Searching for Roanokes lost colony

Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

Yo! ;D ;D ;D A right interesting "read", kenb. What I remember about "sailing" the "high seas" is that some "expendables" were "thrown" overboard to lighten the load of ships in crisis, such as a storm, or if ship is "sinking"... that cannon MAY have been thrown off a BRIT. ship, "back then"... or even a Spanish ship to "hurry up & get SOUTH" to Georgia or Florida... looking for GOLD... ;D

Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

Rebel - KGC said:
Yo! ;D ;) ("High-Test" smile...): No "ghost", eh? Ah well... (turning off TWILIGHT ZONE theme...); Yeah, Tuscarora Tribal Nation started in North Carolina, until Brits. "wiped most of 'em out" (such VIOLENCE!!!); survivors of Tribe went NORTH to New York to join rest of 'em. See this web-site... :) There was a Tuscarora War, too... when & where, NOT sure, BUT! some descendants of "Lost Colony" survivors MAY be living in New York, today... as we "speak"... gotta do MORE DNA "testing"... :o ::)

during the Tuscarora War they nearly whiped out the village (now town of New Bern NC) seems if I recall New Bern was mainly Dutch at the time.

Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

Any one read this book? I would like to know if it's worth checking out.

'Roanoke' book solves the mystery of North Carolina's Lost Colony

Date published: 10/2/2007

This is in response to a recent AP article about the famous "Lost Colony" of Roanoke, N.C., which disappeared in 1587 ["Lost Colony still defies discovery," Sept. 23].

The article was a bit of a mystery itself. Apparently, the author, the experts, and the amateurs mentioned in the article have never heard of Lee Miller's book, "Roanoke," which was published in 2000 and solves the mystery.

Written in a lively and entertaining way using quotes from many 16th- and 17th-century English and Native American sources, the author exposes the many political intrigues of Queen Elizabeth's court as well as the activities of some of the local Native American tribes during the same period.

Anyone who wants to know the real story behind the Lost Colony's fate will enjoy the book.

Jeannette Episcopo Stafford

Date published: 10/2/2007


Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

Yo! :( That "linK" didn't work; it was an interview with Lee Miller, and I WOULD check out her book; started to buy it a few years ago, but got SEARCHING FOR VIRGINIA DARE by Majorie Hudson, instead. Will look into Lee's book, also... ;)

Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony...

Yo! ;D ("High-Test" smile... "wake-up, REGULAR coffee"...): THANKS, Charles, Oak Island, N.C. for that link... I put it on "favorites"; gotta get to a POW-WOW, soon. ;) ANYWAY...From SEARCHING FOR VIRGINIA DARE by Majorie Hudson, p. 74... "Beechlander legend"... "Eight miles from Roanoke Island in the middle of a swamp, was a piece of high ground called Beechland, 'one of the most secluded places in North Carolina.' The settlers cleared hundred acres of land...." (get it and read MORE...) THIS is the Northern group of "Lost Colonists" that ended up with the Chesapeake Nation in southern Hampton Rhodes area (later to be "wiped out' by the Powhatan Confederacy...); Ray, is this near the "boat" area in Great Dismal? DUNNO... back to Charles... reading about New Bern, N.C. brought back memories of being down there to see "extended' family, years ago; stopped there at the "fork", (restuarant there) and got TWO Pork Bar-B-Q sandwiches with Vinegar, etc. GREAT!!! I will NEVER look at a Pork Bar-B-Q sandwich the same again... if it ain't "North Carolins style", I don't want it... ;) ;D 8) (SUNNY out...).

Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

The above article I posted is misinforming. I checked out Lee Millers book and it looks like a good read but it's just another theory. It dosen't solve anything.


Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony...

Rebel - KGC said:
Yo! ;D ("High-Test" smile... "wake-up, REGULAR coffee"...): THANKS, Charles, Oak Island, N.C. for that link... I put it on "favorites"; gotta get to a POW-WOW, soon. ;) ANYWAY...From SEARCHING FOR VIRGINIA DARE by Majorie Hudson, p. 74... "Beechlander legend"... "Eight miles from Roanoke Island in the middle of a swamp, was a piece of high ground called Beechland, 'one of the most secluded places in North Carolina.' The settlers cleared hundred acres of land...." (get it and read MORE...) THIS is the Northern group of "Lost Colonists" that ended up with the Chesapeake Nation in southern Hampton Rhodes area (later to be "wiped out' by the Powhatan Confederacy...); Ray, is this near the "boat" area in Great Dismal? DUNNO... back to Charles... reading about New Bern, N.C. brought back memories of being down there to see "extended' family, years ago; stopped there at the "fork", (restuarant there) and got TWO Pork Bar-B-Q sandwiches with Vinegar, etc. GREAT!!! I will NEVER look at a Pork Bar-B-Q sandwich the same again... if it ain't "North Carolins style", I don't want it... ;) ;D 8) (SUNNY out...).

Next time you head down that way and if you go through Wilson or Greenville NC stop at Parkers BBQ and taste some of the best BBQ you can find. Also next time in New Bern., down by the river was a Viking boat used by Tony Curtis in the filming of a movie. Also when in New Bern you are only about 30 min from Chocowinity (north on 17) where the probable Croatan village is. I have some cousins in Vanceboro who are descendent's of the Tuscarora tribe (on their fathers side).

Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

Found some interesting articles while researching some old newspapers.

Did anyone know that a rock/crystal was found with a message that may have been engraved by White's daughter? According to this one newspaper article, they found such a crystal.

Also an article I found when they discovered Fort Raleigh and some on Sir Richard Grenville.

Click on my WEBSITE and it will take you to where I post my articles. I haven't uploaded them yet, but will do so after this message is posted. Give me about 15 minutes from this posting....thanks! (PS: They have been posted :))...enjoy!!!!

Oh...another PS: If when you click on the album THE LOST COLONY and then click on the article you wish to read....when that photo comes up in another page...on the right hand side you will see FULL on that. When that page comes up...scroll your mouse over the pic and you will see an icon on the bottom on that and it will enlarge the photo!, enjoy!!!!!!!

Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

Ron and Ann said:
Found some interesting articles while researching some old newspapers.

Did anyone know that a rock/crystal was found with a message that may have been engraved by White's daughter? According to this one newspaper article, they found such a crystal.

Also an article I found when they discovered Fort Raleigh and some on Sir Richard Grenville.

Click on my WEBSITE and it will take you to where I post my articles. I haven't uploaded them yet, but will do so after this message is posted. Give me about 15 minutes from this posting....thanks! (PS: They have been posted :))...enjoy!!!!

Oh...another PS: If when you click on the album THE LOST COLONY and then click on the article you wish to read....when that photo comes up in another page...on the right hand side you will see FULL on that. When that page comes up...scroll your mouse over the pic and you will see an icon on the bottom on that and it will enlarge the photo!, enjoy!!!!!!!
heard about the rock a while back, it's a little questionable.

Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

Charles said:
Ron and Ann said:
Found some interesting articles while researching some old newspapers.

Did anyone know that a rock/crystal was found with a message that may have been engraved by White's daughter? According to this one newspaper article, they found such a crystal.

Also an article I found when they discovered Fort Raleigh and some on Sir Richard Grenville.

Click on my WEBSITE and it will take you to where I post my articles. I haven't uploaded them yet, but will do so after this message is posted. Give me about 15 minutes from this posting....thanks! (PS: They have been posted :))...enjoy!!!!

Oh...another PS: If when you click on the album THE LOST COLONY and then click on the article you wish to read....when that photo comes up in another page...on the right hand side you will see FULL on that. When that page comes up...scroll your mouse over the pic and you will see an icon on the bottom on that and it will enlarge the photo!, enjoy!!!!!!!
heard about the rock a while back, it's a little questionable.

I posted the article I found about it.....interesting :)

Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

Cool website Ann!, I couldn't find the article on the rock though. Can you give me a little direction? thanks!!


Re: Searching for Roanoak's lost colony

kenb said:
Cool website Ann!, I couldn't find the article on the rock though. Can you give me a little direction? thanks!!


Thanks Kenb...I thought that would be easier for folks to view the articles and I don't have to down size them to put on here....if I did, you would not be able to read them!

Anyways...THE LOST COLONY folder....the file name is grenville's actually the 12th article in the album. You will have to FULL SIZE the pic to read it. I wonder if that crystal rock is still around? Never heard of it till I found this article.

Re: Searching for Roanoke's lost colony

Mysteries of the Lost Colony and A New World: England's First View of America from the British Museum
(opens October 20)
Examination of the disappearance of the 1587 English settlement on Roanoke Island, highlighted by the British Museum's traveling exhibition of original John White watercolors.

This is the place where the ring and a few other artifacts from hubby's property will be on display with John White's paintings....gonna' make plans to get down there and check it out! Be so cool to see his artifacts in a museum on display!!!!!!!!!!

Two of those stones will also be on display :) Cool...can't wait to see them!

Re: Searching for Roanoke's lost colony

Thats fantastic Ann, get some pics for me!


Re: Searching for Roanoke's lost colony

Yo! ;D YEAH! Me, too!! Post 'em on this "thread"!!! I think John White was "imagining" what life would be like if his grand-daughter "went native"... check skin color of ALL female "natives"... "lighter", etc... check & see if ANY "Brit" influence is indicated...

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