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Riverpie, we had exactly the same situation at a ghost town once. 4 of us had gathered to hunt some ruins (walls and foundations), and were having a good time. We'd found some good trade tokens (inc. a few worth up to $200 collectible value). After awhile, a guy on an ATV rode up and told us we couldn't detect there, d/t it was private property. He told us we could hunt across the street, at some other ruins, as that was Railroad right-of-way property. At first, we were bummed because were in a hot-spot, and felt like there was more to find in this lot we were hunting. So we tried to talk the fellow into it, showed him some stuff we'd found, engaged him in small-talk, etc... Turns out he was only a caretaker. He wanted to say yes, but was under duty to usher us on. So he says this with a 'wink-wink': "I'll tell you what: I get off work in 1 hr, and the owners are out of town this weekend, so what I don't see after 5pm, won't bother me" After he leaves, I joyously announce to my fellow hunters "Bingo! We just wait here till after 5pm, and continue the hunt". But one of the hunters took exception to that, as if we were somehow doing something wrong. Personally, I took the "wink wink" as a green light. Others would shy away. I dunno.

Oh, and in regards to the above story, if you think of it, I guess you'd have to ask the Railroad bureaucrats before walking or detecting near their RR tracks, out in the middle of nowhere, in the desert? It can get downright ridiculous.

I believe that you shouldn't detect when school is in session. But where I am from (Northern Michigan) weekends, holidays, and especially summer break, it is fair game for everyone to use the grounds for their pleasure.

In my area the schools have signs up stating that the grounds are to be used for school related activities only . If they didn't I would help myself unless , untill someone in authority told me I couldn't .

I'd say the "wink wink" was an official liability warning in case you got caught to cover his butt. Thus if you got hurt, you're on your own.
We have a similar situation here with some houses that are in the process of being torn down. They don't want us hunting while the houses are up even though they're abandoned for the liability and the fact that vagrants were breaking in to get out of the weather. They wanted us to wait till torn down to hunt the yards which by then were all torn up and the top soil was covered by heavy clay from the deeper depths.

I hunt the public schools when not in session. I do in fact have permission to hunt them. Their response is that it is a public school so they don't see any problems as long as I am not destructive. The groundskeepers have inspected my work and commented that they have a hard time locating where I have dug.

I hunt all the public schools here and do not need permission. I am careful to make sure that I do not dig anywhere on the manicured grounds. Any keys or persdonalized items I turn into the school.
I have run into the principals of these schools on several occasions and they have thanked me for getting the scrap metal,dangerous items etc out of the play areas. I have found razors,knives,scissors,shredded metal in the play areas and always throw it out.
I do not hunt during school hours as we have a code also for lockdown, although most of the teachers,janitors and staff already familiar with who I am.

I have hunted many of the schools in several towns, large and small. No one has ever said boo to me about being there. Of course I only go after school and on weekends. One man who was the father of one of the athletes asked me once if I knew I was on school property. I told him of course I knew since I paid for it. Not another word was said. The maintenance suprentendant of the local school system asked me if he could call me some time to help him locate some lines and some manhole covers and I of course volunteered. He never has called however. As long as it it not a private school and you take care to leave it as you found it I doubt if you will ever run into a problem. M :) nty

Here in Louisiana we pay a school tax with a small percentage of our sales taxes. I still pay this every time I go kids no longer go to school........ so I feel I have the right to use the schools during the summer,lol...afterall....I'm still paying for them lol

Here in Louisiana we pay a school tax with a small percentage of our sales taxes. I still pay this every time I go kids no longer go to school........ so I feel I have the right to use the schools during the summer,lol...afterall....I'm still paying for them lol

Hey dale3fan28, this is an OLD post :)

Anyhow, if others use the school yard for things like jogging the track, using the swings, flying a kite, etc.... then it would seem to me that .... "others are using the school yard".

It gets complicated, because those of us who are on the "ugly side of 50" remember when schools were ALWAYS just the automatic defacts playground after school. When school was over, we'd often go back and play on the fitness equipment, play ball, etc... There were never any fences in those days.

But starting in the late 1970s and into the '80s (depending on where in the USA you are), fences started appearing. Nothing to do with metal detecting mind-you (any-more-so than any other activity that might have gone on), but simply because in the litigical age we live in, someone can slip and sue the school, blah blah blah. But oddly, those fences (and the obligatory signs no one pays attention to) never seemed to stop the school yards from continuting to be used in the same fashion. There is always a turn-style entrance, or a wide spot in the gate, and .... to this day .... it will not be unusual to see someone shooting hoops, or jogging the track, or walking their dog.

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