So do they work ?

I smoke about 1 pack per day. I love love love smoking but know it is time to quit.

bought the electronic ciggy. Love it. I got the lowest nicotine. Weaning off real cigs right now.

The electronic ciggy I use in the car, or whenever I leave the house. I do not bring real ciggys. I smoke only real ones now when I wake up, part way thru the day and at night so I cut down real ciggys ALOT.

Going to eliminate real ciggys and stay on lowest nicotine electronic ciggy for a bit then buy the NO nicotine cartridges and wean off.

I can't do cold turkey. I a wussy but truly the electronic ciggy is working for me.

edited to say I bought the EXPENSIVE gum. one chew and I darn near threw up. I can't put that in my mouth!! :(

FarmerChick said:
I smoke about 1 pack per day. I love love love smoking but know it is time to quit.

bought the electronic ciggy. Love it. I got the lowest nicotine. Weaning off real cigs right now.

The electronic ciggy I use in the car, or whenever I leave the house. I do not bring real ciggys. I smoke only real ones now when I wake up, part way thru the day and at night so I cut down real ciggys ALOT.

Going to eliminate real ciggys and stay on lowest nicotine electronic ciggy for a bit then buy the NO nicotine cartridges and wean off.

I can't do cold turkey. I a wussy but truly the electronic ciggy is working for me.

edited to say I bought the EXPENSIVE gum. one chew and I darn near threw up. I can't put that in my mouth!! :(

They say to regulate the chewing. just hold it and chew once in a while to give yourself a dose. :whip2:
But I guess they did not dip. I was a maniac chewer!

TheOldMan said:
Don't go POSTAL !! Just please quit. ;D One time, many a year a go, I was puffing on a cigar and some clown said that when I bent over with that cigar in my mouth I looked like a famous Holliwood movie star - Lassie taking a sh** :laughing7: At times I will see someone smoking outside some business or such and I'll ask them how many packs a day. The answer is one and I ask them do they wish that they had $2,000 in the bank. They say yeah and look puzzled. I then say quit those damn cigs and a year from now you will have saved $2,000. 1/2 pack a day - save $1,000 ... pack a day - save $2,000 ... 2 Packs a day - save $4,000 ... 3 packs a day - save $6,000 - think about it !!! :thumbsup:

Those prices only work, if you insist on buying Pre rolled

I was smoking close to 3 packs a Day, If not 3
or more, But spending about $30 a month
making my own. seemed to
come out to about 10% of what Pre rolled costs.
& your not smoking that Glue or whatever they are adding to the Tubs
to make them Burn out.

jeff of pa said:
TheOldMan said:
Don't go POSTAL !! Just please quit. ;D One time, many a year a go, I was puffing on a cigar and some clown said that when I bent over with that cigar in my mouth I looked like a famous Holliwood movie star - Lassie taking a sh** :laughing7: At times I will see someone smoking outside some business or such and I'll ask them how many packs a day. The answer is one and I ask them do they wish that they had $2,000 in the bank. They say yeah and look puzzled. I then say quit those damn cigs and a year from now you will have saved $2,000. 1/2 pack a day - save $1,000 ... pack a day - save $2,000 ... 2 Packs a day - save $4,000 ... 3 packs a day - save $6,000 - think about it !!! :thumbsup:

Those prices only work, if you insist on buying Pre rolled

I was smoking close to 3 packs a Day, If not 3
or more, But spending about $30 a month
making my own. seemed to
come out to about 10% of what Pre rolled costs.
& your not smoking that Glue or whatever they are adding to the Tubs
to make them Burn out.

Just think how much you will save on medical bills down the road, besides you really don't want to have to hear the doctor tell you "the biopsy tests came back positive for lung cancer"...

My boss at work uses those electronic ciggs. and the gum. :help:

Jeff, if you're smoking 5 cigarettes a day & patch equals a pack, at least you're cutting down from 3 packs.

Those nicotine gum patches are usually 4mg, or like 4 cigarettes, at 4 times the cost.

If people die from emphysema, heart attack, stroke, cancer who smoke, it's blamed on smoking. But how much research is there on why maybe 2 out of 3 or 7 out of 10 who smoke don't die from it? Is it just in the genes? I think I read about something called interferon, found naturally in body, that fights cancer. So some don't have enough?

I heard a claim that then Surgeon General C. Everett Koop said in 1990 televised speech that it was chemicals put on tobacco plants that caused most cancer deaths. They put some similar stuff on maybe 90% of our food, but it is said swallowing vs inhaling, makes less stay in us. Now, about 400,000 Americans a year die from food, same # as for smoking.

I really do like the Willie Nelson method of quitting. He smoked 3+ packs a day + very drunk frequently. Now he's moderate drinker and uses no tobacco. I think we should have a right to try for a long & healthy life, so I will not vote for any politician who opposes re-legalization of cannabis ("marijuana").

It is proven it helps over 100 medical conditions, reduces or eliminates pain, helps people live longer & no proven deaths over 10,000 years of use by over 1 billion people. Recent anecdotes have indicated cannabis oil has cured people of cancer & more. Best wishes, George (MN)

P.S has 400 proven cancer cures, Drs. won't tell as they get $$ from Big Pharma & oncologists get rich burning, cutting & poisoning, likely resulting in death sooner or later.

My wife and I tried the gum and it helped reduce the cravings, but it kept us hooked on nicotine and we didn't quit that time. I was one that really enjoyed a "good cigarette" after a meal or with a cup of coffee. I smoked 1 1/2 to 2 packs a day for many years. We tried quitting several times. We were both so tired of being addicted to something that was so inconvenient and smelly. We quit nearly 4 years ago. I never have cravings and we don't miss it. We got the flu one day, and it hurt to inhale cigarette smoke. We saw it as an opportunity to quit, so we asked God to help us, and neither of us finished the smokes in our pack or smoked one since. We chewed flavored toothpicks to occupy our mouths with activity. Natural stores sell tea-tree oil toothpicks. The tea tree oil supposedly calms the receptors in your brain that are looking for nicotine. Using gum or a patch just keeps you hooked on nicotine. The tea tree oil toothpicks also give a cool breath when you inhale, almost like smoking a menthol cig. With those things, a determined mindset, the flu, and prayer, we quit cold turkey and it wasn't that difficult.

For me, this is how it was: The first week is the hardest. Just take it on one craving at a time, one hour at a time, not dreading the whole day. If you cheat once, you will cheat more until you find a reason to put quitting off until another time. After those few days, it just takes a little willpower because the physical problems are pretty much over. After 3 to 4 weeks, the thought doesn't cross your mind much, after 3 to 4 months, you get to feeling so much better and it's no problem anymore. After a year, it doesn't cross your mind anymore except if you smell it or see someone doing it and you are reminded how nice it is to not be stuck on that habit anymore. I used to think I would never be able to drive without smoking, or eat a big meal or drink a cup of coffee without wanting a smoke. I was wrong. I don't want one and I don't like the smell of them anymore. I am so thankful to be rid of them. We use the extra money to go on a "date night" once a week, and have money left over.

I wish you the best! Good luck with it!

Yea - well, when you quit smoking, lots of people spend MORE money than they save - on food. :headbang: :headbang:

And then for meds for high cholesterol, and then for diet foods or gym memberships - just joking here - :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I'd put up one of these: :coffee2: but, its hard to have one of those without a smoke. So, I'll just say: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Beth, you mean --gasp, gasp, -that you will profane our prisine High Mexican pine country with a ciggie?sheesh. Natural methane from our lovely mules and the two man eaters is one thing, but ----.

Don Jose de La Mancha

i stopped fur 3 years but started again :help:

Not me, Jose,

I not only hustle butt, I pick up my butts - and other people's butts. (and, frankly, all the other garbage I find on the way). :coffee2: :coffee2:


i have been smoking since age 5 and dont plan on stopping,but good luck with it

I smoked over 42 years, mostly a 2 day a pack habit until 5 years and 26 days ago I quit cold turkey.

I buy coins/ bullion/metal detecting supplies with what I don't spend on that crap.

Since then I've wondered why I would go outside my home to smoke so it wouldn't smell bad when I was stinking
like a burned out butt most of the time. It just didn't make any sense anymore.

That and the cost of cigs has gone up immensely, when I started they were .26/pack in Pennsylvania.

no jeff they dont work :angry5: still doing nicotine! a friend got hipnotised told em to imagine every time they took a drag ,it was a up chuck ??? side effect yes one side effect from stopping is stomach craps for 2 days ,just drink lots of water for that ,get a new tooth brush , clean every thing that has nicotine on it!!stay away from ppl who smoke for a few days! good luck with the fresh air and better tasting food e.d.a.f if you think you can ,you can do anything :whip2:

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