Season 9

Oh well next week we will see that treasure... Who would of thought that old piece of junk jewellery was a long lost Templar treasure finding stone...

Wonders will never cease...

The laginas are trying to convince the cable network that they can squeeze advertiser‘s out of dollars for yet another season of the fictional soap opera.

This week they find another fragment of the Chappell Vault, and "just what we wanted" - wood. But it's special wood, very heavy. They also found some puddled clay. They got to the bottom of can #4 and found .... no gold. But look: they just missed the Chappell Vault. They're going to save it for season 10 though:

l that was left was to decide where to put shaft number 5. It was promptly agreed without any argument that the new dig location would be just one foot to the north of the old C-1 shaft and almost directly above the old B4 borehole.
It’s likely the Fellowship was put off this location because they have already dug two ten diameter shafts on either side of C1; TF-1 and EC-1 were dug in 2017 and 2020, respectively, and frankly, they spectacularly failed to reveal any treasure-laden vaults.

So a great idea to drill another massive hole in the same place... No doubt the treasure will be there this time....

Third time lucky... Right!

Dunfield dug up the “money pit” area 100 feet wide and 140 feet deep and found nothing.

Of course there are those here that think there is actually a vault named after a previous hoaxer (chappel) that is alive and moves itself to different locations to prevent being found.


The laginas continue to drill holes in Dunfield’s backfill in an attempt to keep viewers watching the fictional drama show.

Dunfield dug up the “money pit” area 100 feet wide and 140 feet deep and found nothing.....
That my friend is because the treasure was at 150 ft... If he had just dug 10 foot deeper he would of had


Silly man... Gave up to soon..

Lucky the Laginas are intending on keeping digging until


This week we learned that the Portuguese Templars were the first arrivals on Oak Island, building the stone road in preparation for the later arrival of the Chappell Vault.

Also they learned the meaning of the symbols on the "H-O" stone: The lines and dots between the H and O were an ancient Portuguese symbol for the number 2. Translated it means "90 feet below lies H2O".

{ My loose interpretation of the show's fantastic stories }

Oak Island stone roadway matches ancient Roman road​

The team was also taken to an old Roman road, which was an incredible 2000 years old. The thing that was most interesting was it looked almost identical to the mysterious stone road found in the swamp.

The Portuguese archaeologist who studies this Roman road examined photos of the Oak Island cobblestone road and confirmed that both were built using similar technology.

Imagine that... A stone road was made the same way.. Both roads were made by people picking up stones and put them on the ground to make a road....

Yep for sure the Romans built roads on Oak island so the Templars could more easily bury their treasure before the French come and took it.

I am glad they have now cleared up that time line and solved the mystery of Oak Island...

Imagine that... A stone road was made the same way.. Both roads were made by people picking up stones and put them on the ground to make a road....

Yep for sure the Romans built roads on Oak island so the Templars could more easily bury their treasure before the French come and took it.

I am glad they have now cleared up that time line and solved the mystery of Oak Island...
It’s getting borderline delusional now.

The Cross of Lorraine or two-barred cross,
came from the Kingdom of Hungary in the late 12th century,
it was an emblem of Lorraine in eastern France Between 1871 and 1918,
it's on the coat of arms of Lithuania,
and the Coat of arms of Slovakia,
the Cross of Saint Euphrosyne among other places it has appeared.

Could it be the fellowship needs to go to Hungary to find the fabled depositors?
How about a wide goose chase to Lorraine, France?
Maybe Lithuania and Slovakia?
How about fact checking Saint Euphrosyne - did he secretly sail to the New World with priceless treasures and enough elves to dig the money pit?

Endless loop of conjecture or skulduggery or chicanery.
Could it be?



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Ah, but could it be more than coincidence that Laraine Neuman, who was in the original cast of Saturday [K]Night Live, was often cross as a reporter for Weekend Update? And both Templars and Masons recognize Saturday as a day of the week with special significance!

Ah, but could it be more than coincidence that Laraine Neuman, who was in the original cast of Saturday [K]Night Live, was often cross as a reporter for Weekend Update? And both Templars and Masons recognize Saturday as a day of the week with special significance!
im just soo glad that i can read about our favorite tv hoax, uh show instead of actually watching it. im tellin you this, they owe me money fer wastin my time by viewing it, rrrrrrrrr

This week they continue the tour of the Portuguese Templar points of interest. They check out the "finger drain" aqueducts, identified by creepy alien hands with a long middle finger - not unlike the finger drains on Oak Island.

And a 20th century "Initiation Well" that was constructed based on the passed-down tales from the Oak Island money pit. Exact down to the same 9 levels and circular stairwell to match the circular tunnel that the Restalls discovered around the money pit.

Next week is the grand finale.

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