Seating Arrangement in the Castle

Form of the Castle
Secretary Captian Treasurer
Guidexxxxxxxxxx Inspector
xxxxxxxxLieutenant Sergeant

Blue flannel shirt, over vest, and in pantaloons
Captain-Red cotton sash around waist
Secty-white, over right and under left shoulder
Treas-yellow in same way


Source for this info is J.W Pomfrey, Governor-General of the state of Kentucky, Captain-General for the county of Kenton. Entered according to Act of Congress 1861


The DEGREES of the KGC (R & I) were IRON HAND (Military warriors/fighters/"standing Army"; TRUE FAITH (fund-raisers: find & bury "assets" with help from IRON HAND), & the LEADERS (known as the COLUMBIAN STAR... small group) was the 3rd Degree (and last). THAT was a Castle of Cavaliers/Knights. In terms of the INNER SANCTUM of 13... read/"google" A Rosicrucian Connection to the KGC on The Knights of the Golden Circle web-site; there are NAMES!

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I traveled all over Texas researching the Knights for 5 years. Since my friend Dave Keehn's book is published I am about to box all this up. In my collection includes.
Hard to find newspaper articles
NARA "Bickley Papers" digitized
Pictures of the actual Tyler Guards flag that I took with permission of the owner of the flag
Graphics of all the Brigade and regimental flags of KGC
Replica KGC Headquarters flag
List of masons that were also KGC, researched at the Grand Lodge of Tx
Pomfrey's book on degree work
and things ive forgotten abt.

If you have a question then you should ask me before I box this up for storage. Good luck in your research.

My questions are only about the lodge activities in the K.G.C. Texas was a hotbed for the K.G.C. that is for sure. The research we have done is in another state and although I would love to rummage your box for names, It would only be to identify correspondence between the Knights that I know and your Knights to see what they were talking about and look for hidden ciphers such as we have found in other letters written by these men. The working degrees were not as much concern to me as the actual physical placement inside of the castle when it was meeting. Thanks for the information! Hard evidence on these Knights is as scarce as hens teeth! It is what lets you say "they did it!", instead of "they most likely did it." It has taken us years of research and miles of travel and some blind luck,to gather what we have.
Thanks, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

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I traveled all over Texas researching the Knights for 5 years. Since my friend Dave Keehn's book is published I am about to box all this up. In my collection includes.
Hard to find newspaper articles
NARA "Bickley Papers" digitized
Pictures of the actual Tyler Guards flag that I took with permission of the owner of the flag
Graphics of all the Brigade and regimental flags of KGC
Replica KGC Headquarters flag
List of masons that were also KGC, researched at the Grand Lodge of Tx
Pomfrey's book on degree work
and things ive forgotten abt.

If you have a question then you should ask me before I box this up for storage. Good luck in your research.

David's book is GREAT!

My questions are only about the lodge activities in the K.G.C. Texas was a hotbed for the K.G.C. that is for sure. The research we have done is in another state and although I would love to rummage your box for names, It would only be to identify correspondence between the Knights that I know and your Knights to see what they were talking about and look for hidden ciphers such as we have found in other letters written by these men. The working degrees were not as much concern to me as the actual physical placement inside of the castle when it was meeting. Thanks for the information! Hard evidence on these Knights is as scarce as hens teeth! It is what lets you say "they did it!", instead of "they most likely did it." It has taken us years of research and miles of travel and some blind luck,to gather what we have.
Thanks, L.C. Baker:thumbsup:

Thing about KGC Ciphers is that there was the MAIN, important Ciphers, leading to "assets"; OTHER Ciphers were "thrown in" as "cover"... (to CONFUSE & MISLEAD).

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Thing about KGC Ciphers is that there was the MAIN, important Ciphers, leading to "assets"; OTHER Ciphers were "thrown in" as "cover"... (to CONFUSE & MISLEAD).
The ciphers we have look like symbols in the beginning(1850's) and turn into pages of numbers after the transformation into the Order of American Knights. They got smarter, and they realised they could send a message without a known key. That made them unbreakable when in transit to their destination. As for what they contained, all the good stuff was mouth to ear.
Thanks, L.C. baker

The ciphers we have look like symbols in the beginning(1850's) and turn into pages of numbers after the transformation into the Order of American Knights. They got smarter, and they realised they could send a message without a known key. That made them unbreakable when in transit to their destination. As for what they contained, all the good stuff was mouth to ear.
Thanks, L.C. baker

OAK used NUMBERS...? WHEN...? BEALE PAPERS was written & released by 1885... WOW!

Everything I have found and read has clear plain text. I have found one that is encoded with Roman Numerals and regular ciphers. I have not decoded that one yet. But anyways 99.9 % of what I have found is plain text with a few twist saying two or three different things at the same time.

This is what one of our K.G.C. coded message looks like.

22 56 77 45 345 876 934 56 4 5 34 22 34 56
2 45 678 97 687 456 45 34 2 34 56 K 17 22
123 34 47 77 854 23 50 K 345 17 34 678 19

If you received it by horse back through enemy lines all you had to have was the key phrase/chapter/document/paragraph etc to decode it. If that key phrase changed weekly then it was virtually impossible to break without a spy's help.
Thanks for your input L.C.

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Imagine my surprise when I seen the Beale code for the first time! I knew it was just like what we had and that it was also a K.G.C. code that required a key phrase to unlock the message within. It is a matter of coding by nature. If it was a standard communication then it required a document like the well known constitution/ declaration of independence/etc. If it was a top secret message, then it would be more strategic, like the first page of the last message I sent you, or of a particular document of which only you and I would know about. If it was intercepted by the enemy, it was useless, just a bunch of numbers.

Imagine my surprise when I seen the Beale code for the first time! I knew it was just like what we had and that it was also a K.G.C. code that required a key phrase to unlock the message within. It is a matter of coding by nature. If it was a standard communication then it required a document like the well known constitution/ declaration of independence/etc. If it was a top secret message, then it would be more strategic, like the first page of the last message I sent you, or of a particular document of which only you and I would know about. If it was intercepted by the enemy, it was useless, just a bunch of numbers.

OK, MORE about the "Beales"; read the story. 1865, Confederacy was "dead"; 20 years later... 1885 (as written in the BEALE PAPERS)... DISCOVERY! BC # 2 = (WHAT... DOI - KEY DOCUMENT); BC # 1 = LOCALITY (WHERE) of "Treasure"; BC # 3 = names & addresses of ppl (WHO) involved. I think it COULD be that BC # 1 WOULD be the names & addresses of ppl involved, BC # 3 WOULD be the LOCALITY CIPHERS/CODE. Thought is based on the NUMBERS, as the long or short of "IT". BC # 3 is SHORTER than BC # 1... "FRESH EYES" may see something that is/was missed. HH & GOOD LUCK!

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the skull and crossed bones is to remind us of the fact that we are all mere mortals and will one day face "judgement day" and so we best act properly in life.

Since your code has the letter "K" with a large cipher after and a large cipher two ciphers before--------I would go to the 23 Chapter to Chapter 50 of the Book of Kings in the Bible.

why do you think they gave the K uncoded?

Were all the members of the Knights of the golden Circle that owned slaves chosen for leadership positions in the organization do to their extreme pro slavery attitudes? Did the Knights present there leaders to the working craft as models of what they wanted in their idea of a cotton and tobacco utopia? What do you guys think / know?
Thanks for the input, L.C. Baker

Were all the members of the Knights of the golden Circle that owned slaves chosen for leadership positions in the organization do to their extreme pro slavery attitudes? Did the Knights present there leaders to the working craft as models of what they wanted in their idea of a cotton and tobacco utopia? What do you guys think / know?
Thanks for the input, L.C. Baker


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Yes, but as I see it Slavery was the first right on that list. But my concern here is trying to identify Knights position in the Castle that we have identified. So with that in mind I would have to say from 1850-1865.
Thanks, L.C.

why do you think they gave the K uncoded?
The KGC had members from several different organizations,Scottish Rite,Freemasons,Knights of Pythia,Rosicrucians,etc,who brought their symbolism into the KGC.As with the EMERALD TABLET,the KABBALAH may have been introduced,with the "K" being the key.

What about K as a symbol for something else? It was used in more than one place on this trail. I thought at one time that it may have been indicating a point on a line. Like a V turned sideways on an l , but it did not work out for us yet.
Thanks for the help, L.C. Baker

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