
("High-Test" smile... "wake-up, REGULAR coffee"...): THANKS, Charles, Oak Island, N.C. for that link... I put it on "favorites"; gotta get to a POW-WOW, soon.

ANYWAY...From SEARCHING FOR VIRGINIA DARE by Majorie Hudson, p. 74... "Beechlander legend"... "Eight miles from Roanoke Island in the middle of a swamp, was a piece of high ground called Beechland, 'one of the most secluded places in North Carolina.' The settlers cleared hundred acres of land...." (get it and read MORE...) THIS is the Northern group of "Lost Colonists" that ended up with the Chesapeake Nation in southern Hampton Rhodes area (later to be "wiped out' by the Powhatan Confederacy...); Ray, is this near the "boat" area in Great Dismal? DUNNO... back to Charles... reading about New Bern, N.C. brought back memories of being down there to see "extended' family, years ago; stopped there at the "fork", (restuarant there) and got TWO Pork Bar-B-Q sandwiches with Vinegar, etc. GREAT!!! I will NEVER look at a Pork Bar-B-Q sandwich the same again... if it ain't "North Carolins style", I don't want it...

8) (SUNNY out...).