South Carolina FEMA Camp Opens For Business

Aug 20, 2009
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South Carolina FEMA Camp Opens For Business

truther August 25, 2013

Susan Duclos

Columbia, South Carolina has unanimously passed a measure that basically criminalizes homelessness in order to address their massive homeless problem. The homeless will be given a choice to relocate or be arrested.

If they agree to relocate they will be taken to a shelter, but a shelter allows people to come and go at will, not so for this shelter..

This “shelter” will be a remote 240-person bed emergency shelter but it is being reported that those relocated to this location will not be allowed to leave the premises without permission and there will be an armed police officer guarding the road leading to the building.

South Carolina City Approves Plan To Exile Its Homeless | ThinkProgress

The shelter will also be used as a drop-off for people recently released from prison.

While homelessness does need to be addressed, this sounds suspiciously more like the FEMA camps we have seen talked about of late and less like a place meant to help people get back on their feet.

The city claims this is to be a temporary measure.

This follows the recent ban on feeding the homeless in Myrtle Beach.

Myrtle Beach, SC Bans Feeding the Homeless on Public AND Private Property | TheSleuthJournal

The majority of homeless people do not choose to be homeless and treating them like criminals is tantamount to kicking someone while they are down.

Im Canadian and I read and have been watching over the years
how in my opinion my American friends,little by little are loosing
freedoms that where fought for long ago.Funny you can feed and
animal but It will be a crime to feed a homeless person.Some
politions cant be human if this is the case.

Government it seems is not for the people anymore.It seems they only want
working zombies to pay taxes and make the big corporations and
wealthy richer.

So its gonna be a crime to be homeless.The US fore fathers wrote in the US
Constitution about government turning into this.They allowed the right
to bare arms and I guess they seen this happening in the future,
with Blatant corruption and control and greed.

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" the shelter will be used as a drop-off for people recently released from prison "

From one jail to the next ?

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