sharing some old files i found

these are not files from the old cd, just easier to put here, in the links
search: morris, risque, lynchburg, some interesting reading
hope i got right info with right link

morris reduced to a tavern owner,risque a lawyer/counselor

a,robert morris, and a major james b risque
Lynchburg and Its People - William Asbury Christian - Google Books
lynchburg and Sahara morris i think

a list if Anne Royall series Royall

got a couple of jpeg open, will have to search for where came from
for some reason cant get the other to load, working on it

Screenshot 2017-02-20 at 10.29.37 PM.webp

i think i found where the np clip came from
has anyone came across this Thomas Beale,he is selling a house
in richmond,va. 1858. i opened the pdf @ link and copy pasted
in the translators
i also seen a Thomas Beale, that helped with a fire in 1884
maybe ill look more into beale/fire later

Ein gutetngerichtctcs BrickhauS an St. StcphcnSstrahe zum Verkauf.
Am Mittwoch, den 3. Februar. NachmittaaS 4 Ubr. sell auf vben
bezeichnetem Plahe ein schiineS BrickhauS, das geflenwartig von Herrn
Thomas Beale bewohnt wird, offentlich versteigrrt werden.
Es enthalt 5 Zimmer, hat ein veueS Kuchengebaude init zwei Studen, und
ist in bester Ordnung, da es crst kuczlich cincr vollstandigen Neparatur
nnterworfen war, und da auch die Zimmer nen tapeziert find, so kann
nian mit Recht diese Wohnnng eine angenehme nennen. Die Lot hat Sl) Fnh
Front und ist 129 Fnsj ties. Bediligungcn: ^ baar, den Nest in 4 und 8 Mona-
ten nebst Jnteressen. Sicherheit mus; durch einen Deed of RichmondTrnst gegeben werden.
Der Kaufer hat die Steuernsur das Jahr 1858 zn zahlen. Nl^.Iannar 1858.
Ias. M. Taylor u. Son.Anctionare.

Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese

a link to Sanborn Map Company, 1905 Richmond

Screenshot 2017-02-24 at 11.41.49 AM.webp

Richmonder Anzeiger., February 02, 1858, Image 2
About Richmonder Anzeiger. (Richmond, Va.) 1854-18??
Richmonder Anzeiger. (Richmond, Va.) 1854-18??, February 02, 1858, Image 2 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress

Last edited:
i think i found where the np clip came from
has anyone came across this Thomas Beale,he is selling a house
in richmond,va. 1858. i opened the pdf @ link and copy pasted
in the translators
i also seen a Thomas Beale, that helped with a fire in 1884
maybe ill look more into beale/fire later

Ein gutetngerichtctcs BrickhauS an St. StcphcnSstrahe zum Verkauf.
Am Mittwoch, den 3. Februar. NachmittaaS 4 Ubr. sell auf vben
bezeichnetem Plahe ein schiineS BrickhauS, das geflenwartig von Herrn
Thomas Beale bewohnt wird, offentlich versteigrrt werden.
Es enthalt 5 Zimmer, hat ein veueS Kuchengebaude init zwei Studen, und
ist in bester Ordnung, da es crst kuczlich cincr vollstandigen Neparatur
nnterworfen war, und da auch die Zimmer nen tapeziert find, so kann
nian mit Recht diese Wohnnng eine angenehme nennen. Die Lot hat Sl) Fnh
Front und ist 129 Fnsj ties. Bediligungcn: ^ baar, den Nest in 4 und 8 Mona-
ten nebst Jnteressen. Sicherheit mus; durch einen Deed of RichmondTrnst gegeben werden.
Der Kaufer hat die Steuernsur das Jahr 1858 zn zahlen. Nl^.Iannar 1858.
Ias. M. Taylor u. Son.Anctionare.

Text To Speech, TTS: English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Chinese

a link to Sanborn Map Company, 1905 Richmond

View attachment 1418748

Richmonder Anzeiger., February 02, 1858, Image 2
About Richmonder Anzeiger. (Richmond, Va.) 1854-18??
Richmonder Anzeiger. (Richmond, Va.) 1854-18??, February 02, 1858, Image 2 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress

That is the black alderman Thomas J. Beale that Bigscoop talked about but it has nothing to do with the Beale Treasure other than they were slaves of Thomas J. Beale of Richmond County, Virginia. Thomas J. Beale of Richard Eustace Beale.

You need to check that again.

another Thomas Beale, he helped put out a fire

fire Beale being thanked for helping
Richmond dispatch., September 14, 1884, Page 4, Image 4
About Richmond dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903
Richmond dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, September 14, 1884, Page 4, Image 4 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress

the fire info on where and who was affected and loses
Richmond dispatch., September 09, 1884, Image 1
About Richmond dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903
Richmond dispatch. (Richmond, Va.) 1884-1903, September 09, 1884, Image 1 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress

found an old cd, labeled beale most seem corrupted cant open them,heres some maps
that opened,if you want to see them bigger than the enlarge link does,you will have to
get this browser plugin Downloads by Category | LizardTechLizardTech

View attachment 886350View attachment 886351

Map of the location of part of the North-Western Turnpike Road
Date:1831 This copy made by Fr. Koch, Richmond, Va. Jan. 27th 1862.
enlarge link
Map of the location of part of the North-Western Turnpike Road /
Map of the location of part of the North-Western Turnpike Road /
View catalog record
Library of Congress LCCN Permalink 2005625122
looked at where beale land is now, i think im close
ACME Mapper 2.0


View attachment 886349

Map of Bedford Co.
Created Published [S.l.] : Chief Engineer's Office, D.N.V., [1864].
Map of Bedford Co.
Map of Bedford Co.


View attachment 886347View attachment 886348

" + theTitle + "

Nice maps.


If you draw a line from Lick Mountain through to Suck Mountain you almost hit Penicks right on the

Gotta love the humor in the south.....

Phoenix that is.....


That is the black alderman Thomas J. Beale that Bigscoop talked about but it has nothing to do with the Beale Treasure other than they were slaves of Thomas J. Beale of Richmond County, Virginia. Thomas J. Beale of Richard Eustace Beale.

Are we not in the 1790's for a birthday of Thomas Beal?

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