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Posted 10.21.13 by Matthew Burke, TPNN News Editor

One of the most appalling pieces of the tyrannical Obamacare fiasco is the anti-American provision that exempts Congress. Senator Rand Paul (KY) wants to make that provision, and any other laws where Congress has sleazily given themselves legal preferences, unconstitutional. Senator Paul wants a constitutional amendment that would make it illegal for any of the three branches of government to exclude themselves from the very laws they pass that the rest of us are required to follow.

The proposed amendment states that “Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to Congress.” The amendment also contains two provisions that apply that same principle to the Executive Branch and Judicial Branch of the federal government. The amendment text can be found below:


Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to applying laws equally to the citizens of the United States and the Federal Government. (Introduced in Senate – IS)

SJ 25 IS


1st Session

S. J. RES. 25

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to applying laws equally to the citizens of the United States and the Federal Government.


October 11, 2013

Mr. PAUL introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary




Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States relative to applying laws equally to the citizens of the United States and the Federal Government.

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein),*That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States:


‘Section 1. Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to Congress.

‘Section 2. Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to the executive branch of Government, including the President, Vice President, ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and all other officers of the United States, including those provided for under this Constitution and by law, and inferior officers to the President established by law.

‘Section 3. Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, including the Chief Justice, and judges of such inferior courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.

‘Section 4. Nothing in this article shall preempt any specific provision of this Constitution.’

Sen. Rand Paul Proposes Constitutional Amendment to Force Congress to Abide by Same Laws They Pass - Tea Party Headlines by

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Finally someone in Congress with some insight into the effect that their actions have on the citizens they proport to represent....I can applaude that.......Gary

It's about time! I would have paid good money to see
the look there faces, Nancy's and Harrys ..
Bet there BVD'S are all bunched up!

Still incomplete.

"Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to Congress." Congress shall make no law exempting Congress that does not equally exempt the citizens of the United States.

"Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to the executive branch of Government, including the President, Vice President, ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and all other officers of the United States, including those provided for under this Constitution and by law, and inferior officers to the President established by law." Congress shall make no exemptions for the President, Vice President, ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and all other officers of the United States, including those provided for under this Constitution and by law, and inferior officers to the President established by law that does not equally exempt all citizens of the United States.

Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, including the Chief Justice, and judges of such inferior courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish." Congress shall make no exemptions applicable to judges of the Supreme Court of the United States, including the Chief Justice, and judges of such inferior courts as Congress may from time to time ordain and establish that does not equally exempt all citizens of the United States.

You have to remember we are dealing here with lawyers. The original wording of the Amendment can be turned against the citizenry. If all men are created equal, then the laws should apply equally to all regardless of station in life.

Have we not learned that lawyerspeak is dangerous? The words of that Amendment can be twisted.

Much simpler would have been: As we believe "all men are created equal" any law enacted by Congress and signed by the President of the United States shall be equally applicable without prejudice to all citizens of these United States regardless of their office or station in life.

Great idea - but - it will never pass. Anytime one of these bills hit (that affect both parties) - both parties will actually agree on something (kill the bill)! Such a shame...

Great idea - but - it will never pass. Anytime one of these bills hit (that affect both parties) - both parties will actually agree on something (kill the bill)! Such a shame...

True, but if and when it fails either house it would show the voters of each rep that votes against the bill that they think they are above the law and the laws they pass do not apply to them.

This would give strong ammunition to anyone running against them in election that can be used to defeat them in the next election. Who in their right mind, liberal or conservative would vote for someone who voted they are above the law?

It would not be like a regular bill, as any constitutional admendment requires, it would have to be approved by two-thirds of both houses and then passed by three-fourths*of the states.

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I don't like the Obamacare, the way they passed it, changed it, refuse to compromise on it, and now, it isn't even working, and NO ONE in charge of it, has any answers. Not to mention, why is it only good for the people and not DC? Why is there already 60 million dollars missing, no one can account for?
There are some good points in this article, makes a lot of sense, imho.

How to kill ObamaCare and save the GOP | Fox News


It’s that simple. The message is: If ObamaCare is so good for the people, then let everyone have it.

Right now. This instant.

The poor, the rich, the big unions, the big corporations, the politically connected, the lawyers, the lobbyists, and of course, Congress, too. Everyone means everyone.

“Everyone” must specifically include Senators, Congressmen, their staffs, Obama himself, Michelle, Sasha and Malia. It’s everyone in the rowboat, or no one.

That's the only GOP demand. Forget defunding -- it's not going to happen. Fund it, but only if Obama agrees to end all exemptions, exceptions, and waivers today.

How’s that for a simple, clear and concise, easy to understand message? A message that puts the GOP clearly on the side of equality and fairness for all.

This is a message a majority of Americans will support. This is a message that puts Obama on the defensive and paints him into a dangerous "no win" corner.

That’s how you win the war with Obama and kill ObamaCare.

That’s how you win the public relations battle.

That’s how you leave the media speechless.

That’s how you outmaneuver Obama.

Think of Obama's only two options at that point. He can either tell the American people that government will stay shut "Because I refuse to force corporations, unions, and Congress to live by the same rules as the rest of you"....or he can immediately re-open the government and fund ObamaCare, but cause a war inside the Democratic Party by abandoning his big corporate donors and unions.

Either way, he loses.

If this was wrestling or MMA fighting, the GOP just flipped Obama on his back. How can he say ”no” to the GOP demand?

Is Obama only for the rich, big corporations, and politically connected? What is he protecting the rich and privileged from?

If ObamaCare is so great, why did he delay it for big corporations?

What about the rest of us? Are we human guinea pigs?

More importantly, how can Obama look into the camera and say that Congress and the president should have the right to different health care than the citizens? Talk about an unwinnable position.

Make the president explain why he will keep the government closed so that congress can have a different health care plan than the rest of us peasants.

Obama has broken the law and violated the Constitution with these special exemptions and waivers.

Hold his feet to the fire.

The GOP isn’t against poor people getting health care. We certainly hate ObamaCare. We know it's a disaster for health care, jobs, and the economy. But if it's the law of the land (for now), then we demand equality for everyone.

If Obama wants the law, let’s ALL have the law. Everyone.

Michelle, Sasha and Malia can wait in the same long lines as the rest of us. So can Congress and their staffs.

So can big corporations like GE, WalMart and Exxon.

So can every union member.

So can every government employee. If the rest of us can’t have “Cadillac health insurance plans” without paying big fines or taxes, then unions and government employees can’t either.

It’s one for all, and all for one. Let’s see Obama oppose that argument.

Let’s see him defend waivers and exemptions for some, while the rest of us get screwed.

Let’s see Obama defend keeping the government closed in order to retain the one-year waiver for big business, while forcing small business and the middle class to suffer immediately.

Obama is between a rock and a hard place. He must agree that everyone gets it today, ready or not, with no exceptions. Or no one gets it.

Suddenly the GOP has turned the tables. We have exposed Obama as the fraud he is.

With this one change in tactics, the GOP represents "equality and fairness for all." Let Obama defend inequality, unfairness, and special favors for the rich and connected.


ObamaCare is a disaster. The exchanges aren’t ready. Mass confusion reigns.

The American people have no idea how bad this is going to get. But it's clear the unions, big corporations, and Congress understand.

That’s why they desperately want out. From this day forward we let no one out. We are all in this together.

Make Obama own it. Make him tie his friends and donors into it right now -- with no wiggle room. Then watch the fun begin.

Watch the unions and big corporations demand the repeal of ObamaCare.

Watch mass protests in the streets by union members.

Watch the Democratic Party devolve into screaming and fighting matches amongst themselves.

Watch Washington implode as Congress, Congressional staffers, and lobbyists refuse to accept ObamaCare.

In other words, watch the rats desert the sinking ship.

But if Obama keeps the government closed to protect his biggest donors, the public will turn on him with a vengeance.

By November of 2014 every single Democrat who ever voted for this disaster will be thrown out on his or her rear end.

Oh and one big bonus. I can't wait to see the faces of Democrats in Congress when they hear that they must live under the same law as the rest of us. I'd pay for tickets to watch that one.

Thanks for the link to that article Pat!

Although I have been saying that for some time, it's nice to see the media (who actually received my emails - with a way to assure whether or not they read them) paying attention.

I know they were read, just nice to see someone picked up on it and decided to find a way to use the ideas. I've posted much of that in this very forum.

I'm sure I'm not the only one with this idea who has written though.

IF (big IF) they have the gonads to carry it out, Zerocare will only be a bad memory within a year. The public will turn fully against the liberal democrats and RINOs and there may be a chance to REALLY have a bit of HOPE and a nice CHANGE from the TYRANNY!

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