ShootOut! CTX3030/XP Deus/Fors Core/Velox one/CF77

Interestingly, I found the example I was talking about on youtube! Someone's already done it:

Maybe it is because I'm used to Minelab, But in all cases except the One at about 0:45
on the second Video, I would have Dug thinking possible coin.
The fact I circle all iron a sideways hit on that 0:45 try may have worked :dontknow:

no matter what though, unless I was in a Iron infested spot
for hours, I would have dug the nails,
Hence, increasing the odds I would have gotten the Real :laughing7:

the Deus clearly proved it's abilities though.

But what about pure Depth on a long buried silver Dime ?

I know what I can expect from the Minelab Explorers, but all I'm seeing are Freshly buried
coin tests , which I already know is no real test for FBS

Holy crap, I've got detector envy......If I had the national budget of Dubai, I guess I would have nine hi end detectors and the inclination to spend the greater portion of my life testing their ability to detect Spanish silver through Douglas fir on YouTube ....
A 1775 1/2 Real? Why couldn't he just have used a 62 Roosevelt dime?

I've never used any of my machines to find spanish silver in a sea of two by fours.
Unless the targets are in naturally occurring mineralized soil the test really is not valid at all....

Seriously how many $2500 machines does this guy have access to?

Somehow I didn't realize Niagaracountyny was the OP, I would not have referred to you as "this guy" if I had noticed. Thanks for your effort,

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Glad to see this!!!! I have a Deus on the way so it makes me feel good since in my part of the county and where I live is full of iron. In fact we are so covered the road I live off is called Iron Mountain and the Confederates use to mine the iron ore not far from my house during the Civil War!!!!

Well, as long as you're hunting through Douglas fir you will do just fine.

From what I have researched online and through consultation, everyone has their way of proving a machine. Whether it is like the video above utilizing 2x4's which I think mainly was a masking test more than anything. I have seen guys who are so into the hobby they have mine fields marked with test subjects at various depths to test a machine and they are not even paid researchers <:dontknow:

I know this hobby is like any hobby, can be as expensive as you like! I think when we start getting into something and going to elaborate means to prove or disprove we lose sight of the fun in this. I am also into airguns, the high end ones and even run a tuning business on the side. Alot of my clients compete in field target and want a rifle dialed in to perfection to win. Well that is fine and we do the best we can but some of these folks are so into the perfection of the hobby it takes away the intrinsic fun factor to me.

Just my 2 cents from being into metal detecting for only about 6 months. My Garrett ACE 350 is my first detector and has netted me a few coins on the beach. Not so good on my property because it is iron infested like no other. That is why I wanted the Deus to assist where I live in the county and to have a machine that will do well at the beach. Expensive to me but not to alot of folks here that will dump several grand on a few detectors if not just one. And that is great. I am hoping being wireless will make for a more enjoyable experience and the Deus a machine that lives up to the hype I have seen on it. If will go on the auction block I assure you!:laughing7:

BTW- I enjoy the forum and gaining knowledge from you guys who have been doing this so many years. Keep up the videos and input because I read alot to see what I am doing wrong or could correct to increase my yield!

Ive watched a few guys on youtube Hunting with the Air Rifles Mtsheron..I had No idea that were that powerful now.That Aint no Daisy. Taking down Big Game with 3 ringer style ammo from an air rifle....Crazy.

It has been demonstrated numerous times that the FBS detectors have poor reactivity in the presence of iron. Yes, in the real world it can find silver amongst iron, depending upon how the iron bends (deforms) the magnetic field. But all things being equal the FBS detectors do best at maintaining depth and target I.D. in the presence of magnetic soils (to include iron fields), that's their strength. Other detectors in light-med magnetic soils will be deeper, with much better target separation (quicker reset), and much better reactivity to non-ferrous targets in fields of iron. Increase the density of the magnetite matrix and the FBS detectors begin to nudge past their rivals - as far as depth and target I.D. goes - which can yield the silver in bad soils.

The E-Trac and CTX are both dual freq detectors with the primary freq being very low, which makes it dead to iron (and other low conductors, as iron has high resistivity and needs higher freqs to energize the eddies). But in uniform iron, the machine can spark (high tone) on those higher conductors, especially in heavily mineralized soil. Unfortunately, it also makes it nearly dead to small jewelry and other low conductors (small, thin coins). A 90% silver 1775 1/2 Real near iron nails can be missed due to being co-located with iron under the coil, with the E-Trac and CTX. Once that is recognized, the best mitigation tactic is to attack from various sweep angles and go slow.

It has been demonstrated numerous times that the FBS detectors have poor reactivity in the presence of iron. Yes, in the real world it can find silver amongst iron, depending upon how the iron bends (deforms) the magnetic field. But all things being equal the FBS detectors do best at maintaining depth and target I.D. in the presence of magnetic soils (to include iron fields), that's their strength. Other detectors in light-med magnetic soils will be deeper, with much better target separation (quicker reset), and much better reactivity to non-ferrous targets in fields of iron. Increase the density of the magnetite matrix and the FBS detectors begin to nudge past their rivals - as far as depth and target I.D. goes - which can yield the silver in bad soils.

The E-Trac and CTX are both dual freq detectors with the primary freq being very low, which makes it dead to iron (and other low conductors, as iron has high resistivity and needs higher freqs to energize the eddies). But in uniform iron, the machine can spark (high tone) on those higher conductors, especially in heavily mineralized soil. Unfortunately, it also makes it nearly dead to small jewelry and other low conductors (small, thin coins). A 90% silver 1775 1/2 Real near iron nails can be missed due to being co-located with iron under the coil, with the E-Trac and CTX. Once that is recognized, the best mitigation tactic is to attack from various sweep angles and go slow.
I have always liked Minelab's ..BBS .. detectors and always thought the ..FBS .. detectors were not as good as the BBS .. The FBS detectors to me were over priced … The BBS detectors were and are the best detectors out…And the BBS detectors will find more and go as deep as the FBS detectors..For a lot less $$$$$$ That is why Minelab got rid of the SOVEREIGN

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I have always liked Minelab's ..BBS .. detectors and always thought the ..FBS .. detectors were not as good as the BBS .. The FBS detectors to me were over priced … The BBS detectors were and are the best detectors out…And the BBS detectors will find more and go as deep as the FBS detectors..For a lot less $$$$$$ That is why Minelab got rid of the SOVEREIGN

I have to agree when it comes to Finding Gold rings of any Karat.
all my many Dozens of Gold rings (I lost count) were found with BBS
& it got to the point I knew by tone when it was a Gold ring in most cases.

I have never found a Gold ring with My Explorer.
The tone is more a thump in my ears then a tone on FBS & My ears
ignore Thumps, as the BBS would thump when the Auto Tune would adjust
So My ears tell my Brain ignore Thumps :(

I believe FBS is unmatched at finding deep Silver though

but when you factor in cost and machine ability the nokta fors core is a no brainer

I liked the video, even though I don't have a horse in the race Can't believe no one gave you a like. I can't afford any of those top contenders, but the XP Deux did surprisingly well. I'm happy just to pick up a signal at 6 1/2 inches. Thanks for taking the time and effort to make it. You showed a fair assessment.

In the video with the At pro, if I were in that much iron with my AT pro, I would be using the 5x8 coil. It cuts through iron very well.

The key here IMO is recovery speed, Tesoros are very fast as well, one of the fastest.
BINGO!!! I recently ordered me a Deus. Have watched many vids........I am most impressed! But I was glad that you mentioned the Tesoros! I have used Tesoro for years with GREAT results! And i agree a lot of it is because of the fast recovery speed. Especially in iron. I am anxious to see the mighty GOD do it's thing :)

I think everyone should by a Deus instead of a CTX. I went with a buddy to a heavily hunted park yesterday. I had a CTX and he used a Deus. I came up with 4 Indians, 2 2 cent pieces and a shield nickel. He came up with clad. A few weeks ago we were hunting the exact same area at a club hunt. I came up with 3 KG halfpence dated from 1736 to 175?, 2 farthings 1724 & 1749, a 1787 CT and a 1786 NJ. He came up with a couple of clad. The CT I found was 4" below a plug someone else had already dug. Someone else in my club has been working the Deus for a while. Finds don't compare to those using the CTX. You can do all the air tests, recently buried tests and everything else. In the real world I think the CTX kicks dirt in the face of the Deus. As I said, everyone should buy a Deus, leaves many more deep coins surrounded by iron for me. 8-)

hated the ctx i used one for 2 yrs and found a few coins but i always felt like i was missing coins .i sold the ctx and got a deus now i clean places up with it .deus is such a incredible machine .

Keppy hit the nail right on the head, Minelab owners in general tend to be defensive over their detectors, but more so among a small few. Garret owners come in at a close 2nd, especially about the AT series. Then war is inevitable, count on it. It seems that there is a psychological aspect to it in that regard - but not a philosophical/rational one. But another situation exist too among (a few) Minelab owners, it's about bragging rights which aren't earned or produced when their owners think they should be. When a Minelab detector doesn't own up to its oftentimes untrue predictability or expectations, their owners are somewhat or sometimes in disbelief, a state of denial, angry about it and easily offended about it to a point of quickly settling into a state of verbal battle. I see this often on here, and especially among a small few select persons. It's somewhat silly to me, but serious as a heart attack among the certain few who perpetuate it the disenchantment in and among otherwise peaceful discussions among otherwise peaceful people. Will it ever end? I say likely not, it is static, protocol, and SOP to a certain few.

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i agree with larry i allways amazed how defensive alot of minelab and garrett owners are . the fact is all machines find metal and each machine has pluses and minuses. in the end its what the user enjoys using. afterall its supposed to be fun. ive used machines touted by others that i simply did not like and other machines suposedly not as good as the competition that i love . i could not care less if someone does not like the machine im using ,because im the one using it and having fun and sucess with it

Touche' PostalTwo..:icon_thumright:

I think everyone should by a Deus instead of a CTX. I went with a buddy to a heavily hunted park yesterday. I had a CTX and he used a Deus. I came up with 4 Indians, 2 2 cent pieces and a shield nickel. He came up with clad. A few weeks ago we were hunting the exact same area at a club hunt. I came up with 3 KG halfpence dated from 1736 to 175?, 2 farthings 1724 & 1749, a 1787 CT and a 1786 NJ. He came up with a couple of clad. The CT I found was 4" below a plug someone else had already dug. Someone else in my club has been working the Deus for a while. Finds don't compare to those using the CTX. You can do all the air tests, recently buried tests and everything else. In the real world I think the CTX kicks dirt in the face of the Deus. As I said, everyone should buy a Deus, leaves many more deep coins surrounded by iron for me. 8-)

No offense to your buddy, but he must suck pretty bad at unlocking the capabilities of his machine. Take Vino on at that park and see how it goes...

No offense to your buddy, but he must suck pretty bad at unlocking the capabilities of his machine. Take Vino on at that park and see how it goes...

When someone is good with both machines, there is pretty much no comparison. The Deus is better, by far. I hate using the CTX these days and that was my favorite that I've ever used until a year ago.

It still gets the job done, I used it today but I was wishing I had the Deus the entire time.

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