Sheriffs arrestment over gun bills???

It is painfully obvious that you know and are scared to to tell us your allegiance.

Tell me. Did you get fired, and are now so upset that you are railing against free markets to anyone you can? You post on every single thread about how we either need government controls or we need to curb business. And the new bent is that it is American Yankee doodle to believe in the socialist tendancies you espouse.

I tell you what. You tell us what it means to you. I am not sure you grasp it.

Show me one single post about government controls needed to curb business? This is a site about metal detecting and the second amendment? And if you would like to know I retired at 42 to spend more time with kids, health and happiness. That us why I am so appreciative of this great country. Dave why don't you tell us a little about yourself.

I am proud to be an American, I am also a vet, I have served my country during time of war, I have been under fire, I have family serving in the military for 4 generations that I know of, that does not mean I condone the course this country is headed nor the policies of the current adminstration and its attacks on our freedoms. I will not standby while our Bill of Rights and freedoms are attacked .........

No one is saying you have to agree but how does all the rhetoric and hyperbole help to make any point. This isn't the worst ever, the world isn't coming to an end, the nazi aren't taking over, the FEMA camps are not open for business. Etc etc. the use of hyperbole and rhetoric does not help to make a point - it basically invalidates one.

I'm sorry but our constitution says the right to bear not to be infringed upon period dot! And if they can blatantly obscure that in the bill of rights we are at the end of our free society!

Show me one single post about government controls needed to curb business? This is a site about metal detecting and the second amendment? And if you would like to know I retired at 42 to spend more time with kids, health and happiness. That us why I am so appreciative of this great country. Dave why don't you tell us a little about yourself.

How about a little about you?
Originally Posted by 0121stockpicker
Of course - these are government run programs paid for by government funds. What would you call it. Why do you think socialism is a negative thing. We live in a "society" right? These are well deserved benefits that should be paid for by the people of this country given the service and sacrifices of our military. Would you prefer that our soldiers would come home and there was no VA or benefits and soldiers were told they were on there own and they should be paying for everything? That's is definitely not my idea of any society never mind a great country like America. I gladly pay my taxes to provide these services.
Originally Posted by 0121stockpicker
US has been a socialist country since FDR, maybe that is what he was referring to?

Originally Posted by 0121stockpicker
An economy can easily have BOTH capitalist and socialist attributes - most do. They are not exclusive. Socialist security and Medicare are some of the largest socialist / wealth redistributing programs in the entire world. No big deal - it is what it is. I think it is appropriate for any capitalist system to have socialist programs / safety nets in place.

Originally Posted by 0121stockpicker
I just use that term to make the point that the United States has had massive socialist programs in place ever since FDR. These programs now represent some of the biggest items of the entire federal and state budgets. Many posters on this site believe that only dead beats receive money from the government (and before anyone states that they "pay" for SS and Medicare - you get WAY more out of it than people have ever put in). Before we cast stones at "socialist" Europe and Canada and talk about the "deadbeats" using the system we should all fess up that the vast vast majority of ALL Americans will be tapping into socialist programs during their lives. No shame but Lets just call the spade the spade.

Originally Posted by 0121stockpicker
Nope, I just think the word often has a negative association - like the word "liberal" now a days. This world and country would have an awful lot more misery if we all existed under a "pure capitalist" system.

Originally Posted by 0121stockpicker
Cool. I actually collect items related to American Christian communal / utopian societies such as the Shakers, ephrata, Amana, house of David etc. early Christianity was completely socialist / communistic.

Originally Posted by 0121stockpicker
Obviously the term "communist" did not even exist then. I am not using "communist" in a political spence but to mean a group with pooled resources owned in common and not owned by individuals. The shakers used to call themselves communists until it became a "dirty word". In some of their later documents they used to put a star next to the word communist and state "not to be confused with soviet communism". Again it's a shame that bad people can ruin a great concept. As "communists" the shakers created not only hugely successful communities but wildly successful businesses. There is absolutely nothing wrong with pooling labor and common ownership of goods. It's actually can be a wildly successful model."

Did you not post these remarks? You obviously have no Idea how humanity works. But you feel if you post enough of your gibberish we will all agree with you?
Get another job, sir. You are stewing in your own juices.

I'm sorry but our constitution says the right to bear not to be infringed upon period dot! And if they can blatantly obscure that in the bill of rights we are at the end of our free society!

Donb then why are felons not allowed to own fire arms? Why are there thousands of state and federal laws that have existed for decades and decades that place rules, restrictions etc on firearms. Aren't these all "infringements". If only constitutional law was as easy as you make it out to be we wouldn't need libraries of case studies etc. I always encourage people to track a case through the Supreme Court and experience the amazingly different opinions that the judges can have on the same exact case. We should all consider ourselves fortunate that our founding fathers created a system that could evolve with time or this country wouldn't exist.

And also didnt you believe that there were much more restrictive firearm laws in place when the fawb existed??

I'd also like to be asked (the general public) that is, if it's ok to give our tax dollars away to foreign countries. Just about every time it happens, they take what they can get then spit in our faces and then the next year when its time for another check they get nice again till check clears...and they do it with borrowed money which all of us have to pay interest on...I really need an angel investor like that in my corner!!!

It's the American way. Love it or leave it. I thank god every night and morning for being born into this wonderful country of ours. You don't??

SP, I noticed that you use a small g in your ''god''. Not sure who your god is, but I believe in the same God that the Founding Fathers of the US Constitution believed in. What is your true loyality and belief? Are you sincerely for the freedom to say and do without any oppressive regulation on my God given rights.

They gave up their rights by their actions with a weapon, I didn't..

Sorry Crispin couldn't help myself :D

Anybody want to debate medicine? I'm pretty good at that. ;)

Hmm...maybe micro RNA would be a good one, whatcha think Crispin?

Anybody want to debate medicine? I'm pretty good at that. ;)

Um. No. I feel a little under served on that.

Wait a minute.. I had a Merck Index a hundred years ago. Where did I put that thing?

You don't think anything has changed do you?

Um. No. I feel a little under served on that.

Wait a minute.. I had a Merck Index a hundred years ago. Where did I put that thing?

You don't think anything has changed do you?

Probably not, some still think twigs and berries are the best

Sorry, Worldtalker if I got a little off track!! :notworthy:

Show me one single post about government controls needed to curb business? This is a site about metal detecting and the second amendment? And if you would like to know I retired at 42 to spend more time with kids, health and happiness. That us why I am so appreciative of this great country. Dave why don't you tell us a little about yourself.
So you qualify for the licked fit to be swallered jackwagon class by your own description of yourself . Your opinion of yourself and the world you live in might be modified if you had the same family obligations and had gotten forcibly (medically) retired at 42 and had to scrape and grovel living on a pittance fixed income . Come down out of your high chair and crawl in the dirt with the rest of us .

Keep posts on topic please.

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I thought i paid a compliment.The pot calling the kettle black.

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