Scary Parts of Town


Sr. Member
May 2, 2005
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I've been doing some research about my little town of Birmingham. My research identified a little town that was merged into Birmingham in the early 1900s. So this town existed around 1880-1900. I've located the remants of the old city hall. While it's a mess, the lot next two it has recently been cleared and is just screaming out to be hunted.

The problem is that this is in a scary part of town. There's a machine shop down at the end of the street and he said it's not to unsafe anymore, but....let's just say I would stick out like a sore thumb. As I was driving around in that part of town I noticed lots of abandoned lots.

Are these old vacant lots in what was the old part of the city worthwhile? If I could find a couple of other hunters I would probably feel ok, but not by myself.

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I live near Detroit, MI., lots of history. I noticed alot of construction in the areas that hold alot of that history, but they to are in the bad part of town. I wonder why that seems to be the case.

"Worth it?" ? ? ? Not to Nana!.........I lived in the burbs of Birmingham for 18 years and had a lovely home, great neighbors, great schools.....till ......
It's not worth risking your life or any of your valuables to find a few tokens in those kinds of neighborhoods.....

Nana learned her lesson...... and moved back to the country! ?I'll do just fine finding horse shoes and nails! ?;)

I'm just so happy to be here! ?;D

Nana ?:)

Worthwhile? Probably not


  • soldier.gif
    83.4 KB · Views: 288
Actually gang I disagree.while some areas are a little scary you can still act and feel safe in most enviroments.
1. Get permission to hunt the Property.
2. Go with two other people and make sure you have a cell phone on you.
3. Make sure you drive thru the area and find the local police officer on duty and let him know you are going to be on this lot and with
4.You did the research so contact the local historical society and ask besides coins what artifacts they may be interested in if you found something or what to look for.Maybe you will find a friend in this group and maybe they would give you more insight into the area.
5. If there are younger kids playing in the area it cant be that unsafe during the day. Also most crimes like this are crimes of convienance and not planned out. Go early in the morning when the crack heads are really out of it and the thugs are sleeping in as usual.
Rmember the odds are in your favor and having a friend and calling the Police and finding out who they all are will make for a nice safe trip.

You bring up some very good points....

Getting with the local police, so they could drive by is a great idea. They might also let me know if it just looks scary or if it is dangerous. The local historical society is another great idea! That could not only lend some advice and a buddy, but adds to your credibility. The spot I'm interested in is only a few blocks from the local precinct.

Floater has made some excellent points and logic should indicate that he is correct. However, I respectfully disagree.

One time I detected in one such area and found myself surrounded by 4 young men who asked me to leave "their" park. I do not know what would have happened if I had not had a large butcher knife in my hand.
After that I did some "soul" searching and concluded I was an idiot for being there. The recovered 38 cents in my pocket was not worth a trip to the hospital or morgue.

The point is that we are just guys and gals having fun playing with our toys. Nothing serious. We do this to get away from the pressures of life not to find new ones. If you are uncomfortable in an area, are concerned about your safety, or don't like to make precautions to rival that of a patrol in Baghdad you are obviously not having fun. You see our finds are irreverent.? Odds are on an average day you are not going to find enough to pay for your gas.? It is the enjoyable experience of MDing. If you are not enjoying yoursself under those conditions why are you out there detecting?

So it is an individual decision. Floater would probably have a great time but a lot of us(including myself) would not.


I agree with floater and free.wellthought of plan.I'd do it.But be careful as with anything and youll be fine.

Hi,as u know i live in Huntsville. I have hunted some pretty scary areas with out permission before ::) mostly bc im 13 and the innocent "but i didnt know that was illegal, im just a child" still works most of the time. Take a friend. Bring a knife. Instead of using a gardening shovel use a full size shovel u can guess what that might be used for ::). And also be aware of gangsters which alot of times empty lots or old run down parks/playgrounds are there "selling grounds"Another caution: I have dug up a few times drug needles which wouldn't be good if you stabbed your self and other drug paraphernalia (cant spell sorry). Just my $0.02 from the streets of huntsville lol. O ya if ya know any dealers ask them of area and make sure its not a gangsters territory. 8) And I know ur all wondering how i know this because im only 13. Well its called HMS my school. Yes there are delars, gangsters, etc. there.

P.S. I also have a INCREADABLE tool to my usage. Its called a police scanner. I advise everyone gets one and carries it with them. A few times it has saved me although i was doing NOTHING ILLEGAL >:(. I can remember hearing "Alpha 1890, 10-63 (be on the look out for) A juvenile with a metal detector 10-97 (area of) Sirrea Blvd." Then thinking RUN!!!!!! Also vise versa. Example: Delta 2587, 10-51 (domestic disturbance) Guy with 10-49 (gun) chasing wife down the street of Sirrea Blvd." (Same place im MDing and no i wasnt any of them i was a innocent bystander). Once again thinking and DOING; RUN!!!! Or robbery or bomb threat in area. Relly helps be aware before something happens to you. Actuall thats not my 2 cents, thats my life savings. (not much)

Logic does not always dictate our course. BakerGeol makes some very good points. The point was he was alone and did not feel safe. I did not suggest this nor would I . Prizm also makes some good points and regardless of his age I like his point of view. As far as the Scanner goes Prizm give it up. LOL Your advice though on the needles and gang territory is relevant though and a good thought. If you have a chance Alabama Dan Go to the spot at night and drive thru the area and see where the hangouts are and what elements don't look good. Remember I never said alone. I will add that I am in no way condoning violence but I am not going to be held hostage in my own town or state.Do as you see fit and like Baker said we are here to enjoy and even relax with this hobby. but don't let someone run your life and force decisions you would later regret. The world is full of good intentions but the road to success is paved with deeds done.

alabamadan; If you decide to go, i have one question for you.
Can i have your detector?
I've hunted in some pretty bad parts of various citys. Oakland, Calif. murder capitol of the U.S. 2 or more times. Is one of those. When i hunt in a bad area, it's only because, from what i know of the site, i'm confident enough about finding the older more desirable coins. You won't see me in there looking for clad. I always stay aware of my surroundings and things moving. If there's a group hanging out nearby, i'll change my hunting pattern so they'll be to my side and not behind.
Everybodys advice and your own judgement should get you through just fine.
Do you use a lesche or gator digger? It's just so i'll know if i want to ask if i can have it too.
You probably won't have any use for them anymore. Good luck HH

turn your hat around backwards,, put on a malcolm-x shirt, pull your britches down so your butt crack shows, set you a boom box on the ground playing some tupac shakur and you will fit right in.......just for good measure you might have a friend sitting in a van down the block with an ar-15.........its all fun...............gldhntr

Glock, I don't leave home without it, and always be aware of your surroundings!. Also somthing else to consider is stray bullets. In just the last 3 wks, 2 kids ages 5 and 8 were hit by stray (drive by) bullets. The 5 yr old was struck in the head and died, and the 8 yr old was hit in the arm playing in his bedroom by strays.

I guess it depends were you live too.

I've hunted some bad area's but not like the other day. Stay away from the places homeless and tweekers frequent!!
I got a needle in my knee and yogi got one in his foot! Yogi is fine but my right knee has doubled in size, guess I'll be going to the doc today

I agree with Floater,

I've done some of the best/oldest areas in town that are now, and have been for a long time (run down, and not too safe) and at the wrong time of day/night I'd stick out like a sore thumb too!

The trick is to take at least 1 other person with you, a baseball bat or 2, have cell phones, know your area/s, and do them in the 6 to 7 AM hrs of morning!

Crackheads, and thugs are just going to sleep at these times after being up all night and or for days on end, and you pretty much have the areas to yourself! I've done it a lot of times (inc. alone, but not recommended).

These areas hold great numbers of coins/relics, etc. that haven't been found yet because of the risk factors for the avg. detectorist, and because of the low income factor for the people who now live in these areas. At one time (as with most large cities) the bad sections of town were the 1st & are the oldest parts, and they were once where the elite/wealthy lived until slowly but surely, they were over taken, and became run down.

I would like to add,

it helps if you have attitude, dress for the occasion, how you look as a person, and what you drive to the site/s-- (I mean)

if you pull up in a Lexus or a soccer mom SUV wearing clothes from Hudson's or JC Pennies, and are obviously from the "Burbs", you may find yourself in a world of "xoxo"!

On the other hand,

if you pull up in a BIG muddy 4x4 (like me) with a buddy listening to Metallica screaming out angry words in a disgruntled voice, and you're both 200+ lbs and both have tatts on your arms, you look like Buff construction workers (because you actually are/were) that could kick some serious a$$ wearing tanktops, and jeans, carrying shovels that look like they could chop off a head-- it helps!! lol ;D

lonewolfe said:
it helps if you have attitude, dress for the occasion, how you look as a person, and what you drive to the site...if you pull up in a BIG muddy 4x4 (like me) with a buddy listening to Metallica screaming out angry words in a disgruntled voice, and you're both 200+ lbs ...carrying shovels that look like they could chop off a head-- it helps!! lol ;D

That's right! Where I'm going today is in a questionable part of the Atlanta area. I'll let ya know.

Personally, I can't have fun if I am looking over my shoulder/worrying, so I wouldn't bother to go...

I say a silver half isn't worth the risk...

if you pull up in a Lexus or a soccer mom SUV wearing clothes from Hudson's or JC Pennies, and are obviously from the "Burbs", you may find yourself in a world of "xoxo"!


I was going to tell AlabamaDan to show up in his Bermuda shorts and black socks with a striped short sleeve shirt and a fishing hat.
and to finish the outfit off a pair of black shoes. I think they would laugh and leave em alone. LOL
Then again this guy is for hire I here.


  • superman.webp
    14.5 KB · Views: 223
ROFLAMAO! Great Float! The gangbangers an thugs would be laughin to hard to mug ya with this dude with ya!

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