This will take some time driving the nail into the board with a sledgehammer, but I work hard enough to make things obvious enough so that posts here either seem like drunk ramblings at a senior citizen home arguing over the remote control.....
or they seem like legitimate research and driving the lane in the solves making a difference.
I dont take advice about codes....they are broken in private and they take focus on a series of facts that cant be jarbled into a theory....they have to be sequenced and they all have to fit.
What is shown by me get contested by people who are merely looking for a good fight to satisfy part of their complex that has lost the race.....
sorry....the hunt is over and it does show for itself......mostly the fact that this is not the only place i write is the fact that I have made progress....
the majority of posters who troll my pages aren't looking for the truth.....they are lost in their own expectations....
sorry to let you all down, and show off the find at the same time,........
SGT your comment about ME being lost in current events sure is one hell of a projection of your own faults on someone else.
YOU are the one dancing around on TV telling the other members of your group...."Who's gonna kiss my a**?" To quote your show again,
So it shows for itself who is after chasing ghosts with BLACK HANDS and who is making sense of the many facts left to consider as a plausible reason for the evidence being left behind.....
You all are still thinking this is a treasure map from the Spanish Mining Family the Peraltas
That is the biggest cop-out of an attempt, and for you SGT to claim you were both a detective and now that you are using a copied hand drawn map that is basically looking like an altered copy of the stones is even more ludicrous....
Like we would expect a detective like yourself to present fact as evidence anyways, we all expected you to fabricate stories and more lies about the affairs there, so you can roll around in your own mud......oink oink......