Snuffer Bottle Question... Confounded


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Feb 21, 2013
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Welcome to tnet, farooq! - suggest you spend at least a week studying all the sub-forums on the Gold Prospecting Forum (Sluicing, Panning, etc.) There are
many talks about equipment to use. This equipment can be built at home sometimes, or order it from the many dealers. Once you know about equipment
and watch the many videos, please return to ask more questions. Good Luck!

Thanks for your suggestion and appreciate your feedback, Would request to please kindly send me some complete videos to discover the gold from sand as i have tried to find videos on net but i could not find complete videos with details, my email address is: &

Dear All

Recently we have discover the gem stone which photo attached.Ruby egg.webpImage0392.webpImage0391.webp

Dear All

Recently we have discover the gem stone which photo attached.<img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>

What kind of stones are those?

Red color is ruby and yellow & blue still not checked

I have black sand in my snuffer bottle

I have not been prospecting before and went out and found some gold on the first time out. I found some flakes and some dust. I used my snuffer bottle to get the dust but also got black sand. How can I get the dust out? Please help a rookie out.

I have not been prospecting before and went out and found some gold on the first time out. I found some flakes and some dust. I used my snuffer bottle to get the dust but also got black sand. How can I get the dust out? Please help a rookie out.

Try my method =

4 Months...Ever hear of Gold Rush? :laughing7:

All those pretty full mason jars of gold on the show actually belonged to Tony Beets. Hoffman nor anybody else (except Tony) found all the gold they showed on TV.

Another little piece of trivia is that the Production Company paid Parker Schnabel $300,000 for equipment and payroll, and Parker kept the money for himself and didn't give a penny to the guys working for him.


All those pretty full mason jars of gold on the show actually belonged to Tony Beets. Hoffman nor anybody else (except Tony) found all the gold they showed on TV.
Another little piece of trivia is that the Production Company paid Parker Schnabel $300,000 for equipment and payroll, and Parker kept the money for himself and didn't give a penny to the guys working for him.

No disrespect, but how do you know this to be true?

No disrespect, but how do you know this to be true?

Well he does kinda look like he could be Dave's brother? :laughing7:

But seriously... the way Parker handled his employee's "issues" said everything about his true character, and gold does nasty things to shameful souls. Not saying its proof of anything, just that it seems like it's within the realm of his personality given past events.

But seriously... the way Parker handled his employee's "issues" said everything about his true character,
and gold does nasty things to shameful souls. Not saying its proof of anything, just that it seems like it's
within the realm of his personality given past events.

I would say that Parker needs some life experience under his belt, and that
managing employees is not something we come by naturally. Hell, he's still
just a kid..

My problem is with this statement:

Another little piece of trivia is that the Production Company paid Parker Schnabel $300,000 for equipment
and payroll, and Parker kept the money for himself and didn't give a penny to the guys working for him.

This is known as "Libel", which is slanderous statements made in print,
and such a statement can be very damaging to a persons reputation.
If Parker knew the statement was here, and decided to pursue legal
action, he could sue the shiznit out of both Gollum and the site.

In court, Gollum could either provide verifiable proof that the accusation
is correct, and if not, then the court will determine how much in damages
he will pay for spreading unverified, vicious rumors.

Which is why I asked Gollum how he knew it to be true.

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