Seeking Advice on Shipwreck Discovery

He hasn't posted in weeks, still lurking a bit though i see. His profile was just a burner account anyway, he's actually a member here under another name. He only replied once and some of the answers varied from his original post, so i don't' expect we are going to get any further useful information about it. Chock it up as another legend in the making....

MM, thanks for that explanation, still in the dark a bit, but if it needs a diver I like NFT? ha ha

Think Bitcoin, but where each coin/token has it's own value. If you have a Bitcoin it is worth the same as all other Bitcoins owned by everyone else. But if you have an NFT it has it's own value that is different from all other NFT's (other than two NFT's coincidentally having the same value), so they are fungible. Not true for the NFT, so they are non-fungible. Let's say a diver, i.e. you, finds an exceptional piece of the Lost Aztec Gold and takes a real nifty digital picture of it. But then Spain lays claim to that exceptional gold piece and seizes it, so all you have is the nifty digital picture. You create an NFT for that digital image and sell it for $10 million dollars to Jeff Bezos. But here's the snake oil part of it: What's to stop you from making a copy of that digital image, creating another NFT and selling it? Same picture, but different NFT. In theory, there are an infinite copies of that image that can be made. And if you post that picture online, the whole world has a copy of it. Snake oil.

Read more about it here. Pay close attention to the "Digital Art" section, though all the examples are pretty good. In short, the person who bought the NFT owns the token that says they "own" the asset, but they really don't physically own the asset, be it the exceptional piece of the Lost Aztec Gold or the digital image you sold them. It's kind of like selling the Brooklyn Bridge to someone and giving them a certificate of ownership. All they can really do is sell that certificate to someone else, and they could sell it to another person. The certificate of ownership, i.e. NFT just maintains a record of those transactions. A piece of artwork in the Digital Art section sold for $69.3 million this year. The person who bought it owns the NFT, but not the artwork. So if no one else wants to spend a single penny on the NFT when it goes up for sale again, that NFT ain't worth squat. Kind of like a digital pyramid scheme, ain't it?


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Non-Fungible Token, i.e. digital snake oil. It's the CBD of the blockchain world. It might be kind of tough to NFT a site, since NFT's tend to be used to show ownership of digital assets. But I suppose the research data for the wreck could be put in digital form, along with the ownership deed and be sold as an NFT that way.

You cannot seriously be using CBD as an analogy to what you call "snake oil". lol

I mean... lol... as to what comparison "CBD to Pills"... CBD being not real ? ? ?

this is not only hilarious... But you are clueless as to what and when AND WHO... the term "snake oil" was even coined... and who sold it...

The pharmies of today started out as nothing more than sellers of fake and poisionous products... hence why the term.


PS... tell my friends epileptic child that suffered from multiple seizures a day PRIOR to a CBD regiment who is now seizure free.

Would have been gone long ago if it weren't for CBD.

Yeah... the "fake CBD" crap is... So... but you should already know this... or at least be aware.

Dont believe the anti hype that has been blown up your arse your whole life.


I just realized... you must "believe" the hype... your a "digital currency" guy.

PSSS... and after further reflection of this statement... and you particularly...... I cannot help it... lol...

And i dont mean this as an "attack"...

I am just really curious is all...

Your Avatar Is a Grateful dead "steal your face" logo... So are you a "dead Head" ? ? ?

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Think Bitcoin, but where each coin/token has it's own value. If you have a Bitcoin it is worth the same as all other Bitcoins owned by everyone else. But if you have an NFT it has it's own value that is different from all other NFT's (other than two NFT's coincidentally having the same value), so they are fungible. Not true for the NFT, so they are non-fungible. Let's say a diver, i.e. you, finds an exceptional piece of the Lost Aztec Gold and takes a real nifty digital picture of it. But then Spain lays claim to that exceptional gold piece and seizes it, so all you have is the nifty digital picture. You create an NFT for that digital image and sell it for $10 million dollars to Jeff Bezos. But here's the snake oil part of it: What's to stop you from making a copy of that digital image, creating another NFT and selling it? Same picture, but different NFT. In theory, there are an infinite copies of that image that can be made. And if you post that picture online, the whole world has a copy of it. Snake oil.

Read more about it here. Pay close attention to the "Digital Art" section, though all the examples are pretty good. In short, the person who bought the NFT owns the token that says they "own" the asset, but they really don't physically own the asset, be it the exceptional piece of the Lost Aztec Gold or the digital image you sold them. It's kind of like selling the Brooklyn Bridge to someone and giving them a certificate of ownership. All they can really do is sell that certificate to someone else, and they could sell it to another person. The certificate of ownership, i.e. NFT just maintains a record of those transactions. A piece of artwork in the Digital Art section sold for $69.3 million this year. The person who bought it owns the NFT, but not the artwork. So if no one else wants to spend a single penny on the NFT when it goes up for sale again, that NFT ain't worth squat. Kind of like a digital pyramid scheme, ain't it?


Thank you so much for your detailed explanation, very useful. Funny you mention bridges, I have a nice one available going cheap!

You cannot seriously be using CBD as an analogy to what you call "snake oil". lol

I mean... lol... as to what comparison "CBD to Pills"... CBD being not real ? ? ?

this is not only hilarious... But you are clueless as to what and when AND WHO... the term "snake oil" was even coined... and who sold it...

Take a deep breath, exhale...repeat.

I think what he means is that the past few years, CBD oil dispensaries have been popping up in every strip mall, abandoned 7-11 and flea market, with some of the most suspect packaging and ingredient claims (many of the labels are printed off their home computer) claiming to cure everything from erectile dysfunction, to a speech impediment, to fertility problems, to wrinkly skin, to excessive period flow, to hearing loss etc, with many of those claims having never been clinically proven and the consumer having no idea what is really in that bottle they are buying.

Yes, CBD oil does have some legitimate, clinically proven uses, such as seizures as you mention, but many have jumped on the $$ bandwagon and are claiming it cures just about any ailment you can think of, hence him using the word "snake oil".

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You cannot seriously be using CBD as an analogy to what you call "snake oil". lol...PS... tell my friends epileptic child that suffered from multiple seizures a day PRIOR to a CBD regiment who is now seizure free.

I'm not saying CBD doesn't have any valid use; your mention of seizures in children are probably the best use of CBD. My comment was an allusion to CBD being marketed these days as the cure-all for pretty much everything that ails you. It's joined the ranks of all those other cure-all products, with the only difference being that it isn't a dietary supplement. So yeah, CBD has specific medical uses, but to borrow a line from Frank, "You might not believe this, little fella. But it'll cure your asthma too."

I just realized... you must "believe" the hype... your a "digital currency" guy.

Not at all! Digital currency is intrinsically worth less than fiat money. It's only worth what it is because someone says it is, and people believe it is. I equate digital currency to the Tulip Bubble of the mid 17th century. There was an artist a while back who drew--by hand, spectacular reproductions of U.S. paper money, and would "spend" them in stores after telling the proprietor what they were. The feds tried to jam him up for that, but he called it art and wasn't prosecuted. His drawings have more intrinsic value than digital currency. Hell, I'm not even sold on the kind of digital currency that is direct deposit and online banking. Those are just numbers that can be turned on and off with the flick of a bureaucrat. But at least they have the claim of being tied to the "full faith and credit" of something. And if those numbers fail, so does the paper.

Your Avatar Is a Grateful dead "steal your face" logo... So are you a "dead Head" ? ? ?


MM, Still got a bridge for sale!! Well, a photo of it!

MM, Still got a bridge for sale!! Well, a photo of it!

I'd be interested in buying it, but the auto mechanic just informed me that the muffler bearings are shot on my car, and it is dangerously low on blinker fluid. So that pretty much wipes me out for the next couple of months...

Whatever you do. Don?t take any devices out there like cell phones or anything with Bluetooth or WiFi enabled /cellular/electronics....

This is really cool! I?m following!

I would document the discovery as good as possible. You can follow some of the guidelines on the link below. This would be like setting up a " Master Site File " which would include info as per the link. Put your name as the person who discovered it & provided the info, so if later recorded , it would be named after you. Pictures, dates, location, measurements, orientation , depth , are a must , & any other proof as the I.D. of the ship. Be careful about removing ANYTHING from it. Once you have finished doing this work, it is then up to YOU whether or not you wish to report it.

Florida Master Site File info, just as a guide.

Lol- Yeah the last thing I would be doing would be recording some treasure find that I had on some electronic devices especially through a government website or even visiting one LMAO

I have bought and sold digital currency and have profited by thousands of dollars. Talk among yourselves.

What would you do? I am seeking advice or maybe a reality check. I was an active member on Treasurenet many years ago but have been away. It occurred to me that this forum might help me make a decision. I have been a scuba diver for decades and about 15-20 years ago I discovered something of considerable value while exploring a shipwreck. I know what it is, why it is there and it's value; I do not believe there is any archeological value. The facts I stumbled across while diving and doing research to identify the vessel. There may have been a few others who had this esoteric knowledge as a few sister ships around the globe have been pillaged in the noted section to the bewilderment of marine science. I estimate the find about 8 - 10 million dollars in current value, perhaps more. The problem is getting it to the surface. I considered an admiralty claim but first consulted with venture capital, underwater salvage and a private excavation engineer. In every case these entities wanted more information than I was willing to give. Finally word somehow got out and I was relentlessly harassed by state officials demanding information which I refused to provide. I know what it would take and the cost of recovery - it would be major. Actually this particular find is small potatoes for the corporate salvage folks as there are much easier targets for them. I have kept critical detail to myself, After so much frustration with the way government agencies handled this I decided the detail and whereabouts would go to my grave with me . Selfish I know.

Over the past 15 years I have shared my story in detail with about 5 trusted individuals. The location and a few major clues have never been disclosed. Those who have heard the story, the discovery process, the engineering hurdles and political woes have insisted that I should write about it - even if I never give up the critical location detail. Here is my dilemma - now after 15 years, should I indeed write the story? Trust me - it is a great tale along the lines of the Tucker Cross. Should I remain anonymous to prevent being hounded for more information? My geographical location along with some of the more fascinating aspects of this vessel have potential to give away its identity and location to savvy parties. I have thought about revising the story and write it as fiction without revealing clues as to the identity and location of the vessel. I am not looking for fame or money in this endeavor - as a diver and sailor I just know it would be a great story for fellow divers and mariners. I fear however that without some of the detail the story might not be credible.

Have any of you been in a similar situation? What would you do?
Hey man shoot me an email, I just have one single question, isn't anything too in depth. is my email, get back when you can, thanks!

Hey man shoot me an email, I just have one single question, isn't anything too in depth. is my email, get back when you can, thanks!
You can do what one guy did that found well over 20 wrecks in the gulf on the west side of florida when the state didnt want to give him any contracts he made a web site and posted all the info including the gps cords for everyone to see.

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Fisheye do you have a link to that web site?

What would you do? I am seeking advice or maybe a reality check. I was an active member on Treasurenet many years ago but have been away. It occurred to me that this forum might help me make a decision. I have been a scuba diver for decades and about 15-20 years ago I discovered something of considerable value while exploring a shipwreck. I know what it is, why it is there and it's value; I do not believe there is any archeological value. The facts I stumbled across while diving and doing research to identify the vessel. There may have been a few others who had this esoteric knowledge as a few sister ships around the globe have been pillaged in the noted section to the bewilderment of marine science. I estimate the find about 8 - 10 million dollars in current value, perhaps more. The problem is getting it to the surface. I considered an admiralty claim but first consulted with venture capital, underwater salvage and a private excavation engineer. In every case these entities wanted more information than I was willing to give. Finally word somehow got out and I was relentlessly harassed by state officials demanding information which I refused to provide. I know what it would take and the cost of recovery - it would be major. Actually this particular find is small potatoes for the corporate salvage folks as there are much easier targets for them. I have kept critical detail to myself, After so much frustration with the way government agencies handled this I decided the detail and whereabouts would go to my grave with me . Selfish I know.

Over the past 15 years I have shared my story in detail with about 5 trusted individuals. The location and a few major clues have never been disclosed. Those who have heard the story, the discovery process, the engineering hurdles and political woes have insisted that I should write about it - even if I never give up the critical location detail. Here is my dilemma - now after 15 years, should I indeed write the story? Trust me - it is a great tale along the lines of the Tucker Cross. Should I remain anonymous to prevent being hounded for more information? My geographical location along with some of the more fascinating aspects of this vessel have potential to give away its identity and location to savvy parties. I have thought about revising the story and write it as fiction without revealing clues as to the identity and location of the vessel. I am not looking for fame or money in this endeavor - as a diver and sailor I just know it would be a great story for fellow divers and mariners. I fear however that without some of the detail the story might not be credible.

Have any of you been in a similar situation? What would you do?
Contact Josh on Expedition Unknown!

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