Jim I haven't changed you have and I haven't said I wasn't friends You just did. You have changed not me (I still believe in what I did before), When there is manipulation your always going to loose fiat unless your on the side of manipulation. Fiat is not what's important here anyway survival is, and if you don't believe that then your really have changed.
By the way the tin foil hats are being vindicated more and more lately. here is an article from one of the
mainstream financial press recently 5/12/2016 Yes Jim
The Mainstream Press get it!! People are starting to wake up now Jim, not being blindsided by the naysayers. Then again it's your choice. By the way friends do have heated arguments now and again.
Comex vault doesn't have enough gold - Business Insider
By the way the only reason I kept coming back on Treasurenet was because of you to see what you had to say but that will be changing now. Good Luck, Charlie