Before the note was due, when the note was due, or after the note was due,......i.e.,31 or 32, could still very, very easily have something to do with these same missing funds. We don't know what the exact circumstances may have been that might have required Morriss to maintain the box "in case" some type of "a yet unknown plan" failed and his services were needed.

So the "exactness" of 31, 32 is largely a mute point as the general time frame still fits in very, very niicely with all these other events that were taking place. Either way, KentuckyCache is correct in questioning why the Laffites were in Richmond in 1830 for a full year. Is it possible they were there taking care of, important business affairs? Obviously the answer is "yes" is/was very possible, if not likely. But we just do't know for sure........yet!
PS: I'm still of the mind that regardless who controlled the whole Beale thing, it was indeed a very educated affair that incorporated an extremely well though out plan. Given this, I'm of the mind that Morriss was just a contingency plan that was never required, for one reason or the other. As example, if the Laffites had anything to do with the Beale thing then their decision in 1826 to end the cause could possibly explain why Morriss was left out in the cold, because the entire affair came to its end way before the end of the planned ten-year term.

....but it could sure explain why he never got the key or heard from Beale again.