Season 4

This is the 2 sides of the cross :

Has anyone made the connection that the final 7th member that's suppose to die on Oak island is dead!

Did no one make the Fred Nolan connection.
He devoted his entire Life to finding that treasure, moved there and everything.... So technically didn't his entire Life become Life long hunt on Oak island.... So even though time took him he still died in his hunt...

This means the Laguna's(spelling) will be successful I can feel it.....

Good luck guys

Has anyone made the connection that the final 7th member that's suppose to die on Oak island is dead!

Did no one make the Fred Nolan connection.
He devoted his entire Life to finding that treasure, moved there and everything.... So technically didn't his entire Life become Life long hunt on Oak island.... So even though time took him he still died in his hunt...

This means the Laguna's(spelling) will be successful I can feel it.....

Good luck guys

Good idea but the CURSE clearly states "Seven must die" while searching for the treasure. We should start a pool to see when Marty will push Rick down one of those holes to get it over with so he can get DA BOOTY!!!

So Matty did a rehash of the show, rehashing all the high points to end up on the spots of the island to re-rehash the items again. Is he more annoying than the Announcer? Wish we had a poll on this forum as it would be close...
So 50 mins of rehashing the rehash with no side of sunny side up eggs or toast and then they end up in Marty's vineyard.... in Michigan, in the winter!!! Man, that doesn't look right. Don't most vineyards have sun and rolling hills and grapevines all over the place? Just looked odd to me.... Snow + Vineyard = Odd! :icon_scratch:
So a Templar cross in the vineyard basement with a cool Nuke silo ceiling = lets go discuss what to do next year.
More rehash with coffee this time and then Matty shows some locals cheering on the Lag bros. Marty likes the lady saying they are cute... sweet moment!
So they don't have any new info on the items found... didn't make it back from the lab yet, shucks! But they do have a game plan for next year.... search the island!
I guess I was hoping for something but didn't get anything from the "Special"... sad. Did anyone get anything from this episode that I missed?

So Matty did a rehash of the show, rehashing all the high points to end up on the spots of the island to re-rehash the items again. Is he more annoying than the Announcer? Wish we had a poll on this forum as it would be close...
So 50 mins of rehashing the rehash with no side of sunny side up eggs or toast and then they end up in Marty's vineyard.... in Michigan, in the winter!!! Man, that doesn't look right. Don't most vineyards have sun and rolling hills and grapevines all over the place? Just looked odd to me.... Snow + Vineyard = Odd! :icon_scratch:
So a Templar cross in the vineyard basement with a cool Nuke silo ceiling = lets go discuss what to do next year.
More rehash with coffee this time and then Matty shows some locals cheering on the Lag bros. Marty likes the lady saying they are cute... sweet moment!
So they don't have any new info on the items found... didn't make it back from the lab yet, shucks! But they do have a game plan for next year.... search the island!
I guess I was hoping for something but didn't get anything from the "Special"... sad. Did anyone get anything from this episode that I missed?

I didn't record last night to watch. by the guide description,
it looked like it was just another Rerun. called New.( it said enhanced episode :( )
I'm not sure I will be watching next year. I'm still Disgusted with their Lie on the Rail Road Spike.
which makes every other i.d. they made suspicious also.

But they do have a game plan for next year.... search the island!
did they actually say this ? I would like to at least know they gave up on the pits
before I watch again

Has anyone made the connection that the final 7th member that's suppose to die on Oak island is dead!

Did no one make the Fred Nolan connection.
He devoted his entire Life to finding that treasure, moved there and everything.... So technically didn't his entire Life become Life long hunt on Oak island.... So even though time took him he still died in his hunt...

This means the Laguna's(spelling) will be successful I can feel it.....

Good luck guys
Apparently from another source one of the film crew past away season 2-3. So yeah. Also im sure alot more has passed on since that was made up.
Kinda like the treasure will be reveiled when the last oak tree is gone. And so on

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Hay I just saw the show were they found some tin and metal and they found 2 nuts but didn't show them that good . They looked 5 sided , and that makes them newer. Did anyone get a good at them . 4 sided nut is old.

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So they don't have any new info on the items found... didn't make it back from the lab yet.
Which is another way of saying they show nothing older then remnants of previous treasure searchers.. But do not want to give up on next season by telling the viewers that... So they can leave it hanging. Because it is completely false to say 'not back from the lab yet' in that this was filmed months and months ago. They could of easily added in on the end what the lab results showed. They simply chose not too... Only explanation is the results showed nothing of any significance. If they had shown the stuff was from 1400's we would of been told.

So what are they going to do next season? Only thing left that would be of any interest is if they remove there metal pipes and freeze the ground so they can properly dig the pit. But if there finding do not show anything pre about 1750 what is the point?.....

Thanks to all that have contributed to this awesome thread.. It has been great fun and very informative.

I will miss the chatting with my new friends from treasurenet....

In my mind based on what I have seen and read I think the following.

1. The 'most plausible' story of treasure in the pit was the one told by the sisters. So if treasure did exist there it left the day the three guys first found the pit. Everyone else has just been diging an empty hole
2. Smith cove and the beach was probably built as part of a naval stores/fishing/lumber/shipping operation. The artificial beach was made to dry something. Probably sea food
3. Nolans cross may have be built by the slaves who were under the control of the Jesuits who owned the above operations.
4. The original water in the pit at 100 foot is most likely due to soil liquefaction caused by earth tremors.
5. There are no shortage of kooks and loonies in the world that are happy to share there totally ridiculous fantasies on the TV.
6. Marty does not any longer think treasure is still there on OI
7. Rick will never accept that treasure is not on OI
8. Treasurenet had some awesome members....

So once again thanks to all that have participated.....

Thanks to all that have contributed to this awesome thread.. It has been great fun and very informative.

I will miss the chatting with my new friends from treasurenet....

In my mind based on what I have seen and read I think the following.

1. The 'most plausible' story of treasure in the pit was the one told by the sisters. So if treasure did exist there it left the day the three guys first found the pit. Everyone else has just been diging an empty hole
2. Smith cove and the beach was probably built as part of a naval stores/fishing/lumber/shipping operation. The artificial beach was made to dry something. Probably sea food
3. Nolans cross may have be built by the slaves who were under the control of the Jesuits who owned the above operations.
4. The original water in the pit at 100 foot is most likely due to soil liquefaction caused by earth tremors.
5. There are no shortage of kooks and loonies in the world that are happy to share there totally ridiculous fantasies on the TV.
6. Marty does not any longer think treasure is still there on OI
7. Rick will never accept that treasure is not on OI
8. Treasurenet had some awesome members....

So once again thanks to all that have participated.....

Great post! Only one problem.... #5 is not believable at all!
It was good discussing things with you, had fun but I think I am done with the show.
I have the Arc and the Chalice... I don't need much else...

I didn't record last night to watch. by the guide description,
it looked like it was just another Rerun. called New.( it said enhanced episode :( )
I'm not sure I will be watching next year. I'm still Disgusted with their Lie on the Rail Road Spike.
which makes every other i.d. they made suspicious also.

did they actually say this ? I would like to at least know they gave up on the pits
before I watch again

I wanted to sum up the hour I wasted as I could have been watching paint dry but I picked the OI show. They are gonna drain the swamp again, keep digging at the MP, look into 10X again, detect lot 24 again... pretty much drag another season out rehashing the rehash of rehashes!

Apparently from another source one of the film crew past away season 2-3. So yeah. Also im sure alot more has passed on since that was made up.
Kinda like the treasure will be reveiled when the last oak tree is gone. And so on

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

You will never meet the "7 must die" quota... there will always be something else! Total BS! But to test it out, push someone with a shovel down the hole and see if any gold appears.

Hay I just saw the show were they found some tin and metal and they found 2 nuts but didn't show them that good . They looked 5 sided , and that makes them newer. Did anyone get a good at them . 4 sided nut is old.

I only saw 1 - 5 sided nut. Well, along with the 7 nuts sitting in the War room!!!!
That stuff is new no matter what the Expert says.

What a waste of an hour, and I honestly feel duped. It's like spending 3 hours watching the Oscars and then the presenters tell us that the votes haven't been counted yet. The previews clearly showed that the items found at the 4th drill site would be dated. However, the only thing we got is the one guy telling us that the wood found in 10X was C-14 tested and the "Earliest" dates were from the 1600/1700's. What the heck does that mean? So basically if 8 out of the 10 tests showed the wood being dated from 1975, they chose to go with the erroneous earlier dates instead? How about telling us the entire range.

The more I think about last week, the more I'm starting to believe that the PHD lady completely made up or exaggerated all her findings. Every answer she gave was skewed on the side of something significant being on Oak Island to help sell Season 5. Again, even if it turns out that she's mistaken, I highly doubt her career would be in jeopardy since she's an expert in art. For instance, as a Civil (Hydraulics) Engineer for the past 22 years, if someone asked me a question about electrical engineering regarding electrical circuits and I was wrong with my analyses, I highly doubt it would cause our company to lose faith in my hydraulic engineering skills. Worse case scenario, they'll just laugh it off and say never ask Ed an electrical engineering related question again since that's not his area of expertise.

So moving on to Season 5, Marty and crew will basically repeat what Dunfield did at the island and just dig up everything. Not only that, but now they'll be looking for a magical door / shaft near Nolan's cross. That's just great!

What a waste of an hour, and I honestly feel duped. It's like spending 3 hours watching the Oscars and then the presenters tell us that the votes haven't been counted yet. The previews clearly showed that the items found at the 4th drill site would be dated. However, the only thing we got is the one guy telling us that the wood found in 10X was C-14 tested and the "Earliest" dates were from the 1600/1700's. What the heck does that mean? So basically if 8 out of the 10 tests showed the wood being dated from 1975, they chose to go with the erroneous earlier dates instead? How about telling us the entire range.

The more I think about last week, the more I'm starting to believe that the PHD lady completely made up or exaggerated all her findings. Every answer she gave was skewed on the side of something significant being on Oak Island to help sell Season 5. Again, even if it turns out that she's mistaken, I highly doubt her career would be in jeopardy since she's an expert in art. For instance, as a Civil (Hydraulics) Engineer for the past 22 years, if someone asked me a question about electrical engineering regarding electrical circuits and I was wrong with my analyses, I highly doubt it would cause our company to lose faith in my hydraulic engineering skills. Worse case scenario, they'll just laugh it off and say never ask Ed an electrical engineering related question again since that's not his area of expertise.

So moving on to Season 5, Marty and crew will basically repeat what Dunfield did at the island and just dig up everything. Not only that, but now they'll be looking for a magical door / shaft near Nolan's cross. That's just great!

The one thing I noticed with the art expert is everyone after her, Marty, Dan, etc. all said "if she is right about the date". Everyone of them, as if they were covering their own asses so they could come back later and say "that's what the expert said". None of them out right said the cross is old or even agreed that the expert was right. It seems they were being a little cautious with their words.

The one thing I noticed with the art expert is everyone after her, Marty, Dan, etc. all said "if she is right about the date". Everyone of them, as if they were covering their own asses so they could come back later and say "that's what the expert said". None of them out right said the cross is old or even agreed that the expert was right. It seems they were being a little cautious with their words.

It's probably because they know she's been planted by the show to exaggerate the findings. If she's wrong (which is likely the case), we just won't see her next year (unlike Marty and crew). I think the show runners know that they can only milk one more season out of this show and will pull out all the stops to convince viewers that something is there, so they can tune in. If that means that an art expert will lose her credibility in dating metal objects, then so be it.

I wanted to sum up the hour I wasted as I could have been watching paint dry but I picked the OI show. They are gonna drain the swamp again, keep digging at the MP, look into 10X again, detect lot 24 again... pretty much drag another season out rehashing the rehash of rehashes!

You will never meet the "7 must die" quota... there will always be something else! Total BS! But to test it out, push someone with a shovel down the hole and see if any gold appears.

I only saw 1 - 5 sided nut. Well, along with the 7 nuts sitting in the War room!!!!
That stuff is new no matter what the Expert says.

I have some nuts here, I think it's from my great great grand father from the 1700's ...


or maybe from my father's tools box ...
Can't remember it's too old :laughing7:

So any word on that bone they found in the slurry of 10x.

I have some nuts here, I think it's from my great great grand father from the 1700's ...

View attachment 1421181

or maybe from my father's tools box ...
Can't remember it's too old :laughing7:

What's this? Lost ancient nuts? Dating back to the 16th Century?
Where they used to secure the Arc during shipment?
Could this tie sasquash to discovering America?

:occasion14: Good one!

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