Seeking the many questions

I've been going back and forth between this and several other LDM forums. Trying to get a handle on the the truth. I need help. I have a lot of questions. I will apologise in advance if it comes across as rambling. I've done a lot of research in 24 hours. No sleep and at this point I'm getting upset. So again, sorry in advance.

-What compels/motivates YOU to search for the LDM

-What do you think compels others to search

-What keeps you going? What do you believe keeps other people going?

-Have you ever seen anyone or heard of anyone that seemed to go too far in their search? Will you elaborate?

-Its obvious that mining brings people together and great friendships are formed. Have you personally lost friends through mining or seen it happen to others?

-Why would someone on a mining forum have multiple usernames? Besides the obvious infighting between group members?
-This is a pattern I have noticed among several different sites and once I became aware of it I was unable to not see it occuring and reoccurring on thread after thread. I have a theory or two but I would like to know what members think.

I have more questions I'm sure, I just can't think of them at the moment. I'm tired. Thanks in advance for your time and help.

I haven't been as active as I used to be on the forum for various reasons but thought I'd toss out my $0.02 even though this is an older post...

What compels/motivates YOU to search for the LDM

Being from out of state, I only get 1 or 2 trips a year max to visit the Superstitions so I honestly don't consider myself a "searcher" in the traditional sense. What got me interested and still interested is just the allure to a mystery that is accessible to the average person. I get hooked on the history and in digging into the stories and legends - trying to weed out the good information from the bad.

What do you think compels others to search

I think people search for many reasons but here are a few of what I feel are the top ones. Fame in my opinion is the #1 reason - plenty of people simply want to be THE person to have solved an age old secret. Some people search for $$ reasons but since the Superstitions are a protected federal Wilderness Area the only way to take something worth $ out of those mountains is either illegally or by jumping through a bunch of legal hoops that more often than not will leave you in debt rather than a millionaire. The last reason I think exists in some people's minds is just the idea of "adventure" in spending time in those mountains with the hope of possibly discovering something hidden.

What keeps you going? What do you believe keeps other people going

I personally think people who search for treasures have similar personalities to explorers from years past. We keep going because it's simply a personal drive. We enjoy the outdoors, we seek fame and fortune and we ultimately feel unsettled in life and need this search to feel fulfilled.

Have you ever seen anyone or heard of anyone that seemed to go too far in their search? Will you elaborate

Like anything else in life, if you get too obsessed with something it can completely take over a person's life to the point where they lose jobs, lose family, lose $$ and possibly even lose their lives. The Lost Dutchman Mine is well known as a "prize" that more than a handful of people have become obsessed with and lost those and other things over.

Its obvious that mining brings people together and great friendships are formed. Have you personally lost friends through mining or seen it happen to others

Secrecy is a large part of treasure hunting communities. Very few people are willing to work together to try to solve lost treasure puzzles. Partnerships are formed and often fall apart. People mislead others, lie or deceive. Clay Worst is a well known searcher for the Lost Dutchman mine and I will always remember him saying something to the effect that "searching for the Lost Dutchman Mine is a solitary venture."

Why would someone on a mining forum have multiple usernames? Besides the obvious infighting between group members?
-This is a pattern I have noticed among several different sites and once I became aware of it I was unable to not see it occuring and reoccurring on thread after thread. I have a theory or two but I would like to know what members think

The same answer for the above applies here. Secrecy is a major part of the treasure hunting community. Treasure hunters don't like to give away secrets but at the same time they LOVE to let people know that they know something nobody else does. You'll see it over and over again within these forum pages. The best way to do that is to pretend to be someone you are not and an online persona is perfect for that. I don't know exactly what drives people to be so misleading - I often think it's some sort of personality issue. I think it would be fascinating to see a pyschological analysis of what makes treasure hunters tick :).

Good luck to you Truthseeker - I'm not sure what you're seeking, but feel free to ask questions - some of us are willing to talk :).

Hola Cuban 64

Well said there is much truth in the words you have written. But not just superstitions treasure legend. There are several other stories attract the same mentality.

Visiting this site has convinced me that I myself with never be a treasure hunter other than an armchair one. Not a bad thing as the site functions as a platform for people interested in such stories providing like minded companionship.

For me its the people who are involved seeking such legendary treasures they themselves are far more interesting. A real insight into the head space of those seekers. Some seem very switched on, some become competitive driven by ego and some lost in their self induced fantasy all captive in a tornado of stories over and over picking up more and more bits of supposed facts.

Yet all deserve a mention because if it was not for dreamers such as those nothing would even been discovered in this world.

Success or failure they inspiration in their own right.


Hola Cuban 64

Well said there is much truth in the words you have written. But not just superstitions treasure legend. There are several other stories attract the same mentality.

Visiting this site has convinced me that I myself with never be a treasure hunter other than an armchair one. Not a bad thing as the site functions as a platform for people interested in such stories providing like minded companionship.

For me its the people who are involved seeking such legendary treasures they themselves are far more interesting. A real insight into the head space of those seekers. Some seem very switched on, some become competitive driven by ego and some lost in their self induced fantasy all captive in a tornado of stories over and over picking up more and more bits of supposed facts.

Yet all deserve a mention because if it was not for dreamers such as those nothing would even been discovered in this world.

Success or failure they inspiration in their own right.


Well said also SSM!

Some people have been telling lies for so long that they actually believe it to be truth...

There are some of us who claim to know very little while there are some who claim to know it all truth...I claim to be one of those who claims to know very little...

Be wary of whom you trust truth...In the treasure hunting world there are many wolves in sheep's clothing who will stab you in your back once they get what they want from you...

You never really know who you are dealing with online...You never really know if you are dealing with a psychopath or a saint...I personally do not trust anyone other than those who have been referred to me by someone close to me that I have known for years...

I believe that I have learned how to play head games with anyone and everyone from my service to Uncle Sam...The Corps was a learning and growing experience for me...Oh well...Life does have its ups and downs...It would not be any fun IF it didn't...

Good luck in your search for the truth seeker...And be wary of who you place your trust in...

Ed T

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Your support for the beef industry reminds me of a song from a band I used to listen to in highschool. 'Eat Steak' by the The Reverend Horton Heat. You should look it up on YouTube, it might be your theme song.

I worked for cattle ranchers in WY, so my support is based on first hand knowledge of what it takes to provide the public with steaks, hamburgers and leather boots. The work is not suited for the faint of heart.

So what is your own quest here truthseeker? We have shared our hearts with you, so lets lay our cards on the table? Thanks in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

I worked for cattle ranchers in WY, so my support is based on first hand knowledge of what it takes to provide the public with steaks, hamburgers and leather boots. The work is not suited for the faint of heart.

So what is your own quest here truthseeker? We have shared our hearts with you, so lets lay our cards on the table? Thanks in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

I really don't know what my quest is anymore. I feel like I don't think I'll ever find the truth, but I think I'm ok with that. Maybe the truth is there is no truth. Understanding that will bring me peace.

I really don't know what my quest is anymore. I feel like I don't think I'll ever find the truth, but I think I'm ok with that. Maybe the truth is there is no truth. Understanding that will bring me peace.

I see, so this has been simply an exercise for laughs or a game? Why not open up a bit and perhaps we have more to discuss? People with hidden agendas are not being honest or fair, not saying you have a hidden agenda but perhaps you do? Is it something you would not say for fear of ridicule or that you intend to use our words against us? Lay your cards on the table and see what happens, after all what do you stand to lose? You might be pleasantly surprised.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

I worked for cattle ranchers in WY, so my support is based on first hand knowledge of what it takes to provide the public with steaks, hamburgers and leather boots. The work is not suited for the faint of heart.

So what is your own quest here truthseeker? We have shared our hearts with you, so lets lay our cards on the table? Thanks in advance,

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:


I don't think TS has any inclination to tell her story. I say that, even though I believe it would be best for her to open up with a little of her own truth. Just one man's opinion.

Take care,


:dontknow: This is certainly a confusing thread. Seems as though some people know what's going on and others are in the dark on the whole topic. Time to go back into lurker mode I think ;)

Treasure Hunting is not like any other type of hunt. It gets one out in the wilds and allows nature to take over. I think whatever religion you believe in or whether or not you do believe, Treasure Hunting gives one an experience of being closer to a higher power made up of beauty, sky and openness. I've stumbled upon scenery so spectacular it brings tears to your eyes and seen things that others may have not seen for centuries if at all. It inspires self reliance of a pioneer spirit. The hunt tasks the physical body and the soul at the same time. Its like an out door Video Game you play in real time. Or a cross word puzzle made up of half truths in history and speculation. Being part of something larger than life. Hunting for something that was hidden for all time. Archaeologists get the same feeling during an excavation. For some its simply a liars game. For others it can be an obsession. Just like a religion. As with any other type of religion you have truth seekers and those obsessed with seeing Christ or Allah in mundane objects. I would dare say it can be a wonderful journey. That journey can be good or bad depending on where it ends up. Some don't see the writing on the wall and bow out. Others hunt till the day they die.

Treasure Hunting is a way of Life, or a way of death.

I choose Life.

I really don't know what my quest is anymore. I feel like I don't think I'll ever find the truth, but I think I'm ok with that. Maybe the truth is there is no truth. Understanding that will bring me peace.
Since you posted this under the lost Dutchman mine, I will assume that your search has something to do with that.
here is a word of advice which my research has uncovered.
everyone who has been killed, deliberately, in these mountains got killed because they were too close to discovering something, not because they had a map or gold or water that someone else wanted, this treasure hunt is all about one group who know something and the rest of us who are trying to figure it out
go forward cautiously

Since you posted this under the lost Dutchman mine, I will assume that your search has something to do with that.
here is a word of advice which my research has uncovered.
everyone who has been killed, deliberately, in these mountains got killed because they were too close to discovering something, not because they had a map or gold or water that someone else wanted, this treasure hunt is all about one group who know something and the rest of us who are trying to figure it out
go forward cautiously

If that were true, these people would all have been killed in approximately the same area, not all over the Superstitions.

If that were true, these people would all have been killed in approximately the same area, not all over the Superstitions.
Not necessarily, they get killed when and where it is convinient
Also, the last thing the killer would want would be a pile of bodies at his door step, so to speak.

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If that were true, these people would all have been killed in approximately the same area, not all over the Superstitions.
why would you say that?...not all idiots think alike..they all have different theories on where the ldm is:laughing7:

why would you say that?...not all idiots think alike..they all have different theories on where the ldm is:laughing7:

Alan is referring to a "group that knows something" so I am assuming they are all privy to the same secret, a.k.a., the location of the LDM?

Alan is referring to a "group that knows something" so I am assuming they are all privy to the same secret, a.k.a., the location of the LDM?
i doubt if it was ever a group of idiots causing trouble up there...just a bunch of individual idiots

Alan is referring to a "group that knows something" so I am assuming they are all privy to the same secret, a.k.a., the location of the LDM?
Tom K saw them once

Truth is relative to the facts. As far as I can tell, we have no facts.

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