I finally got permission to detect an early 1800's farmhouse today. Apparently one of the former owners thought it would be cool to "plant" his beer cans on the property--probably at the very spot he finished off the contents. And he must have finished off quite a few--they were everywhere! After digging number 29 and placing it in a barrel to recycle, I beg to differ with his notions--it was NOT cool, not cool at all! Despite all these false alarms, i did manage to dig a few brass items, the best of which are pictured in this post. They are definitely not early 1800's, maybe not even 1900's, but I submit them here to request your opinions as to what they are and how old. I believe the two piece with several slots to be from a military school and the square one with tongue possible near the Civil War, but these are just guesses, and I haven't a clue what the third one is! Any help greatly appreciated!