Slim Pickins--One Merc


Silver Member
Jan 7, 2007
Northern Illinois
Detector(s) used
Minelab vanquish, Quest x10 pro, Quest x10 idmaXx
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


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    5-7-07 023.jpg
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    5-7-07 006.jpg
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I agree. I'd rather find a merc than 2 Rosies or even a silver washington quarter. Nice merc!

Nice Merc, Merf. I'd consider that a pretty great day out, myself. Are you getting a little bit jaded from all the great coin finds lately? Come spend the day with me....diggin clad. Get you right back into the proper frame of mind to really appreciate a 20 wheat and a beaut of a Merc!!


Nice... I sure am due to see on of those mercs pop out of the ground...

Thanks to all----I have had a lucky streak.

Merf said:
I spent three hours in the woods today and only found these two coins, some old shotgun casings and a few bottle lids. The Merc made it all worthwhile though.
Good hunting to all.

three hours two coins ,congrats to you,i spent three hours satarday swattin blackflies! >:( ::) :)

I'll take those "slim pickings" any day. You are the Merc Man!
Way to go,

I have to be honest Merf....Never found one yet....I did say yet....Nice job!!

Nice Merc..Imagine if the Merc's design was used on a silver dollar back in the day..I would have liked them even more than the Peace Dollar (even though they're beautiful as well)!


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