if you do not think solar is the perfect solution, why do you continually oppose anyone who says anything negative about it? You only argue one viewpoint, and do so while stating passive agressive things to morally elevate you over the ones you are talking to. Examples are you accusing anyone who doesn't agree with you on being invested in oil, even when the convo never mentions oil, just the problems with solar. Another often used by you when challenged is something akin to "i am just trying to be part of the solution". Or wildly claiming this thread is so full of hot air it can run a city or something. This is where the high horse remarks come from, not your differing viewpoint. As you know I am down to argue until i am blue in the face if there are actual conversations going on. I do not however tolerate talking to someone who assumes negatives about others or assume they are morally better than others because of their opinions.
I don't oppose anyone who says anything negative about it. I've agreed with you and others in previous discussions and the current discussion. I've even said in this thread that I've never been a fan of solar-thermal operations. Solar has its drawbacks (e.g. uses mined materials, heat-island effects, needs storage, not viable for all latitudes or situations, expensive, etc.).
My argument is that in many cases, a PV solar array beat the alternative, which is the status quo... coal and NG generating facilities.
I also disagree with the statement that it takes more energy to produce a solar panel than the panel will produce in its lifespan. I agreed that it was true once, but no longer is, and that payback time will continue to lessen with increased efficiency of the panels and economies of scale.
I didn't accuse anyone of being invested in oil or coal. That's another misrepresentation. I was simply asking to see if they had an agenda... asking, not accusing and not judging. I've worked with plenty of coal miners and if you get to know them, many of them are as big of environmentalists as I am (even if they don't acknowledge it). They're just working to provide a good living for their families. And I never said that I'm morally superior to anyone. I know that I have an ecological footprint as well, and one that's larger than the majority of people on the planet, if you don't include my offsets... and even then...
I don't start threads that are simply to bash the shortcomings and environmental degradation that arise from the fossil fuels industries. However, some people on here like to bash solar panels for whatever agenda and often focus on one negative aspect, such as by saying that they require subsidies and such, but they entirely dismiss the other side, which is the subsidies and tax breaks that the fossil fuels industries receive. They like to take the true cost of solar panels or wind into account, but fail to compare it to the true cost of fossil fuels. That's why I bring coal, oil, and gas into the conversation... because if you eliminate alternative sources, what are we left with? The status quo, which is primarily fossil fuels. By simply bashing solar panels and not offering an alternative, then the assumption is, let's stick with fossil fuels. And my view is that fossil fuels are pretty dang dirty.
It's easy to point out shortcomings and failures. It's often much more difficult to find solutions. I'm arguing that we need to be working towards alternatives, because what we're doing now isn't working very well. Others seem to argue that the status quo is fine and they're sticking with it, no matter what, even if it is much more polluting to the air and water that we all breathe and use. Yeah, fossil fuels provide reliable energy (to an extent), but if the scientists are correct and if we continue down our current path (and I believe that the scientists are right), many habitable places of the planet will be uninhabitable in a few short decades due to temperature, drought, sea level rise, etc. I've already seen the places made uninhabitable for many types of wildlife by coal mining, fracking, and drilling.
Kindest regards,