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Bob, can you take that photo down please? I have a gerbil for a pet (I assume that's a rat), and really don't like seeing images like that.

Did you ask the gerbil what he thinks?


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Hey Bobinsd

How do you plan to feed these snakes?


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Actually, the one eating the rat would have those (rattlers) :Pfor lunch, also.

Yeah, it was in Miami. The snake was illegally imported by some snake "lover" and when it got too big, they dumped it in the swamps. It's becoming a sierous problem..

Not being one to tell tales,,,, ::) ::), my son had an 8' rock python he inherited from a former roomate in college. He had to feed it a rat a month. The rat had to be alive or he wouldn't eat it....not my son, the snake! The python was kept in a glass acquarium with a glass top and a big rock holding the top on. The snake got strong enough to move the glass top and started getting out and roaming around my son's room all the time. He finally had to give it away at the insistance of my wife who refused to visit him until he did. He gave it to a young lady he knew that happened to be a part time stripper to earn tuition money. She used the snake in her act and became quite popular. He offered to take me to see her act, but I declined at the insistance of my wife once again who refused to visit me if I did! >:( I told my son about this thread and asked if he ever saw that girl again. He said no at the insistance of his new wife who threatened to leave him if he did! The moral of the story? Wives and snakes don't mix! :D ::) Monty

Well from past happenings in Oklahoma and Texas I can say I have been chased twice by cotton mouths ! Once in a boat at a ex-inlaw lake on my ex-honeymoon! The other was while fishing near Broken Bow, Ok. and it came over the creek from the other side where I was at and came after me!

Other than that all turned out well they both became nice wall hangings.

The cowboy boots are a good thing to have in copperhead country. My brother in law was walking longside our barn and was bitten by a copperhead. The bite went thru his boot, but not his skin. When he removed his boot his sock was wet with venom, he lucked out, small copperhead.

They sent me that photo saying it was a PEMEX (the Mexican petroleum company) pipe, they also sent me some pictures of an alligator they found in the pipes and when they opened his stomach it had some human parts of the body he ate.

Very nice looking snake bobinsd. I had a variable king, he was a great pet. Do you always feed live? I tried to convert to frozen to avoid my babies from getting bit. At one time I had about 20. The only snake I could not get to take frozen was a Honduran Milk I had. That little SOB liked everything live including me. Do you have any other reptiles of just snakes. I have had a lot of different reptiles.

We have had hard frost here, with snow on the ground Saturday and with the temperature in the low 50's yesterday, I saw a garter snake crawling along outside my house. So no, the snakes aren't all hibernating yet.

Garter snakes are real hardy, I have seen them out with snow on the ground several times. If the sun is shining and temps are at least in the upper 50's they can be seen. In the south where I live the Mole Kingsnake can be seen in every month of the year as long as temps hit the 60's.

At one time I had 20. I had a pair of Hondurans and Pueblons. All I can figure is they have poor eyesight cause I was frequantly bitten by the females and occasionly the males. As you well know a feeding bite hurts much worse than a defensive bite. One time I had the female Honduran attempt to eat my index finger, she had it between the knuckles before I managed to free it. The only time it is real safe to hold these snakes is a day after feeding. Just wash your hands real well and dont have any live mice in the same room and you will be alright. I personally never cared, I have been bit by thousands of snakes. Only once did a bite ever hurt and that was from a 100" long Coachwhip that did not bother with opening its mouth to release me but rather pulled back and tore the skin on my wrist. Ouch!

Have either of you ever been chased by a snake? You would think after being around them my whole life I would have had this happen at least once. Actually I wish they would chase me that way they would be so much easier to catch! Even the venomous ones.

damz68 said:
Garter snakes are real hardy, I have seen them out with snow on the ground several times. If the sun is shining and temps are at least in the upper 50's they can be seen. In the south where I live the Mole Kingsnake can be seen in every month of the year as long as temps hit the 60's.

At one time I had 20. I had a pair of Hondurans and Pueblons. All I can figure is they have poor eyesight cause I was frequantly bitten by the females and occasionly the males. As you well know a feeding bite hurts much worse than a defensive bite. One time I had the female Honduran attempt to eat my index finger, she had it between the knuckles before I managed to free it. The only time it is real safe to hold these snakes is a day after feeding. Just wash your hands real well and dont have any live mice in the same room and you will be alright. I personally never cared, I have been bit by thousands of snakes. Only once did a bite ever hurt and that was from a 100" long Coachwhip that did not bother with opening its mouth to release me but rather pulled back and tore the skin on my wrist. Ouch!

Have either of you ever been chased by a snake? You would think after being around them my whole life I would have had this happen at least once. Actually I wish they would chase me that way they would be so much easier to catch! Even the venomous ones.

every time i have ever encountered a snake, it was always trying to get out of my way. i dont think they really want to be around people very much. i think most bites come from startled or stepped on snakes. (or provoked ones).

mrs.oroblanco said:
About those barrel of snakes - isn't that a breeding bundle? I saw something similar for the first time about 2 years ago, and that's what I was told it was.

They congregate when temps start to drop in the fall. In the southeast the large snakes will frequantly overwinter alone. However in the southwest they pick a site where the sun will shine on them the longest, I guess that would be the southern facing hillsides. Anyway they mate in the spring after hibernation and this takes place at the site of hibernation.

So the answer to your question is yes, if the shot was taken in the spring and no if it was taken in the fall. In southern Tx. and southern Fl. some snakes will mate in the fall and give birth in the spring. The largest snake in the US, the indigo snake, mates in the winter months.

I have never been chased by one. I have chased a few in my time. Snakes are amazing creatures, its to bad they have such a bad reputation with people. I think if more people took the time to learn about snakes, people wouldn't be so scared of them. As for being bit by snakes, I have had a few bites in my time. Mostly the ones that are caught in the wild. Snake bites aren't to bad but a 3 and a half foot Savannah monitor hurts like he!!..

I saw a show on the Kumodo Dragons last night, and they were tearing a huge bull to shreds, you just are stunned with the cold bloodedness of these reptiles. Their saliva has some of the most poisoness substances known in it, in fact they create anti bodies from it.
But I have pet rats and love all animals. Its funny but of all the pets I have had the rat is with out a doubt the smartest, and the cleanest. They groom themselves all day and hate the smell of the garbage can. and if I'm down they pick it up right away and do funny entertaing acrobatics.
I realize theres a scheme of things, animals eat other species to thin out the old ,weak ,young etc. but it still disturbs me too see it. Maybe it makes me aware that someday I will be devoured by life too.
Mike T


Actually it's a 12 yr. old, 54 in. FL King (lampropeltis Floridensis) and the rat came fresh from a Victor. The snake can easily handle smal live rats but I don't think I could ween her over to frozen after all this time. What do you think? There are more pics on another thread but I can't remember where. I have a CA King male for a mate. Had to operate last year for 5 embedded fed for 3 months, almost died. Nice to know there are herp lovers out there. :P


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