Slide Shine 4/10 - 4/11 Alabama

that's a good pair of tweezers!


Hey man . I'm starting to get a good baseline mark
out on this hill side . I think it's probably a large shear
zone rather than just a regular break away slide and fold .
Not positive for sure on that yet ...... but it's look'n like it .
The gold has been good .... so far .... but the spot area is
not one of the kinder areas . You know how most of the
hills are down here . Trees , vines (with and without thorns )
along with the leaf and limb overburden . This dip has it
all ...... in abundance . Especially the thorn vines from hell .
I'll tell ya one thing Strick ...... judging by what I've got so
far with just selective trenching ,, hole digg'n and the ole
BHTR this area could be exceptional and it's one of my
stronger relationships with the people who own the lands .
So........................... I'm gona leave off on other stuff for
probably the rest of the year and work this hard unless I
determine a reason not to .
Here is some more " tweezer " pieces . Same spot .


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That one looks just like an old flintlock pistol.very cool. take it to a gun show and let the bidding war begin!seems like a lot of movement here lately.noticed a spot or two where I go that has had recent shifting.there is a fault line there I need to check it out better.

Really awesome Takoda. Your description of hillside prospecting is impressive. Not many have the skills to read a hill that well, etc. iI's beyond my experience for sure! Would a metal detector help you to know where to focus? I am imagining Lanny in AB would love that area :)

Really awesome Takoda. Your description of hillside prospecting is impressive. Not many have the skills to read a hill that well, etc. iI's beyond my experience for sure! Would a metal detector help you to know where to focus? I am imagining Lanny in AB would love that area :)

I'm still using the BHTR I bought in 2006 Kevin .
Paid $485. for it back then . I doubt I have 150
hours on it . Metal detectors are a useful tool
in some situations . As for myself ..... I don't
have a WHOLE lot of use for one , BUT it has come
in handy a few times for damn sure .
I'm not a rich man but I can buy any MD on the
market if I want to .
I've had occasion to use a Gold Bug 2 and a
GPX 5000 . What I learned was I didn't need
either one of them any more than I need the
one I have . They ALL take up too much time as
far as I'm concerned .
I'll always keep a good one in the tool arsenal
though because they have use .
I'll also add that the BHTR model I own is a decent
detector with both coils . I know there are some
people who think because it's a " Bounty Hunter "
it ain't no good . Those people are wrong .
I don't know what I'll buy when this one finally
craps out ..... but like I said , I'll keep one on hand .


These are from the same place .


Wow, just wow!

watch out ! T's on a roll!

watch out ! T's on a roll!

:laughing7: Hey man :hello: . So far so good . I have not concentrated on
the finer stuff yet but I grab it when it screens/washes out .
It pretty much looks like our standard small stuff from down here except
for some sliver type stuff . I still don't have a handle on the extent
of the make up and possibles yet . Place ain't move around friendly ......
and it's an ankle bender to boot . Not complaining ...... but I've had
better spots .

May the house of Strick do well and prosper . :skullflag:


sounds like ,(and with your luck )you might get a platinum bonus. watch those hills! My buddy tried to keep up and fell ,more like rolled down a good sized one three times in a row . All I saw were feet ,hands ,head over and over . he was fine just a bruised ego and slight hangover! But could have turned south in a hurry.Hills can be brutal.My year so far is terrible .last few trips were too cold (march) too much rain and lightning. too much flooding etc... Last trip got there water was perfect normal level,clear . About the time I started setting up camp ,Bottom fell out -Upstream must have been Hammered-By morning the river was up in the trees.Logs floating by had a good rumble to it .Had to help friends get their rigs out . It was very,very sketchy to say the least . Several dredges took nose dives upstream.So whole trip was a wash. Still had a great time ,must have gained 3 pounds. Went thru half a gallon.

sounds like ,(and with your luck )you might get a platinum bonus. watch those hills! My buddy tried to keep up and fell ,more like rolled down a good sized one three times in a row . All I saw were feet ,hands ,head over and over . he was fine just a bruised ego and slight hangover! But could have turned south in a hurry.Hills can be brutal.My year so far is terrible .last few trips were too cold (march) too much rain and lightning. too much flooding etc... Last trip got there water was perfect normal level,clear . About the time I started setting up camp ,Bottom fell out -Upstream must have been Hammered-By morning the river was up in the trees.Logs floating by had a good rumble to it .Had to help friends get their rigs out . It was very,very sketchy to say the least . Several dredges took nose dives upstream.So whole trip was a wash. Still had a great time ,must have gained 3 pounds. Went thru half a gallon.

Strick ............... " Sliver " ,,, not " Silver " :laughing7:

I admit I don't watch out hard for Pt .......... you've seen the
only verified Pt I've ever found .

I don't hardly even think about it really . I guess I should , but
just trying to find the gold is tough enough .

I don't think even I'm lucky enough to hit on a big patch of Pt .

If I ever do ............... the beef and beer will be on me brother .

P.S. Was it Chris who took the tumble ..?

No, Don't see him . One of my buddies from work.

Man, that is beautiful. I don't know exactly where you are, but I spent a lot of time as a kid climbing around Cheaha. I'll bet that if I had paid more attention to the countrysides and hillsides and been more interested in gold back then, I might have found some stuff. I know now that Cheaha was close to gold areas; I did not back then. Sigh.

Keep up the good work and heavy tweezers! :)

Man, that is beautiful. I don't know exactly where you are, but I spent a lot of time as a kid climbing around Cheaha. I'll bet that if I had paid more attention to the countrysides and hillsides and been more interested in gold back then, I might have found some stuff. I know now that Cheaha was close to gold areas; I did not back then. Sigh.

Keep up the good work and heavy tweezers! :)


Recent pieces off the same stretch . So far ..... I know the lateral break line along
the dip is over a quarter of mile ( 1500 ft. plus some ) and jagged ..... but discernible .


This whole thread is just's like you found the Australian outback here in the U.S.! Congrats man!

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