Silver is on a tear right now.

Here it is Monday-May 2nd. On the Comex, silver at 8 AM Eastern time, topped at $17.99/oz. Is this the beginning of an upward run? Nope! Within 2 hrs silver dropped 43 cents to $17.56/oz, approx a 2-1/2% drop. Was this "taking money off of the table" ? I doubt it.....the 'regulators' didn't dare to have silver begin its upward trend into the $18 + range. Silver now is at $17.64/oz, down 18 cents from Friday's close. Now 90% U S silver coins are at 12.7 X face value for their silver content.

Here is an article that was not (and will not) be found on the PM bullish sites because it detracts from the kool-aid drinking. I am not saying this guy will be correct but it's worth reading. Even though I am a long term PM bull I like to read bearish-leaning posts to challenge my views instead of hearing from the same group that are constantly proclaiming "this will collapse the system" or "this will cause PM's to soar", etc.

Dana Lyons' Tumblr ? ?Smart Money? Has Never Been More Bearish On...


I'm with you Jim. I used to get the local daily paper,Monday through Saturday. They did not have a Sunday edition. So I also received a Sunday edition from Minnesota's largest circulating paper. I found out that this paper was 100 % against my thoughts, political or otherwise. The local paper came out and mentioned that I had to take their paper for the whole week or just the Saturday & Sunday because they now had a Sunday edition trying to combat the large paper's Sunday's edition. I cancelled the local paper after 15 yrs, and it's been 28 yrs now since I cancelled it.

I've continued to this day with the 'Enemy Paper' from Minneapolis to get the other side of what's happening.....including one thing I noticed. ALL of the media I read, watch on T V, or on the radio, mentions 'ISIS'. The 'Enemy' paper in all of it's comments has its spelling "ISIL" with the exception of quotes. I wonder where they got that group's name from? I know it's the same group, but who uses 'ISIL'? Yes, I like 'The other side' to see how they think.

The manipulators are at it again. Gold down $27.50 to $1267 (Gold hit $1298 a week ago), and silver down 53 cents to an even $17 (silver hit $17.98 a week ago). Stay tuned for the P Ms to soar.......maybe.

The manipulators are at it again. Gold down $27.50 to $1267 (Gold hit $1298 a week ago), and silver down 53 cents to an even $17 (silver hit $17.98 a week ago). Stay tuned for the P Ms to soar.......maybe.


If the "manipulators" were really the only reason PM's fall, then how is it possible that a person can go and buy as much silver as they want AT the so-called manipulated prices? This is the question perma bull types never can answer. I couldn't answer it either and it is what helped cause me to see a more clear picture of what is going on vs. what you read on the PM bull type sites that have been mostly (if not completely) wrong since 2011, and have caused their "followers" to lose much $$$ by following their advice.

If we use a Rolex watch as an example: if there was a paper market for Rolex watches like Comex for PM's, and the paper price today was $50 for a Rolex, and you could go buy a new physical Rolex for $50, would you say that price was "manipulated". We all know in the real world, if a Rolex (a real one) could be bought for $50, there would not be any "physical" Rolex watches left because people would DEMAND the real watch and shun paper market Rolex watches.

Why isn't that the case with physical PM's? I can go buy silver all day at near the paper melt price. If the paper price was really bu!!$h!t, that ounce of real metal would cost much over the supposed fake and manipulated paper price, but it doesn't.

Perhaps there has been generational "brainwashing" of the masses to forget about the greatness of PM's and such as backing currency, but in the end that doesn't change the fact that prices are where they are, and you can buy as much physical as you can afford at these "manipulated" prices. I think some PM bulls pray for Armageddon and a collapse thinking things will improve somehow, boy will they be disappointed if Armageddon happens and they are counting on a PM stash to save them.

PS I do believe in manipulation but it is not the only reason PM's fall; PM's also fall because nobody but us PM bugs give a flying $h!t about them. If there ever is a demand for physical that will change things.

Just my opinion.


Since I got my $$$ returned from my last failed purchase, I just pulled the trigger on another stack. Hopefully it drops like this the rest of the day, and I'll do it again. (just crossing my fingers I actually get the PM this time)

You make a good case Jim 4 AG. I'm guessing there's manipulation, 'taking money off the table', a country dumping P Ms, and the silver miners reporting poor production. Overall, it could be crisises, war, or civil unrest that increases P M value.......and then fades. About 50% of my "stash" is in coins that I've collected for many, many snows (a little Indian lingo here.) You made a good point......97% (+/-) of the people have no iron in the fire, and only worry about everyday problem.

You make a good case Jim 4 AG. I'm guessing there's manipulation, 'taking money off the table', a country dumping P Ms, and the silver miners reporting poor production. Overall, it could be crisises, war, or civil unrest that increases P M value.......and then fades. About 50% of my "stash" is in coins that I've collected for many, many snows (a little Indian lingo here.) You made a good point......97% (+/-) of the people have no iron in the fire, and only worry about everyday problem.

I too believe there is manipulation (at times). But what the pundits never tell you is that the powers that be might be able to keep the game going for quite a while. If the mega millionaires and billionaires of the world wanted to they could create huge shortages in the wholesale silver market and probably cause a technical default in the Comex (forced paper settlement to a long seeking delivery of physical) if they bought large amounts of metal at the same time (remember, a year's worth of mined silver is roughly $17 billion worth- a billion mined ounces a year). $17 billion is nothing on a global level. But for some reason these rich guys don't seemed interested in doing that.

Right now there really isn't enough physical demand (industry, investment, etc) to create any shortages of the real metal. I think we will see higher PM prices later this year. But it won't be due to "stackers" but instead will be from speculators playing in the Comex, etc, pushing up paper prices. I think we will see that only after the commercials start dropping much of their shorts after another drop to $15/$14 or so.

PS Now is a good time to buy for someone who doesn't have much silver and wants to start a position. For someone like me who already has more than one should have in a diversified portfolio, not such a good time to buy bullion.

Just my opinion.


Looks like silver is starting to fizzle a bit. Maybe tomorrow it will give us a sign of where we're headed? Probably will see a decent drop or rise and not be sideways tomorrow but just guessing. I am betting drop but I am usually wrong on price so bet against me.

I would like to see oil drop again as local gas prices are well over $2 again (I know that's still cheap but I liked $1.75 better LOL).


Boy Jim I can't believe how much you've changed. "I too believe there is manipulation (at times)." at times? you got to be kidding me. Also here is a link you may want to call bullshit. I would trust this guy more than what is coming out of your mouth lately. Lol

Kind of funny how people you thought were "friends" turn on you when you stop drinking the kool aid. Reminds me of the cults that disavow those who leave. You can think what you want Charlie and I wish you the best. However, I have seen the real BS that the PM pundit heroes spew. It's the same crap over and over. Then they come up with some new headline claims that never materialize, etc. rinse and repeat.

I am a silver bull in that I have all my investment $$$ in silver but now see that was a mistake. How much have you lost Charlie over the past few years when you had to sell? You might be OK with that but I think it sucks (when it is my $$$ we are talking about). One day PMs will be the best thing to hold but nobody knows for sure when that day is coming. Keeping 100% in silver is not smart unless you have an endless spigot of cash flowing into your accounts and never have to sell your silver nor invest in other things.

Why don't you call some of the national wholesalers and ask how much silver is available. You will see there is no "shortage".

Just my opinion.


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Boy Jim I can't believe how much you've changed. "I too believe there is manipulation (at times)." at times? you got to be kidding me. Also here is a link you may want to call bullshit. I would trust this guy more than what is coming out of your mouth lately. Lol
The reason for the link you posted were do to the inability of the mints to produce the coins at the rate the orders were coming in at the time it was written. So it was due to a production problem rather than actual shortages. Silver-coin shortage shows bright side of precious metal collapse | Reuters

However, I still believe both the gold and silver markets are highly manipulated (as is oil), and there should not even be such a thing as paper pm's. This isn't a Parker Brothers board game. You should not be able to buy/sell/trade something that does not physically exist, period, end of story. Forgive my ignorance I am but a poor white boy with a redneck 401k (no diversified portfolio here) that I keep buried in several locations. All physical pm's, no Fantasy Disney crap like people with real money play with. My question would be... Why is it legal and obvious common practice to play with fantasy (paper) pm's anyway? I guess the answer is the same reason we use fake dollars with no gold to back them, huh? I'm still convinced that this type of system is bound to fail, eventually.

Jim I haven't changed you have and I haven't said I wasn't friends You just did. You have changed not me (I still believe in what I did before), When there is manipulation your always going to loose fiat unless your on the side of manipulation. Fiat is not what's important here anyway survival is, and if you don't believe that then your really have changed.
By the way the tin foil hats are being vindicated more and more lately. here is an article from one of the mainstream financial press recently 5/12/2016 Yes Jim The Mainstream Press get it!! People are starting to wake up now Jim, not being blindsided by the naysayers. Then again it's your choice. By the way friends do have heated arguments now and again. Comex vault doesn't have enough gold - Business Insider

By the way the only reason I kept coming back on Treasurenet was because of you to see what you had to say but that will be changing now. Good Luck, Charlie

Jim I haven't changed you have and I haven't said I wasn't friends You just did. You have changed not me (I still believe in what I did before), When there is manipulation your always going to loose fiat unless your on the side of manipulation. Fiat is not what's important here anyway survival is, and if you don't believe that then your really have changed.
By the way the tin foil hats are being vindicated more and more lately. here is an article from one of the mainstream financial press recently 5/12/2016 Yes Jim The Mainstream Press get it!! People are starting to wake up now Jim, not being blindsided by the naysayers. Then again it's your choice. By the way friends do have heated arguments now and again. Comex vault doesn't have enough gold - Business Insider

By the way the only reason I kept coming back on Treasurenet was because of you to see what you had to say but that will be changing now. Good Luck, Charlie

You're right my views did change. Fiat doesn't matter? You must be doing well in your business so much you can afford to lose money and not care, I can't do that (yes fiat is STILL money, contra to what all the pundits have been preaching for years). My goal is TRUTH, not blind adherence to failing concepts.

I am done here too. I really don't give a $h!t what anyone else thinks. Nobody else is paying my bills but me.

Best of luck to all!


I hate to see jim4silver and Marchas45 leave this site. I always enjoyed reading their opinions even though I didn't always agree with them. That is what a forum is about to me, free discussion of the topics. I see silver going up and you see silver going down. I say why I think it is and you tell me why it isn't. Just because we disagree doesn't mean we have to be disagreeable. It's OK to change your opinion about silver. I believe in evolution and if you evolve into a different opinion about silver, then it's fine. By the way, what do you all think will be the currency of the world if the economy and the governments collapse?

The reason for the link you posted were do to the inability of the mints to produce the coins at the rate the orders were coming in at the time it was written. So it was due to a production problem rather than actual shortages. Silver-coin shortage shows bright side of precious metal collapse | Reuters

However, I still believe both the gold and silver markets are highly manipulated (as is oil), and there should not even be such a thing as paper pm's. This isn't a Parker Brothers board game. You should not be able to buy/sell/trade something that does not physically exist, period, end of story. Forgive my ignorance I am but a poor white boy with a redneck 401k (no diversified portfolio here) that I keep buried in several locations. All physical pm's, no Fantasy Disney crap like people with real money play with. My question would be... Why is it legal and obvious common practice to play with fantasy (paper) pm's anyway? I guess the answer is the same reason we use fake dollars with no gold to back them, huh? I'm still convinced that this type of system is bound to fail, eventually.


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Not much said at the FOMC meeting today and boom the PM's drop. O! Well Keep Stacking


If they'll drop like that again tomorrow, I'll be buying some more.

Went to my favorite pawn shop today. Seven Morgan dollars for $85.90 (that's with our sales tax). There were (6) 1921 (P) and (1) 1896-0 dollars in the group (sold as a group). The silver value is $92.68, so I paid 7.3% less than the silver spot price at the time.

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