Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign...

MD Dog
Your a gentleman of astute thinking and able to transcend the 'crap of the critics'
Thank you -all True Treasure Hunters Thank you!
What I have a problem with is unsupported Naysayers like yourself using a different tactic to get around the term of use about calling people liars or calling their claims false as you are obviously trying to do. What you post is tantamount to saying what someone finds isn't a real find. Although I too don't personally agree with this policy it is none the less "the policy". Opinions are only allowed up to a point as has been said time and again by Marc and Jeff. But good posters like Crackbadger get tired of having to defend their posted finds from people who find clever ways to post their own unsupported naysaying "Opinions", which in turn causes them to leave. Too many of the really good knowledgeable people from the past have left for this same reason. So if you have any proof that what these other posters are saying is not true then it is you who is posting Garbage. The lack of proof goes both directions. Your as Guilty as those you suppose to out. Me thinks you are hoisted by your own Pittard ! Wink

Me thinks too!! :thumbsup:
"we must hang together - or we shall hang separately"...a founding father

SWR said:
rigmover2307 said:
SWR said:
Unsupported naysayer? I've posted links supporting my opinions :icon_scratch:

just out of curiosity, if you dont want to "drink the kool aide" then why are you on this forum?

Huh?? Drink the kool aide??

Should I go into a 2500 word rant about how people are naysayers and they should be ignored because they questioned what I've posted or do not agree with me...or simply say "what do you mean"?

I'll chose the latter...what do you mean?

Drink the kool aide. unconditional belief without proof; faith. thats what i mean.
you obviously have no belief in the conversations andf the subject matter at hand, your entire reason for existence here is to irritate, annoy and pizz people off. otherwise you would read a post and say to yourself "wow, this guys an idiot" and not respond. since you do respond, it is my belief that you thouroughly enjoy that role on the boards. you like to get under everyones skin. Cool, if thats what gets you off, i got no problem with it. if you didnt enjoy it you wouldnt be here.

Dear Rigmover2307;
In all honesty, I have absolutely no problem if someone wants to interpret tea leaves to find treasure, or read the stars, or use a Ouija board, whatever, I honestly do not care, and what's more I will not get involved in a thread until someone starts spouting off that the treasure was hidden by the Jesuits, Templars, or any other Roman Catholic organization. When this happens I do get involved and I will tell you why.

Because it's slander, pure and simple. The Jesuits did not secret any treasures and neither did the Templars, my friend and to persist that they did is slanderous and harkens to anti-Catholicism, which I simply will not allow. The only thing that I've ever asked for in return is for someone to PROVE that either the Templars or the Jesuits were involved in any manner the types of crimes that certain people insist they were involved in and I will be quiet. I will also apologize to the offended parties, however this is not going to happen because neither the Jesuits nor the Templars are guilty of said crimes.

To close, I will defend my Church, and all other matters are secondary in nature to me, my friend. I would assume for you to do no less nor would I assume less than this from anyone else, therefore either provide proof positive of the crimes or please assist me in stopping the baseless accusations and slanderous remarks.
Your friend;

SWR said:
OK...well, thanks for the explanation.
I enjoy everything about our hobby. I do not like skewed history in an attempt to gain an advantage of myths, fallacies, fantasies or other hidden agendas. This includes conspiracy theories, figments of imagination, cuckoo for cocoa puffs or the like.
theories and ideas, posted on a message board do not reflect or create a skewed history. if one is not intellegent enough to seperate the wheat from the chaff concerning this subject matter, it is thir own loss.
SWR said:
When something is posted as "factual" that has the flavor of skewed should be cited, sourced and supported. We owe it to ourselves and those coming up behind us to have a level field of play, so that an informed decision can be made. Not just a one-sided ya better believe it or you don't count attitude.
It is like this all over the internet, not this forum alone. The unmoderated forums are the worst, the moderated forums are still just as sketchy. When the tolerance level hits "full" and the machine rings "tilt"'ll just start all over again....another forum...same spiel.
everyone should know that if sources arent cited everything is opinion and speculation suceptible to interpetation. i am aware of the looney toons out and about and i leave them to their devices. no one died and made you the message board police, you dont have to refute every post you dont agree with. Shiz, let a few slide by here and there. :coffee2:

lamar said:
Dear Rigmover2307;
In all honesty, I have absolutely no problem if someone wants to interpret tea leaves to find treasure, or read the stars, or use a Ouija board, whatever, I honestly do not care, and what's more I will not get involved in a thread until someone starts spouting off that the treasure was hidden by the Jesuits, Templars, or any other Roman Catholic organization. When this happens I do get involved and I will tell you why.
Same here although i could give a rats izass about a bunch of fancy religious nutjobs then or now.
lamar said:
Because it's slander, pure and simple. The Jesuits did not secret any treasures and neither did the Templars, my friend and to persist that they did is slanderous and harkens to anti-Catholicism, which I simply will not allow. The only thing that I've ever asked for in return is for someone to PROVE that either the Templars or the Jesuits were involved in any manner the types of crimes that certain people insist they were involved in and I will be quiet. I will also apologize to the offended parties, however this is not going to happen because neither the Jesuits nor the Templars are guilty of said crimes.
it is as unprovable as the existance of god. for the record some of the most horrifying events of human history were in the name of god and religion.
lamar said:
To close, I will defend my Church, and all other matters are secondary in nature to me, my friend. I would assume for you to do no less nor would I assume less than this from anyone else, therefore either provide proof positive of the crimes or please assist me in stopping the baseless accusations and slanderous remarks.
Your friend;
point made

Dear rigmover2037;
You wrote:
how do you defend your churches tolerance of pedophiles in positions of power in its orginization? im pretty sure the hundreds of millions of dollars paid out by the entire catholic orginization to the victims is proof enough./color]
I honestly do not believe that you could have written this. I do NOT defend ANY church's position in regards to pedophilia! It's wrong for ALL organizations and as such, there are other non-Catholic religious groups with the same problem, however I do not accuse you or anyone else of defending them. Let's make one thing perfectly clear. I absolutely ABHOR pedophilia, Catholic inspired or otherwise.

To all True Treasure Hunters

MD dog wrote.
It's true that their are many things reputed to be sign and markers that very often don't pan out or are incorrectly interpreted. But I see no harm in the effort to try and disseminate such info and learn from one another what may or may not work. And why some would find this as a bad idea I do not know. It is a free country, at least for a little while longer and only to some degree. So why bother arguing, the validity of anything here ? ..

A very clear response to the naysayers MD. The reason that the naysayers thing is so bad is because they are trying to
do anything to stop people from learning , thereby controlling the flow of data, I think this goes beyond the typical self appointed internet cop, who get his jollies distrubing others posts. this one seems to be "employed" as he is treating this like a J-O-B, he tries to be the first one to post when a newbe comes online with a questions, he is there to
stomp there honest question back into the dirt. Getting kicks or getting paid, dont know for sure but sure seems
like something larger than what we can see, than the tiny little tip of his iceberg!

tesoro said...
... Too many of the really good knowledgeable people from the past have left for this same reason. So if you have any proof that what these other posters are saying is not true then it is you who is posting Garbage. The lack of proof goes both directions. ....

Well stated and absolutley true, but you will NEVER see them post any such proof as they live in
a virtual world, and never get the fresh air on their face and never pound out the boot leather
to prove a lead or disprove a theory or sign, they simple are NOT treasure hunters.

here one of naysayers, could not resist to push his own agenda...
Extraordinary claims require demonstrations of validity to be taken seriously by rational observers. However, those who repeatably claim on public forums to know all the answers refuse to substantiate those theories because they are just that - unvalidated ideas.

If these same theories had been posted as mere possibilities, then fine and dandy. When they are posted as 'proven', then let's see the proof instead of attacking the questioner (oldest flim-flam trick in the book). Of course, the truly knowledgable people do not post on puiblic forums for obvious reasons. By the way, requiring a questioner to disprove a fallacious claim is a little like asking the tail to wag the dog, no? Reminds me of the Inquisition's famous witch test.


These claims only seem extraordinary, if the searcher has no experience in the elementary solutions to signs and symbols! The signs and symbols (S&S) found and decoded by others is a subjective experience, and is conveyed here
only as possible solution and clues to solutions that others might find value in.

That is the way I have seen post of this type in the past. I saw Digns posts many years ago, and in the field, I saw the wisdom of his experience. Someone found a solution. let me see if it works for me..simple. easy. fact. When people come and and rant and rave over someone trying to help others to this know something else is going on.

As for proof , in treasure hunting, you have to be a very large simpleton to rise to the bait , that Springer unleashes to show PROOF. wow oldest fishing trick in the book ( flim flam fisherman or otherwise) He knows it..but thinks that YOU dont.

So we have a Triad of Naysayers, One a Freelance internet cop, who wants to punish all who dare post an original thought, Hint: Only Non-Original* thoughts will lead to annotations, citations and urls.! A Concept that the Academically
Over Educated cannot grasp, because they have NEVER had an original thought!
Next we have a cloistered wanna to be Padre, freelancing as a Protectorate of the Pope himself. A true Man of La Mancha , with apologies to the Real one!

The Horrendous actions of this organization that he tries to protect, is evident to everyone who wants to know..the Internet, ( the library of the world) now makes hideous crimes unable to be hid any longer. The Inquisition alone would be enough for the perpetrators to feel the heat of HellFire! Much less the dozens of Atrocities that occurred since. If this one wants to defend the organization that he is so attracted to , then, better pray for a 1000 lifetimes and a Quadzillion helpers surly - you jest, to justify your existence. You cannot put the Genie back in the bottle.

Finally we have the recent member of their alliance, , who I have had some nasty running battles with, his flash point was the revealing of ANY information about the truth of the solutions of S&S! His words were D-i-s-i-f-o-r-m-a-t-i-on was the key, I have come to the conclusion that he has clients who he has snowed that only "HE" is the source of decoding signs. If his clients find out that someone is on the net giving solutions away, the he loses those clients and his reputation!..
So there you have it , a misguided wanna be cop, with a man of La manchia, with a Pitchman selling solutions
Individually they are pitiful, filled with malace, misplaced piety, and greed at best ,but together, they hijack all the threads with their crap for their own individual reasons.

The fact that they wouldn't leave after they learned no one wants them here, is proof of the devious designs.
If the first character was to go to , with is anal pursuits of the footnotes, annotians, citations
and urls. They would most likely make him a moderator in a month! If the number two on the list was to start
his own website,, he would have a million hits per months and could sell google ads!
and Mr Disinformation would confess to his clients, he may lose a few but ,to others they would see some redeeming
value in his mea culpa and would have more business than he would need.

But we are stuck with them while they learn to transition or what are the True Treasure Hunters to do?

1. Place them on ignore - since they mostly feed their egos.( this is working as they are now amped up
2. Refuse to be drug into a pissing contest with them - as their very existence is based on that attention.
3. Dont engage at any cost. Without this attention they will dry up and blow away
4. Realize that these people represent the 'beginning of the end' of a viable forum.
5. Dont loose your temper and lash out, they WANT to bait you and make you make a mistake
6. Their ultimate aim , is to discredit the data here, and hopfully get the ones who dispence the data , banned
7. Overcome (ignore) Adapt ( pertinent data send via pm) and Persevere ( be here after they are GONE)

tesoro dog.... obviously have no belief in the conversations and the subject matter at hand, your entire reason for existence here is to irritate, annoy and pizz people off. otherwise you would read a post and say to yourself "wow, this guys an idiot" and not respond. since you do respond, it is my belief that you thouroughly enjoy that role on the boards. you like to get under everyones skin. Cool, if thats what gets you off, i got no problem with it. if you didnt enjoy it you wouldnt be here.
A true analysis of the subject at hand. He is addicted to the adreneline rush ,that he gets from causing disruption
on this forum. He has found a site, where there ARE very little facts that can be annotated,, IF there was, they any
old want to be treasure hunter could merrily waltz to the spot, in fair weather and dig up the goods. He knows that
and that is why he sticks like glue to this site..The very FACT that it is called Treasure Hunting not Treasure Finding is the niche he needs to cling to..add to that, the very nature of the act of hiding stuff underground, is that that land
changes hands over the centuries, and the Local, State and Federal regulators want a piece, a rather large piece of this action, MAKES it impossible for the prudent man to SHOW and results and throw the facts in their face, leaving that
they have a crack to cling to and the false platform of no proof to live on.. Dogs have fleas, Roses have thorns, Digestive tracks have their bugs, that give us all the *****
nuff said.,

smr said....
I enjoy everything about our hobby. I do not like skewed history in an attempt to gain an advantage of myths, fallacies, fantasies or other hidden agendas. This includes conspiracy theories, figments of imagination, cuckoo for cocoa puffs or the like. are not involved in the hobby! this is not a coin shooting part of the hobby..we dont
look for wheat pennies and pop tops..we all have graduated from that entry level past to say you enjoy
this hobbie is not true, you might know how to ground balance a detector, maybe, but you have NO experience in tracking the Jesuits, Spanish or whoever, so your critical comments are meaningless at best, and harmful at most!

When something is posted as "factual" that has the flavor of skewed should be cited, sourced and supported. We owe it to ourselves and those coming up behind us to have a level field of play, so that an informed decision can be made. Not just a one-sided ya better believe it or you don't count attitude.

see my comments about about *original thoughts* it is hard as a product of a Liberal Professor of an Intitution
of Higher Learing to have an ORIGINAL thought..since they only give thoughts that have been thought before
the very definition of an annotation!
Your level field of play sounds like a Socialist manner of treasure hunting and believe me Treasure hunting is best
served by Capitalist, true and true. The TRUE informed decision is not made FOR them but - best by them selves
Your nanny-state thinking is your undoing. as it reveals the deeper thought process you are trapped in. And it is
not one sided, with suggestions of a solution to a sign are presented , then the treasure hunter goes out in the
field and either proves or disproves the data posted. This is the way it needs to be...we take certain things on Faith
for a certain period of time. Then when time and circumstance roll around, we get the change to adapt it or toss it!
Let people and treasure hunters be their own man! - you do them all a great disservice to interpupt their natural
learning process...kinda like raising kids, they need to be free enough to make their own mistakes!

Rigmover said,,

It is like this all over the internet, not this forum alone. The unmoderated forums are the worst, the moderated forums are still just as sketchy. When the tolerance level hits "full" and the machine rings "tilt"'ll just start all over again....another forum...same spiel.

True Rigmover, see to BE a True Treasure Hunter, takes effort, lots and lots of effort over many many years...
thousands of hours of research, not the quick fluffy stuff that the naysayers do, just to make THEIR point.
To be a naysayer or critic is the EASIEST thing in the world to do...anyone can be the best critic, you just
need to be lazy and learn one word...the word NO>>two letters , one syllable - like a parrot, can be trained
to be a critic, no resume, no experience, no boots on the ground over 2 or 3 decades! Where is the effort?
Where is the background? Where is the ability of a peer review, when your not a peer? Its all false. Nothing
comes form nothing, and critics come from nothing at all , just thin air, in which they shout NO NO NO!!!

Pathetic is it not - it may be distasteful - but all I can think of - is to pray for them!

Hint: Want proof? the name of this thread is "sign, signs, everywhere signs" but no where do we
see much information or discussion about "signs" only hijackers mucking up the works!

Thank you rangler, very well articulated, you incorectly attributed that last quote to me though i previously quoted that from another member.

i finally broke down and made use of the ignore button, now i find myself moderatly curious since the thread still shows that a post is there.damn the intranets!

Good Morning Lamar, just a question for you, do you think the Holy Bible and the Holy Grail have anything in common, Thanks for your reply

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