As far as me getting a TVA permit, I haven't even bothered. My car broke down before Christmas and I have to wait until I get my tax money back to get another one. I'm still waiting on some forms to come in the mail, unfortunately. When I get some wheels I've some places I need to rehunt. I got a (somewhat new) secret. Using this secret led to a 10k gold ring Monday. My first official gold, if you will. The secret? DIG THOSE PULLTABS!!!
As for the water line, I know as a fomer deckhand (working on riverboats) a high waterline is like after a long hard rain. We called this "high water" and the current is a heck of a lot more swifter than normal! Up north, one lock house has a couple high water lines marked on their building. Both are WAY over my head!!!! On normal river conditions, this should apply after any rise in depth. But as far as the permit is concerned, it sounds more like where ever the waters edge is at that time. I couldn't say for sure. This would be something to ask about to be safe. If anyone could give a definate answer to you then please holler back.
And to everyone, you're more than welcome for the link. I'm glad I could be of some help! Now if they would only legalize hunting in our state parks! Cheers!