since i started this!

If map dowsing actually works, I hope I can hook up with the dowser and we'll go into business together. Think of the possibilities.

Here is one, that I bet you guys haven't heard. I received a call, from a guy who wanted to know if I would help him on a dowsing [treasure hunting] trip to mountains, in COLO., Said he couldn't pay me a lot, but that he would buy all my fuel and feed me real good, which he did. Anyway, we worked for about a week. The strange part, at least to me, is this, we would go into the mountains, sit down, he would get his topo out and would dowse it, he would stay at that location, he would tell me about how many miles and what direction to go, when I arrived at the approx. location I was to pick up a small rock then pick a large green leaf from any kind of plant and wrap the rock in the leaf, the rock was just to keep the leaf from blowing away. He said I was to then place this thing under a large rock or log or anything so that sunlight would not fall on it. I would do this in at least three different locations in that area and within one half to one mile of each other. Then I would return to his location. This guy said he could tell just exactly where I had been and where all three markers were located, he claimed he could tell is there was a target between his location and where I had been. All I know is that I never loaded any treasure in my truck and he was in no condition to go it alone. I can say this, I never saw any treasure, but I saw a lot of country in which to search for it.

Colorado Bob said:
Here is one, that I bet you guys haven't heard. I received a call, from a guy who wanted to know if I would help him on a dowsing [treasure hunting] trip to mountains, in COLO., ...... All I know is that I never loaded any treasure in my truck and he was in no condition to go it alone. I can say this, I never saw any treasure, but I saw a lot of country in which to search for it.

Your story is not at all untypical of those who become enamored with the art and practice of dowsing. Once an individual experiences for themselves the overwhelming and confounding results produced by a simple ideomotor response; they immediately setup and establish an entire repertoire of "rules", "laws", "methods" and actions which they determine must be followed in order to achieve a successful dowse. What they end up with is essentially "Their Own Belief System". And, though it might be similar to that of other dowsers, it will likely NEVER be exactly the same as another dowser's system. Hence, you can find endless discussion --where one belief system is touted as correct, while another might be viewed as flawed. In reality, all dowsing belief systems are flawed, since they are ALL a product of creating rules and laws about a "random process" that can never be described according to specific rules and laws.

Dowsing is a very captivating topic, because it appears to be something that is predictable and thus, it is assumed that if one follows a certain method, then meaningful results will be achieved and these will constitute "success". Unfortunately, it just doesn't work that way.

Probably an analogy could best describe what is happening with the results of dowsing. This will make sense if you've ever been to a casino, and played the table game of Roulette. Imagine sitting at the Roulette table and observing about 10 spins before you ever make a bet. You observe what numbers came up in 10 spins... then, you utilize those observations to predict what numbers will next come up in the future, so that you can start betting and start winning. For instance, you might note that certain portions of the field of numbers are more popular than others, or occur after certain others occur... and hence you derive a rule that states, "after observing this number hitting, then you should bet on that number". The problem is, you have created a rule or method after observing a totally random process, and the idea that following your rule will net you a success is of course quite FLAWED. Just as the rules and belief systems that are created to derive a dowsing success are FLAWED. In both instances, a totally random process was observed and then a system to predict a useful outcome was created to gain some particular advantage over the future results of this same random process. It's not possible to do such a thing... and many millions of dollars have been lost at the Roulette tables, by those who think it is possible.

Dowsing is no different, and predicting results based on earlier observations nets the operator the same as those predicting the outcome of Roulette spins. They end up with the same thing as what could have been derived from simple Chance Guessing.... and of course.... you never loaded any treasure into your truck. ;D

(please don't forget that Chance Guessing, can and does produce successful and meaningful results, but only on a random basis...)

I will try to give you an overview of the whole project. He never did prove or disprove the placement of my markers. I will also say that I never did try to fool or trick him in any way, it was his dime, and he was having fun, and who knows maybe we would be succsessful. Take a piece of typing paper, at or near the top, on the left side make a dot, about two inchs to the right make another one, and a third, with the fourth being on the right side of the paper. Now go to, or near the bottom of the paper and make a dot in the center, or about four inchs from either edge. Draw a line from the dot at the bottom center to the dot at the top left. Draw another line from the bottom center dot to the top right hand dot. You should now have a diagram that looks somewhat like a triangle. The dots at the top represent the objects that I buried, or concealed, at approx. 1/4mi. to 1/2mi. apart, depending on terrain. The dot at the bottom center is the dowser, who was usually four to six miles away, also depending on terrain, and it also depends on just how sure the dowser is that the target is in that area [triangle], this can cause the area to be larger or smaller. I never did observe him make an accurate indication on the map, therefore if he was not sure of his dowsing he would not go to any location. He was not in very good physical condition to go climbing around in the mountains. We were in rugged terrain at around 10,000 ft.. Usually what happened was, I would return to his position, at which time he would take out the topo and start to dowse. He never seemed to be able to get a rock solid reading. His comments went something like this, well the energy seems to have faded, or, I think maybe there are some solar flares or something interrupting my signal, or, it almost seems that the target has moved, I know it hasnt but now I'm getting a signal in another direction adjacent to the first. [I heard that on more than one occasion]. His dowsing instrument was a small crystal with a hole in one end with about one foot of a fine string attached to it. At least it was fun for both of us and I got to keep an eye out for some new nugget shooting areas. I still keep an open mind and am still waiting for that one dowser that can or will show me the finds he or she has made by dowsing.

I'm reasonably certain that a google or copernic for the terms map dowsing / mapdowsers / mapdowser will give you at least one site that will answer some of your questions. Good luck in your search. exanimo, ss

There are many different types of dowsing instruments in the market today, with interpretations regarding its operating procedures and capabilities. there's the german stick, L- shaper rod, fork twig or plastic, pendulum etc... Dowsers gave their account of experiences based on their observations, findings, hearsays, and others. but if a dowser can explain how his instrument works scientifically rather than ambiguous explanations, then his instrument can be improved to detect materials he wish to find. The best way to check the validity of a dowsing instrument is to test it. ( I have done it with my own instrument which I device with a positive result) First, get an object you wish to test. Let a friend hide it. (It is not necessary underground, if you can't find it above the ground it is impossible for you to find it underground) Do not ask any clue from your friend where did he hide it. If your instrument is true to its value, it will tell you where the hidden object is located. if you are looking for it within a week's time and can not find it, it is tantamount to say that you have been dupe by the seller.
Another word of advise... A true dowser will not reveal his secret, he will only give you some hints. A true dowsing instrument does not operate mystically, it must operate scientifically.


angel_09 said:
There are many different types of dowsing instruments in the market today, with? interpretations regarding its operating procedures and capabilities. there's the german stick, L- shaper rod, fork twig or plastic, pendulum etc... Dowsers gave their account of experiences based on their observations, findings, hearsays, and others. but if a dowser can explain how his instrument works scientifically rather than ambiguous explanations, then his instrument can be improved to detect materials he wish to find. The best way to check the validity of a dowsing instrument is to test it. ( I have done it with my own instrument which I device with a positive result) First, get an object you wish to test. Let a friend hide it. (It is not necessary underground, if you can't find it above the ground it is impossible for you to find it underground) Do not ask any clue from your friend where did he hide it. If your instrument is true to its value, it will tell you where? the hidden object is located. if you are looking for it within? a week's time and can not find it, it is tantamount to say that you have been dupe by the seller.
Another word of advise... A true dowser will not reveal his secret, he will only give you some hints. A true dowsing instrument does not operate mystically, it must operate scientifically.


If the friend who did the hiding of the object is present or in the area while you are looking for the object ---the test is NOT VALID, and no conclusions can result from that kind of testing.? Also, if you don't employ double-blind testing protocol, there will always be "information leaks" that will negate the test.

To be point blank frank.... If the dowsing device is tested according to your procedures, and it was deemed to have scored better than what could be expected from Chance results... then you can be SURE there were information leaks, and the test is not valid.,,,,,,what about the results of the munich projects,,,or the chadwick and jensen tests at utah state university,,,,or the tromp experiments,,,,,,or the tests performed by a professor betz at the university of munich ?? i believe ALL of these showed better than chance results...... you should know your subject before spouting off untruths, or truths as only you and randi see them...{are you amazing too ?}..........gldhntr

gldhntr said:,,,,,,what about the results of the munich projects,,,or the chadwick and jensen tests at utah state university,,,,or the tromp experiments,,,,,,or the tests performed by a professor betz at the university of munich ?? i believe ALL of these showed better than chance results...... you should know your subject before spouting off untruths, or truths as only you and randi see them...{are you amazing too ?}..........gldhntr

I suggest you read over the results from the Kassel Test! Obviously you are not familiar with it. It involved about 30 dowsers, and they scored no better than random chance would score.

Betz has been shown to be a fraud, hence his findings are biased to match his agenda.

Randi still has his Prize Money!

Carl Moreland still has his Prize Money!

My own experiments and results show dowsing to be no better than what you would get from Chance guessing (when properly evaluated)!


Naturally, if you are going to stick your head in the sand... I can't help that.

blah blah blah......scared of the truth ?......i only listed a few tests, there are many, using multiple of the ones listed has 47 i think..tests done by scientists and professors that start and finish with no one sidedness, unlike the tests you rant about...what makes all them wrong and you and randi right ? your ego ? randi still has his money even though he has been proven wrong,,,,,he is also a wanabee, and the smartest thing he can accomplish is how to figure out how to keep a million dollars that he does not have to give away to begin with..................gldhntr

gldhntr said:
blah blah blah......scared of the truth ?......i only listed a few tests, there are many, using multiple of the ones listed has 47 i think..tests done by scientists and professors that start and finish with no one sidedness, unlike the tests you rant about...what makes all them wrong and you and randi right ? your ego ?? ?randi still has his money even though he has been proven wrong,,,,,he is also a wanabee, and the smartest thing he can accomplish is how to figure out how to keep a million dollars that he does not have to give away to begin with..................gldhntr

No. I'm not scared of the truth, but I guess you are.

The truth about dowsing, to an advocate without any real proof of what they claim, will always be akin to throwing holy water on the Devil Himself.

James Randi still has his money because No Dowser has been able to do what they claim they can do.

Carl Moreland still has his money because No LRL user or LRL Salesman has been able to make their contraptions do anything other than what could be done by ordinary Chance Guessing and natural intuition.

Those are the facts! I didn't make those facts. They stand by themselves, as proof that dowsing and LRL contraptions in particular are a hoax and a scam.

You (or any other dowser (believer) ) are free to change those facts at any time you wish.

The fact is ---you can't.

And... that solidifies... the truth about dowsing.


besides carl still having his money, where do you get the basis for these facts you tount ? can you prove randi ever had a million dollars ? i have posted the basis for alot of the facts i post on the subject of dowsing , can you ?.......this is a thread in a dowsing forum, we should try to keep the posts on that subject, instead of the he said, you said, i said bull that is always coming back a result i will not reply to any more of these one sided, one person, attacks against me or the techniques i and everyone here should be able to use and discuss without your interference................have a nice day...................gldhntr

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