So do they work ?

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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From a 3 Pack a Day Lifestyle ? :D


I've tried them all, including doctor prescribed Chantix. What really works for me is the Nicorette gum.

So far 22 Hours & 5 Smokes :tongue3:
later I'm Wondering :laughing7:

Tried Wellbutrin / Bupropion
in the past but by the time it started working,
I Became alergic to it.
Kept Standing up & Falling over
like I Was trying to stand on a Spinning
Carnival Ride. "Vertigo"

Didn't work for me Jeff, I smoked with the patch on and thought my heart would jump through my chest :laughing9:

Still trying to quit, the best way is just to pick a day when you feel comfortable in changing your habits and stop.. Changing habits is key here, especially when it comes to smoking :thumbsup:

I have smoked for a long time. And tried everything.

Spart has the idea. one of the cheapest ways I have found.........

smokers dont breathe deep unless they are lighting up.... When ya have that craving............deep breathe a couple or three times.

Anything with nicotine in it only keeps it going, but will help.

gum works best for me, too. you know when your jaws are aching, to take a deep breath!!!!!!

good luck!!!!!!!


Smoked my last pack on the 21st of December 2011

Had the worst week of my life, my tongue swelled up and had sore's develop in my mouth.

Felt like I had the flu and ebola at the same time. Had tried all that other stuff before and it did not work.

Second week felt better but mouth was still sore and swollen, I bought an electronic Cigg for the

mornings for the nicotine and have been doing fine. I only use the e-cig in the morning with my coffee
and I am set for the day. Didn't use it yesterday or today but it is there if I feel the need.

Good Luck Jeff, it is a hard and difficult individual journey. Wishing you the best as only a smoker can understand the hell you are facing :icon_thumright:

Jeff just find yourself a sack of good weed, then you wont care if you dont have a butt :laughing7:

one pack a day down to 1 cig a day using an electronic ciggy to wean myself down, now to figure out how to eliminate that. and by the way the world stinks lol

spartacus53 said:
the best way is just to pick a day when you feel comfortable in changing your habits and stop.. Changing habits is key here, especially when it comes to smoking :thumbsup:

Dead on!

When I was young I loved cigars. Cigarettes never really did anything for me.

My wife hated all smoking because when she was little she watched her greatly beloved grandfather die with tobacco related lung cancer (he was only in his early 60's). She approached him one day while he was lying on his sofa gasping for air and said: "Grandpa, why don't you quit smoking?" His answer was: "I can't." Even to his last small breaths he had his cigarettes.

So, after we were married all I heard from her was....STOP!

One day I got mad and tired of her nagging and quit cold turkey. That was over 35 years ago and I haven't smoked since.

One can quit if one really wants to.

I'd suggest visiting people dying of emphysema. Going that way is like drowning in super slow motion (months).

Good Mornin; I am now 80. I quit when I was 30. one day I decided that smoking was a stupid thing for a full grown man to do.So I quit!!! gave away my pipes ,bulk tobacco , and threw three packs over the bridge.Cold turkey!! I confess I will follow a good smelling pipe for a block, maybe. Bob

Michigan Badger said:
spartacus53 said:
the best way is just to pick a day when you feel comfortable in changing your habits and stop.. Changing habits is key here, especially when it comes to smoking :thumbsup:

Dead on!

When I was young I loved cigars. Cigarettes never really did anything for me.

My wife hated all smoking because when she was little she watched her greatly beloved grandfather die with tobacco related lung cancer (he was only in his early 60's). She approached him one day while he was lying on his sofa gasping for air and said: "Grandpa, why don't you quit smoking?" His answer was: "I can't." Even to his last small breaths he had his cigarettes.

So, after we were married all I heard from her was....STOP!

One day I got mad and tired of her nagging and quit cold turkey. That was over 35 years ago and I haven't smoked since.

One can quit if one really wants to.

I'd suggest visiting people dying of emphysema. Going that way is like drowning in super slow motion (months).

I know a family where the Father has had 'open heart surgery', a Daughter died of lung cancer, the mother is in her pajamas all day , hooked up to oxygen, 'worst case of emphasema' the Dr had ever seen.
My Father-in-law died at the age of 60 from lung cancer, all from smoking cigarettes, GOOD LUCK QUITTING.


God, I hate giving good advise :laughing7:

You see habit is the key, wake up, have a cigarette; coffee, another cigarette, get in your car, yet another cigarette.

Duct tape yourself to the bed over the weekend, that will be a good start :tongue3:

Chantix worked for me and it has been years that I haven't smoked now. I was over 2 packs a day for a long time and thought I could never quit. I don't even have cravings. Good luck Jeff, quitting is great! Save money and health and you don't have to worry if you have your butts and lighter with you and when the next smoke break is. It's a freedom in itself. :blob7:

I quit cold turkey twice and the second time took. This was when they were Sixty Five cents a pack too. I can't stand to smell them now and still kept my pipes cause they were like old friends, but would gag on tasting it now. Hang in there and remember it is all in your mind, the rest of it is just another way to get your money.

Good luck Jeff, I quit at the funeral of my stepfather, dead at 49 from emphysema....

Sandman said:
remember it is all in your mind, the rest of it is just another way to get your money.


After cigars I went to overeating as my crutch which will also do ya in. I used salt like it was the secret to life eternal. I needed more and more salt, and more and more flavor to cope with the stresses of life. When I even started to get hungry I felt like I was getting very ill. My blood pressure was like 178 over 100 (with blood pressure meds).

All of these hangups are in the mind. I laid off the salt and reprogrammed my mind to eat healthy. It took a nasty scare to bring me to my senses but even with gluttony it's all in the mind. Today if there's a tiny amount of salt in a dish it sometimes tastes like a cup of salt was added. Now in my personal case, if I miss a meal I don't suffer from "low blood sugar" or have those nasty dizzy spells (all produced by the mind--in my case).

The brain really plays tricks on us. It's like a computer...GIGO (garbage in, garbage out).

Taking charge of ones mind is the answer to 95% of ones problems.

My Dad quit in 68 using Lifesavers candy. He's very strong willed. My mom was going to quit, but became so hateful and hard to be around we let her go back to smokin. My family believed tobacco was a gift from God, pretty much. Grandparents all smoked or chewed. Grandmas too. (Big fun when you knocked Grandma's spit can off the ironing board.) We were poor, and these folks liked tobacco so much I saw them smoke Prince Albert rolled up in brown grocery sack paper. (Go try that if you think you're tough.) They all lived very long lives and did not die from anything that could be attributed to tobacco use. Except mom, who died from an aneurysm too young, and I really thought cigarettes caused that. They all lost their teeth and had some mouth problems, and coughs, which I thought might have something to do with tobacco. Could be in these modern times a lot of new things in combination with nicotine are killing people. Maybe best for modern people to stay away from nicotine altogether. Smoking is supposed to take ten years off your life, but it is the worst ten years.

My stepfather's death by emphasema was directly related to his cigarette habit of 2.5-3 packs a day according to the doctor. He started smooking at age of 9 he told me, he spent the last 3 years of his life sleeping in an easy chair as he could not breathe when he laid down..... Even on his death bed he continued to smoke he was so hooked..... He told me months before his death that it has already killed me, I may as well enjoy them till I die....

I don't know about the last 10 years being your worst, it all depends on your health condition, I do know 49 is way to young to die. Hell I would have been dead for the last 14 years if I died at 49....

I dipped for about 30 years. I tried to quit once with the patch, no go. I quit using the gum and a whole lot of will power about 5 years ago. I found that it helped me not go psycho on someone (at least I felt my temper was better :tongue3:).

But I still chew alot of normal gum(sugarless).,. and there are times I fight the urge to take the dip from someones mouth :BangHead:!

Willpower is the main thing. How bout you OlRoy, any luck cutting back yet?

By the way ,,generic wallyworld nicotine gum was my choice, a LOT cheaper, and I chewed alot of it. I really worked out my jaw and head muscles :laughing9:

Well if I Go Postal on here
Remind Me to go Smoke a cig. :D

Had at least 2 Heart attacks by the time I hit 29
Quit Smoking out of fear, & 10 days in the Hospital
after the 2nd. one Didn't start again Till I hit 40
or so & Rememberd how much I Liked it,
& Lost my Fear.
Doctor keeps saying I should Quit, But
My tests always come out so good, Doctor always says
Keep doing what I'v been doing :icon_scratch:
Kind of Hypocritical IMO, But she threw in this
3 Step Patch Thingie asking IF I'll try, so....
What the Heck :dontknow:

Hopefully Changing my lifestyle dosn't work
like it did for amy winehouse.

& we all know what happend with George Burns & all his Cigars.
he was living proof that smoking
between 10 and 15 cigars a day for 70 years contributes to
a hundred year life :laughing9:

Anyway Thanks !
Had a few Puffs today again.
But as long as I Have tobacco in the house,
there is only one way to Destroy it,
& that's Fire & smoke.
I Refuse to Waste :wink:

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