Ring goes back to owner, just have to share...
As most of you know, I found a class ring a week or so ago.... I was able to find the person by contacting the school that was on the ring. After leaving a couple messages, I finally got a hold of "Maria" this afternoon and lo and behold, she now lives in the same town as I... She lost the ring 6 yrs ago when she let her young daughter "hold" it for a few minutes, but then found that her daughter had dropped it. "We looked and looked all around the area, and even came back the next day, but even with 5 of us looking for it, we couldnt find it"...
We agreed to meet at the local Winn Dixie at 5:30, and when I arrived, she was waiting with her two teenage sons.. Man, what a big smile came over her face when I handed her the ring. "It's so shiny" she said, and I replied "Yeah, it cleaned up real well"... She then said "How much do I owe you", to which I of course replied "Nothing, we in the MD'ing community return things whenever we can, it is kind of our credo".. She again smiled really big, gave me a hug, and said "I have a card for you".. She then handed me an envelope, we said our goodbyes, and I left.. When I got home, I opened the envelope and it was a sweet "Thank you" card, and also a $25 gift certificate for the Olive Garden... What a warm feeling I got.. I called her and left her a message that although I didnt need the gift, I would graciously accept it and thanked her, also telling her that I was happy that I was able to get the ring back to her...
Although I could use the money (couldnt we all), the warm feeling I got when I gave it back to her, and the smile on her face were better than the $50 or so the ring would have brought by selling it for scrap...
Gotta love a happy ending like that...
HH all!