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On Friday, Christopher Marshall, a second grader at Driver Elementary School in Suffolk, Virginia and his classmate were playing with their pencils, pointing them at each other and making machine gun noises when a concerned teacher pulled them into the principals' office.
"I got a call from Christopher's school at 12:30 on Friday," the boy's mother, Wendy Marshall, 34, a stay-at-home mother of five, told Yahoo! Shine. "His teacher told me that Christopher and his friend were playing with pencils, making machine gun and 'bang bang' noises. I asked if they were pointing the pencils at anyone else, if they were angry or hostile, disrupting class, or refused to stop when asked and the teacher said no. I told her that I would speak to Christopher but his teacher said she was under obligation to report them anyway."
Wendy immediately picked up her son from school and when she got there, the principal explained that due to the school's zero tolerance policy against weapons or anything that resembles a weapon, Christopher would be suspended on Monday and Tuesday, allowed to return on Wednesday. Bethanne Bradshaw, a spokesperson for Suffolk Public Schools could not be reached for comment but according to a report from Fox43 she said, "A pencil is a weapon when it is pointed at someone in a threatening way and gun noises are made" and that "Some children would consider it threatening, who are scared about shootings in schools or shootings in the community. Kids don't think about 'Cowboys and Indians' anymore, they think about drive-by shootings and murders and everything they see on television news every day." According to the Suffolk News-Herald, the school had received hundreds of emails and on one day fielded about 75 phone calls per hour regarding the matter. Bradshaw wrote in an email to the paper that the reaction to the incident was overwhelming. “Opinions were very strong and mean-spirited, and often included abusive language and profanity.”

"I told the principal that Christopher's father is an ex-Marine and he was just emulating his dad," said Wendy. "Apparently the students were told at the beginning of the year that they couldn't pretend that objects were guns—there are only four weeks left in school. How could they remember that? Kids need to be reminded to bathe and brush their teeth. Besides, they were just being boys. The disciplinary report will be on Christopher's record forever." The report, below, was provided by the Marshall family. . Wendy took her son home and asked him to explain what happened. "He was shaking with fear and didn't understand why he was in trouble," she said. "So we reenacted the scene and I told him that he did nothing wrong." Christopher's father alerted the local news station and Wendy and Christopher spent the next two days eating ice cream, playing Mario Go Kart on Wii, and cleaning the house. "I let him drink soda too," she says. "I'm not going to punish him."

More proof out schools are being ran by idiots...........

Heck, this is what they learn in college.
(Erik Loomis, a professor at the University of Rhode Island, went on a profanity-laced tirade on Twitter, calling the NRA a terrorist organization and saying he wanted to see the head of NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre “on a stick,” )
It's not the little kids pretending to have guns that are shooting up the schools people, it's the nutjobs in this country! Nutjobs like the professor at the University of Rhode Island! If a kid is pretending to drive a car really fast, are there other little kids jumping out of the way because they are afraid they will get run over? The scared little tykes are the ones that need help, not the kids PRETENDIG they are doing something. Where are these scared little tykes kept when they get home to protect them from anything that might upset them?

More proof out schools are being ran by idiots...........

schools have being dumbed down for many years............... anytime someone can get a high school diploma without being able to read, we have gotten to the point that everyone is so stupid to re-elect Nobama!!!!!!

Does anyone ever think about how the little boys felt when they were disciplined?


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It goes to show something I've always said, and before you jump down my throat, this is only my opinion, and personal observations. Most educators today do what they do because they aren.t suited for jobs in the private sector. Although I will admit their does still exist a core of fine, dedicated educators, an example: Years ago, when I was On the staff of the UVM School of Forestry, I taught an introductory class for non-majors on the principles and science of forest biology. One year the class had a number of senor education majors take the course as an elective. Final projects and exams came and I ended up having to defend my grading to the dean, because these "education" majors were mad that I took off for miss-spelled words, and poor writing style. I justified my position be saying that by the time you are a senor in collage, and going to be teaching in the public school system in a few months, you should already have those skills. They thought that, Leaves and Trees was an easy A, and were surprised when none received any. This was in the late 70's, and has only gotten worse.

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

The schools sure could learn some "common sense"

It goes to show something I've always said, and before you jump down my throat, this is only my opinion, and personal observations. Most educators today do what they do because they aren.t suited for jobs in the private sector. Although I will admit their does still exist a core of fine, dedicated educators, an example: Years ago, when I was On the staff of the UVM School of Forestry, I taught an introductory class for non-majors on the principles and science of forest biology. One year the class had a number of senor education majors take the course as an elective. Final projects and exams came and I ended up having to defend my grading to the dean, because these "education" majors were mad that I took off for miss-spelled words, and poor writing style. I justified my position be saying that by the time you are a senor in collage, and going to be teaching in the public school system in a few months, you should already have those skills. They thought that, Leaves and Trees was an easy A, and were surprised when none received any. This was in the late 70's, and has only gotten worse.

C- for misspelled words and poor writing style.

Gotta watch where you throw those stones.

The disciplinary report will be on Christopher's record forever.

yea I'm sure every time he applies for a Job, The school is going
to get a request for his Elementary School records :tongue3:
other then a diploma School records don't mean crap.
"So we reenacted the scene and I told him that he did nothing wrong." Christopher's father alerted the local news station and Wendy and Christopher spent the next two days eating ice cream, playing Mario Go Kart on Wii, and cleaning the house. "I let him drink soda too," she says. "I'm not going to punish him."

Good for them :thumbsup: he needed a vacation from that place :notworthy:


Evidently the gist of my post missed it's point with you. I have only use this computer since Jan. of this year, and have never had to type on a keyboard previously. Sorry my fingers don't type as fast or as accurately as my thoughts flow. This dinosaur does his best to put thoughts, and observations into print, I started my career prior to this technology, and have done fine so far being old school. Thanks for the C grade, I would have been harder.

I don't know what was wrong with this! They were merely re-enacting our beloved government's defense of our guys in Benhgazi. Using pencils and making mouth noises. The school system should have praised them - the next generation of Barry's diplomatic corp....

C- for misspelled words and poor writing style.

Gotta watch where you throw those stones.

Davist you know this violates our rules here, please dont do it.

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Remember when the pen was mightier then the sword well now the pencil is mightier then the gun. Will we have to rewrite the book's??

Remember when the pen was mightier then the sword well now the pencil is mightier then the gun. Will we have to rewrite the book's??

They are being rewritten as we speak. There will be a call for banning pencils, and the kids will write with soft crayons...

They are being rewritten as we speak. There will be a call for banning pencils, and the kids will write with soft crayons...

I don't know you can shoot just as well with a soft crayon as you can with a pencil and a finger.

it's Still gonna scare the morons of the world.
when you point it and go bang bang or "Piuch ! Piuch !"

I'm starting to wonder, are these the people who as kids, were not allowed to watch TV until their Parents reviewed the shows & censored them first ?

How do they get though a new cast, or a Roadruner cartoon without calling 911 ?

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Want be able to buy crayons in boxes of more than 8 colors, they will outlaw high capacity crayon boxes of more than 8....

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sharpened #2 pencils can be much more dangerous than the "fake guns" they were pretending to have -- I once had a sharpened #2 yellow pencil thrust at my eye by a angry fellow student in high school -- thankfully I was able to raise my open hand up palm side outwards and rather than get my eye it stuck in the palm of my hand --the lead tip of it busted off and is still to this day lodged in my palm -- I of course beat him about half to death for trying to put my eye out / kill me before the teachers arrived and pulled me off him.

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