Spanish Gold in British Columbia

Wow Cyn, you have been busy! It sounds like you really have had your hands full, and running a motel is a 7 day per week job with no days off. At least you can reason with a two year old, which is more than can be said for some motel guests! Take it easy and quit working so hard, you know how bad that makes the rest of us look! :tongue3:

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

:laughing9: At the moment my daughter is learning to take over the 2 year old so it is less energy expended for me and I retired from the motel and caregiver job. I am back in Ohio playing with horses and jumping in the pool with lil Dani Jade when I get too hot. LOTS better! Now you guys don't look bad at all....tis me that is bein the lazy one! :laughing9: You sure got the motel guests pegged though....rofl far easier to reason with a two year old at times! Some were a lot of fun though too.

Cynangel - Ohio!? Have you been out digging for glacial gold? They find some nice nuggets in the strangest way, by metal detecting on the TOPS of the glacial terminal moraines. For some reason the gold nuggets end up on the very tops of the moraines.

On those motel guests, I only found out what they are like due to working for a Days Inn in Willcox (maintenance) and while most were pretty nice folks, wow could they ever be cranky if a toilet overflowed. :o ::) Glad to hear that you are taking things a bit easier though, makes us lazy folks feel a bit less guilt. :tongue3:

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

no diggin yet mi amigo other than in horse stalls :laughing9: I am ever so glad you feel less guilty now! :tongue3:

Cynangyl said:
no diggin yet mi amigo other than in horse stalls :laughing9: I am ever so glad you feel less guilty now! :tongue3:

Ah, er, um well Cynangel those are a very different kind of "nuggets" you have been digging there amigo, not to try to tell you what to do but I don't think I would want to carry a bunch around in my pockets. Of course people have accused me of that already, just worded a bit differently. <"Did you crap in your pants?"> I figure that such comments are coded words for a deep envy at how much gold they must figure I have been getting. :laughing7:

Just kidding my friend, that is great stuff for gardens and is good practice for when you get back to digging that yellow metal out of the earth. Take it easy and stay cool!

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

aw mi tropical tramp!! Where have you been pleading the fifth here silly man! :tongue3: ~huge hugs~

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