
to die so young -- 25 / 26 years old - so sad -- 66 years later ---a "hero" of finland finally comes home for a "proper burial" and a deserving soldier is given his properly due respect. for giving all he had to defend his country. -- you are doing good work -- may god bless you, for your kindness to others. -- what you do finding these poor men , and seeing mans cruelity in war to one another day in and out is not easy.


Im a relatice of Tauno Sauvola. Hi is my Father father brother. Did you find some stuff that belong to him? Im very very intresting find that out. We never did heard until his was found that what happend to him! If you read this reply please contact me!

Pilami said:

Im a relatice of Tauno Sauvola. Hi is my Father father brother. Did you find some stuff that belong to him? Im very very intresting find that out. We never did heard until his was found that what happend to him! If you read this reply please contact me!

yesterday nashol four more




Thank You for bringing them home! A grave site like this is horrific....

eternal memory of those killed in the war

Found dead was a Swede from the city PERNA / Valter Thesslund 27.03.1920

dead 05.07.1944

That is CRAZY! so glad you're finding them. The last shot in the trench with gun and helmet is especially poignant. Still has his boots on. :(

KORSU, I really like your posts, they are simply amazing!, And What your doing Is amazing also, to find the bodies of fallen Soldiers and to then
Return them to there homeland for the hero's buriel that they deserve is very comendable. It should be Banner for what your doing,Thank you
very much for what your doing. You are one of my Hero's......Happy Hunting and be carefull...........................HH

That last photo, well there really aren't any words for it, that one is worth far more than any thousand words. Keep up the good work!

Korsu, is the dog in one of the pics a "cadaver dog" one that helps in locating the fallen heroes? This is a commendable service you are performing. What battle is this from, and also, is this what you do for a hobby, or do you also detect?.........NGE

My god you found a relic hunters treasure.
Just a question, did you report your finds to the authorities? Are you supposed to report those type of finds?

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