and correspondence. I have checked all of his posts, and nowhere do I find deliberate misinformation with any attempt for personal gain. We have argu--discussed Tayopa a no of times. Of course HE, like Father Charles Polzer, were wrong hehehe.
In my brief lifetime I have seen the world change soo much that it is frightening. In a few more years through world necessity, there will be no more new/unexplored regions, lost mines, treasures to search for or explore. Treasure, lost mines, coin hunting and relic sites, are fast being taken over by the different governments. In many areas just plain access is being forbidden, sigh.
So if you want a bit of adventure, check out with Capt Bill, whether successful or not is not, the primary point is that you will appreciate it later in life.
Tropical Tramp
p.s. a clue to a mans's character, is in his response to his detractors. If he is unsure of himself, his position, or remarks, he may react violently by 4 letter words, personal insults, or an attempt at character assassination. Has Bill reacted in any of these ways? Think about it.
Tropical Tramp