Silver, Gold, Diamonds And Gemstones. My SC Trip Was Great. (Updated) Again


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Feb 28, 2005
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Hey Everyone,

I'm back from my trip. Man 10 days away from the forum was a long time.

I had my ups and downs through out the trip. Everything was going great almost.

Friday my son got shots in the day. That night right before we were about to leave he starts throwing up in my house. Not to gross you out.

Just telling it the way it was. I also had to rush out to the car rental place. They were open till 1 am and I got there at 12:30. It was at the airport also.

Finally the car was packed and we headed out of the burgh. Things were going great until about 5:00 a.m when I got my first speeding ticket.

It was in Virginia. Man there brutal down there. 93 in a 65 and the officer wouldn't cut me any slack.

I'm a negative type of thinker so in my head the trip was ruined already.

I bounced back and let it go. Figured I'd deal with it when I got home.

We finally get there the next day. Me and my brother were excited to start hunting. It was his first trip to the ocean ever.

It was a nice really clean private beach. A little to clean. Hits were far few and in between.

There was alot of interference around the area. Once I played with my unit and got it right were I wanted it was fine.

The competition was brutal. 10 hunters a day on the beach. But not to be mean I saw alot of bad detecting habits in every one of them.

Before I knew it I was Bsing more than I was hunting. I actually was teaching guys how to hunt.

I knew everyone after just a few days. Met alot of nice people from my area in P.a here.

After about 3 mourning's with just some clad a few relics and a couple fake rings I hit the good one.

It just washed in early mourning on the tide line. Got a solid foil hit and dug a really awesome saphire and diamond ring. It has 18 diamonds in it.

The stone in the center has to be about a 3/4th carat. It looks to be genuine and not synthetic. It's also set in 14kt.

I was really happy with it. And it helped forget about the ugly ticket at home waiting for me.

My brother did well but was disappointed that he didn't get any gold.

One evening before dinner we decided to go back out for a 1.5 hr hunt.

I get out there and within 5 minutes dug a womens watch over 12 inches deep. I was getting some serious depth.

I then got caught up talking with people for the whole hunt. I dug maybe 5 holes total.

The guy I was talking with said you better find a few more rings to pay that ticket off.

Not 10 minutes later on our way back to the condo I dig the large 10kt white gold ring. It has 6 diamonds in it and a giant over a carat pink stone in it.

My brother was really hating me then. I don't know I just have that luck I guess.

I also found a really old silver ring. I couldn't get the right pic for you all on it. It was heavily tarnished and looked to be the style of rings I have found that are around a 100 yrs old.

I got more pics of when the stuff came out of the holes on the beach. I need to get the film developed. I will update this post later in the week.

I also found the smallest silver and CZ charm I ever saw. I can't explain everything so just feal free to ask me.

Glad I am back. I'll miss it but I'll get back down there. I could make some really great finds if I was close to a beach.

Hope you all like the pics and story. I'll have more later in the week for you all.

Glad to be back on the forum

HH Jer


  • 2 Great rings.webp
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I didn't catch the info about him writing you for reckless in your previous post, so I guess their law is similar to ours. Only thing is, jail is the only option here! Didn't mean to preach at you, but I sometimes have flashbacks I guess? I haven't been a cop since 1988! Glad you were able to work out the payment thing. There is now a state "Speed Trap" law here that forbids a Municipality from deriving more than a certain percentage of their income from traffic fines. There were 5 or 6 small towns that set up speed traps on state and interstate highways that ran through town and preyed on out of town drivers. They did things like changing the speed limit from 70 to 35 in one block and then just sit there all day and write out of towners. Another thing they did was extend their city limits about a mile either side of the town along the highway only and drop the limits. Now each of them are required to submit a report showing what percentage of their coiffures are padded from traffic fines. If it gets too high they are investigated by the State Police and if in violation are forbidden by the Attorney General from enforcing the limits on the state or federal highway. So far about three towns have been caught and the speed traps eliminated. So, it's not all bad news. Monty

Monty said:
No Jer, that triangle thingy isn't part of the ring. I used it to hold the ring upright so I could photograph it. I think it's brass and probably broke off of something else, no telling what the heck it is. Since it resembles a couple of the things you found I just thought you might know what it was? Thanks just the same. Since I use to be a cop I won't comment on the ticket except to tell you that in OK you would have had a trip to the hoosgal and your car towed. Anything over 20 mph over the speed limit is considered reckless driving.That sounds like a steep fine but if arrested it would finally amount to a couple of thousand $$$ before it's all over with plus suspended DL for a year! And most of the states now hkave a reciprical agreement, so if you didn't take care of the ticket they could pull your D.L., hijack your Income tax return or other low down means of collecting, not to mention issueing a bench warrant for your arrest. Sorry to be a bearer of bad news, but on the other hand, I have pulled too many people out of wrecks, dead or mangled beyond recognition and some of them still give me nightmares. Auto wreck victims are twice as bad to see as someone who has been shot. It would grieve me to no end to know something like that had happened to you or your family. I'll shut up now and get off my soap box, you've probably heard it all before. Monty
Monty, Excellant advice from one fellow Tnetter to another. My Father was a Policeman, luckily in a small town, but
it still had its share of bad accidents ,drownings and occasional psychos!. He couldn't talk about everything He had seen
but enough to know the nightmarish realities of Life and Death and how it can effect People. Stressful job, so His leisure
time was very important. The "it can't happen to Me syndrome" effects all of Us at one time or another. Luckily old age
is typically the cure!!
But Ya have to make it first!!!!
Jer- -again nice finds,, be careful out there!!!

Thanks guys,

This happened in wyethville virginia. They had me clocked a mile away on laser a new high tech device they are using. It's all a money making deal.

They didn't have to get me for close to 900.00. The officer told me tops 500.00. They didn't even want to hear that when I called them on the phone.

The reckless driving was bull. There wasn't a single car on the rd at that time. Not one time did I break hard swerve or anything like that.

I pulled right over with a signal from the right lane. Wasn't even speeding when I went by him. But it was to late. I really was shocked he even had me clocked.

I was respectful to the officer. He cut me know break at all. Could have did something for me. He tagged it to the fullest. 93 was to fast for a 65 though.

But he could have spared me the reckless driving part. I guess at those speeds know matter how controlled you our they take it as reckless driving.

I'm gonna right them a check in full come tax time. I'm still not happy. I could have got a new unit for 900.00. Or did something else with the money.

But you live and you learn I guess. I'll remember the 900.00 for a long time. It helps me be more aware out on the high ways now.

Thanks again for all the great advice everyone.

HH Jer

Those are some awesome finds!!! On the ticket...just be glad you weren't in would have gotten a free ride to the pokey for sure. Heard of a woman that got a ticket here in a school zone doing 20 miles over the speed limit...800.00. Sorry if I missed this....but did you get the rings appraised?

Thansk alot Keith.

Yeah jail would have sucked. Especially while on vacation. Never got the rings looked over yet.

I am a little curious to know what they may be worth though. Next time I get to the jewlers I'm gonna have them look them over.

There is a first for everything but jail is something I have never experienced.

HH Jer

He probably figured since you were from out of state, he could write you some extreme ticket like that thinking you would not come back to VA to fight it.


I just found this post, I am speechless!!! I would take those rings to the jewelry store and make sure the prongs are holding the stones in tight. They are beautiful.

Thanks alot guys.

Maltese, I agree. I didn't have the time to go all the way back down to Va to the hearing and try and get it reduced.

It's okay though. It's a first and last experience for me. Luckily I had know idea that I was going to come back with 2 great rings.

That really helped out. I was fealing really down after that ticket to. And haven't even started the vacation yet.

Wireless. Thanks man. I was pretty pumped when they came up. The blue ring came first early one mourning. Washed right in.

The other came on a surprize. It must have been dropped that day. It was in the loose sands on a path that led right into one of the condo complexes.

The pink stone is loose in the setting. It needs to be tightened. The blue one seems to be really tight. Seems to also be a quality piece of jewlry.

I need to have them looked over. I will at some point and update back when I find something else out.

HH Jer

Very sweet stuff....looks like u had a good time

Thanks Bobby,

Yeah it was a good trip and a fun time minus the ticket. Can't wait to get the chance again to get back down to the beaches somewhere.

It's gonna be tough here this yr. I'm expecting a new child in late april early may. And I got 2 boys now. It's tough and expensive. I may not make it to the beaches next summer.

I hope though one day when I am older I can hunt the beaches alot more. Once my kids are grown and out of the house.

HH Jer

I'm older Jer and I wish I was your age again! I have all the time I want to hunt but my old creaky bones and worn out body won't let me. Old age sucks so don't be so anxious to get here. And when the kids are grown and gone it sure gets quiet and lonesome around the old homestead. Gosh dang, I've posted some downbeat stuff here on your thread. Heck fire, let's go get a beer and have some laughs! :D Monty

Sorry bout the ticket dude, but it seems like just one of those rings should take care of it...Some killer looking stones there!

Thanks alot guys.

Monty, I understand. You are right. I bet it does get quiet and somewhat boring as the yrs pass by. Your still young in the mind and heart though. I can tell.

If you could still do it you'd be doing it. Don't ever lose that seance of humour of yours. I should cherish being young right now and being able to do the things I can do.

One day I know I'll be creaky older and tiered. And I will say to myself man I wish I could still do that the way I used to.

You haven't downed this post at all by any means. You know alot more than I do. I appreciate you telling me the things you know. It is really easy to get caught up and forget about the big picture. The beer and laughs sounds like a great time.

You'd be a fun guy to be out with. Take care of your self and good luck with everything.

Nashoba, Yeah I'd have to say the rings covered the ticket so I guess you could say I'm right back to were I started. They can never take away the excitement of finding those 2 rings though.

I guess it's a funny karma like that. At first I thought this is the worst vacation of my life. By the way home I was saying this has been the best vacation.

God had a plan for me to come across those rings. I also believe the ticket was a part of it also. Everything happens for a reason right. The rings hit me alot harder because I was somewhat down on arriving in Sc.

I was feeling at one point it can't get any worse. Then when I found the blue ring I was saying it can't get any better. Or could it. It did when I was rewarded with the second ring of the trip.

All in all a great time with my family. My brother has never left P.a other than going over to Ohio. So for him the beach was incredible. It was great to have the funds and means to be able to take him along with us.

He is only 16 yrs old. I came from a family of 5. We never took a vacation ever. I am very grateful and appreciative of everything in life. Hope my kids can do better than me one day.

Thanks again everyone,

HH Jeremy

Great finds there pal....made your whole trip worth it...those rings are just gorgeous!
I feel your pain on the ticket...Just got one speeding also...the officer said well I am going to cut you some slack and lower it....came out to 160.00 and I said ...uhh...thanks ...for cutting me the slack?..

Thanks gypsy,

Wish my guy would have cut me some slack. I asked him directly what is the amount gonna be. He said around 500.00 then I get it in the mail for over 800.00.

I was really ticked off about it to. I don't have free money to be just throwing out there. Maybe 300.00 400.00 would have been fair. This one equals a few lifetimes worth of tickets if not more.

My first one had to be the worst one. I guess my heavy foot got me in trouble this time. Here in P.a were I live the cops never get you. They don't radar around here like that.

I'd love 160.00 right now Gypsy. I guess you were a little better looking than me gypsy lol. Women never get hit hard it seems. They got my wife like 3 or 4 times and just gave her a warning.

Would still like to have the rings looked over. The blue one seems to be of a high quality. Would like to know what they may be worth.

HH Jer


Congrats on those rings...just beautiful! I'm with tourmaline

Some people put that St. Francis medal on their dog's collar.
BTW....he used to preach povery......$900 tickets will quick get ya there. (highway robbery)

"If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who deal likewise with their fellow men."

-St. Francis of Assisi

nice finds, nice pics, great post!

Thanks alot for the replies guys.

Yeah 900.00 is a hard hit. Can't wait to pay it off here in another month or so. Then I can put it behind me and let it go.

HH Jer

Do you think they might accept a reduced lump-sum payment of say $500. Otherwise, just offer to pay it in $10 increments ;D Those rings are beauties!
Ashleen, is St. Francis why I'm feeding 2 stray cats outside my front door right now? Can't call the pound, they'll just put them to sleep.

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