when donkeys fly and chickens talk legal dredging will return--till then do what ya can live with and f the rest-John

Unfortunately, big money interests are at work again. If you search, you will find that the biggest contributors to the Sierra Clubs are big oil and natural gas interests (they recently contributed 23 million to the Sierra Club in Chesapeake Bay), Timber interests in the northeast, and mining interests in NV. They had the Klamath tribe take their combined interest to federal court. It is like the spotted owl that was used to keep small lumber companies from working to protect the interests of large companies like weyerhaeuser . Big corporations got smart in the 80s and now use these environmental groups and interests for their own. Here is what the outcome is and it puts the small miner without a chance of recreational mining in favor of big companies that can afford an evironmental impact for the courts.
Court makes it tougher on small-time gold miners - Times-Standard Online

I have been describing what has been happening to our individual rights on federal lands for years but it is divide and conquer with big business, as usual, and big corporations have all but kicked the individual citizens from their claims and rights using the BLM, Environmental groups, and the National Forest Service. Big money corrupts and they can even spend the money to advertise enough so that they can convince you that it is not them with their hands in your pocket and you will constantly believe them if told often enough. :laughing7:

big shopping centers use the same tactics to make it hard for competeing centers to be built. it happened here in St.Louis,Mo. but the new center won out over the wacoenviromentalists objections/warnings,and "they" spent big bucks fighting the new center.ironically the man waco fighting the new center has a duck hunting club and his home right down the road from where the center would be built!and his last name is on a lot of beer cans around the world!

We haven't heard from the EPA/Waterboards lately and with the new trailer bill language they will most likely be the next to drop a bomb on Cal.

I need to get out and do what miners do the best before it is too late.

OR we can get rid of the LOSERS in Sacramento and take our State back! I'm not going to be HAPPY until I get to dredge in the fountain in front of the Capitol Building! capitol-building.jpg

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Wait until Ag falls under the EPA water Quality regs,in 2014....going to get very interesting and expensive!!

here's ANOTHER kick in the nutts to us miners Panel: Klamath mining approval violates ESA - Yreka, CA - Siskiyou Daily News
now my questions.....WERE IN THE HELL IS OUR LOCAL LEGISLATORS!!!!!! the FIGHT is ON now boys. I swear to the almighty...if i EVER see Craig Tucker...he's gonna learn what it's like to suck meat through a straw for the rest of his life!!! Between this...and the Karuks trying to shut down all the ranchers in Scott Vally cause of the Scott River. No. Cali is one court ruling away from being deserted. All i can say is thank god they haven't shut down logging...yet

Wonder why SC and other enviros want to stop cleaning rivers of heavy metals.?
Gold is just a byproduct of concerned people straining out Hg and other bad things.
Cali was built by folks that used harmful ways to get gold but modern prospectors are
just trying to clean up .
Maybe signs saying " Sierra Club Tries to Stop Cleanup Activities" .

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