I have been pretty depressed these last few months, but recent developments show that a push-back is really starting to take effect. The Superior Court
push-back that Oakview refers to above concerning regulated water rights to farmers is one.
Number 2 - the recent near riot against Agenda 21 language in Plumas County "general plan"
3. A recent Judge's decision in eastern ore. calling the enviros lawyers demand for payment "egregious and capricious"
4. Just last week, an Appelate Court ruled that the National Marine Fisheries Biological Opinion was flawed and kicked it back for another rewrite, thus
declaring a defeat for extreme environmental lawyers.
5. Recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to allow polluted water to be moved from one part of a waterway to another without penalties, creating a defeat for
I wish I could reference all this stuff properly (maybe someone else can), but the point is, I see the judges themselves getting fed up with the enviros
and beauracrats.
Finally, I don't quite understand the good implications, but the Jefferson Mining District has just expanded its boundaries from SW Ore. to include all
the state of Ore., most of NW Nevada, and all of Northern Calif. to a line running east-west through Stockton. This will help unite all miners into one
powerful voice imo. Please, anyone with more details, speak up.