Spanish gold trail markers/monuments pictures

Hey Randy,

No, I see what you are talking about as well. Only problem with enlarging the pic is that it is sometimes very hard to tell the difference between carvings, cracks, and plants. See, that's why I keep asking T to take more pictures of certain areas. If I see something that looks unnatural, I assume that it is natural until I see other pics that prove different.

I show the three (3) because it is as plain as the nose on your face, and not very disputable. I start out with those three pics as a base. They look very much man made to me. Everything else is a possible, but those pics tell me something is (or was) there at one time.

For those of you without photo editing software, here is an enlargement of the section DJUI5 was talking about. Look to the right of the circled 3.



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What would those markings mean? To be honest with you, we didn't even see the number 3 when we found the bed! We were just so excited about the bed that we didn't look to see what else was there. Anyway, if those markings mean anything, would you please let us know? Thanks for your help!!


That's if they are even markings at all. Say, if a vine or crabgrass grows alongside a rock, it can leave a root system that looks like a centipede.

Unless you have a good close-up of that spot, I recommend taking one next time out.


No I don't believe everything at her site is natural, I was just explaining that foliation ( the natural geological actions of weathering (( freezing & thawing )) ) could explain small rocks seeming to have been placed upon larger ones. I hope the lady takes the advice to post more and clearer pictures.

I've never heard the word foliation used in that context. I have only heard it associated with growing plants. Weathering as freezing and thawing breaking rocks, yes.

If the "removeable heart" were made by weathering, it would seem to me, that there would be several other smaller rocks in the depression with the "heart" stone. Even with that said, I wouldn't rule it out completely without seeing it in person. They're all kind of hard to make the call on conclusively by lo-res pictures online.

The real proof of the pudding would be to find if the markers actually led somewhere.


I still don't see a drawing of the entire area w/markers oriented?


Okay Mike,
I tried to do a drawing of the area in Paint and it looks pathetically like a 3 year old drew it! The lines on the right hand side of the drawing are supposed to depict hillsides and the blue, of course, is a shallow river. The bird is on the highest point in the area and we are probably looking at approximately 100 acres or so here. The three gray spots on top of black ones are the three balancing rocks I showed you in pics. The pig is sitting on top of what my friend and I believe is a deathtrap since in order to move the rocks that are piled up willy nilly there, we would have to get under a huge boulder that is just balancing on smaller rocks, one of which is an arrowhead shaped on at the point of it. I have posted this rock in the same post I sent the pig. I think one is called rocks piled in and the other is balancing on rocks. I didn't mention that the huge boulder that is balanced is also shaped like an arrowhead. It looks as though someone has thrown the rocks in underneath the boulder. I think I have a distance picture of it, if so I'll attach it here. The map rock is at least 150' below the bird, the heart with an egg in it is another 150 feet below the map rock.
If I can answer any questions for you, please, just ask. Thanks again!



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OOOPS! I didn't say that the rock we believe is a deathtrap is toward the bottom of the picture, to the left of the largest rock formation. I guess it's shaped pretty much like a diamond.


Maybe I've missed something, but this is the first I've seen of a bird or a river. One thing that was bothering me was a lack of water source near a potential mine or camp site. The river answers that question.

I take it, that if you lay in the bed and look forward, you will be looking at the Map Rock and balance stones?

Any pics of the bird?


The bird was in the first pix when I said it was what brought all this other stuff to our attention. I'll attach a picture of it. The bed is actually facing with the foot of it toward the heart and it is lower in elevation by maybe 50' to 75' than the other side of that canyon so you don't see any of the other stuff. Do you remember the small opening that someone mentioned it could be an airhole or something? Well it is just behind it and between the deathtrap and the bed. The bird is about 30' tall.
I'll stay online in case you have more questions.



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HEY!! I see something in that last pic!! right in the middle of the pic.. see the cluster of three boulders, well right behind that there's a rock that looks like a chinese guy with a cap looking up at the sky. ;D

Cannonman17 said:
NO! I was just happy to find waldo before you guys.. do you see the guy or no?

Are you talking about the sorry picture I drew in "paint"? If so.....nope!

I looked. You're talking about the pic with the bird on the horizon. Just below it and to the left. It does look like that doesn't it!! HAHAHA


Yeah, that's the one! I've looked at that pic before and didn't notice it but for some reason that just stuck out like a neon sign this time... go figure. :) Sorry.. I didn't mean to waste your time but I had to show somebody... it was to cool, I'll let ya get back to serious talk again now. ;)

No biggie! I believe Gollum is offline now anyway. I've overlooked things over and over on this thread. When I see something that appears, to me at least, to be a marker that's all I see! I don't see anything on it, like the number 3 on the bed, or the face looking at the cross. I only see the bed or the cross. I told someone on here that I get so focused on the big things that I don't see the rest of it. I'm really working on that now though. I try to SEE the whole thing. When Jacko saw the number 3 on the bed my friend was so excited we had to go right back up there in the heat of the day to see if we could see it. Ya know what?? We couldn't! It was the wrong time of the day, but we knew when we went back up that we were supposed to be there between 11 and 1 PM but instead it was nearing dark thirty when we went.
Well sir, it's way past my bedtime. Have a nice evening!!


I have no idea what they might be. If they are the same as what I drew, then they're probably just natural. It's really hard to say with just seeing the picture. The reason I pointed them out is because I wanted you to look at them while your up there looking at the 3. They might be natural, but they might not. It's really hard to say just by looking at a picture, especially a low res one.

Hey Cannonman, you saw the Chinese guy, but missed the Green Beret!

Hey T,

I'm not sure if that is exactly a bird, but it may be a marker of sorts. Most bird markers look straight ahead (even though they mean a change of direction). ??? ???



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That "Green Beret" face does actually look like a face. Could just be a trick of the shadows. Looks like there may be a hollow behind it. DON'T MOVE ANY OF THOSE ROCKS! The rock above the face looks like it is supported by the Green Beret Head. Don't dig around it or pull down any rocks! Next time out, shine a flashlight into the dark area behind the face. Don't move anything. Just shine the light in, and see if there are any larger looking empty spaces behind it.

Whether it is natural or man made, those rocks can be killers. Remember the guy who had to cut his own arm off when a boulder moved, and fell trapping his arm. Move the wrong one, and you may be in trouble.


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