some awesome finds, but you really need to be careful with entering any "abandoned" property. Not a lecture here, jsut a few things to be wary of
1. trespassing on gov't property carries heavier fines that regular prop.
2. Party houses may also be used for clandestine labs - full of booby traps that are desined to kill, ,maim and destroy any eveidence should it be discovered
3. if you would enter into a house that is under survielance because it is a known drug house, or storage area for stolen goods, guess who gets the rap for the crimes
4. The most important thing to learn about finding goods like this (possibly illegally) is not to tell everyone how you came across it....I do not suggest this....I can only suggest not doing the house entries unless it is scheduled for demolition and you get permission from the people demolishing the home to enter for reasons you can come up with
Keep it safe would love to see what you post in the future given the finds you got already
With the smarts you have a 15 to find the goods in the house would hate to see it wasted in jail instead of a good college to learn how to hunt the big treasures in the oceans and jungles.